Dead End? Find a New Way

Tuesday, December 29, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Today I'm experiencing a dead end on something I've been working on for these past 2,5 months. Yep, right in the 3rd day before the new year. Unexpected present? Maybe... But because of it I got something to write on this blog :)

When I knew what had happened today, I realized that I have 2 options, to regret and being skeptical, or to see it as an opportunity to start all over again, to have a new beginning (which is should be an improved one since I have gained more knowledge than what I had when I started for the first time). I chose the later :)

Suddenly I think about another area of my life that had found a kinda similar dead end. Unfortunately, I haven't made a good choice on this. Because since that happened, I have been skeptical. I hope for a new opportunity, but deep inside I didn't believe that hope. I doubted that I will find and walk in a bright new path.

I know this is must be God's way to wake me up :) I have to make my decision right now, before the 2009 ends... Maybe He wants to open the new road for me in that area in 2010 :) I'm just hoping :p Thank You God ^.^


Follow Me on Twitter

Monday, December 14, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Yup! Many bloggers have converted to tweeple (twitter people) now.
Lately since I'm on Twalk I also become one of them :p

So if any of you wondering why I don't update this blog as much as before, that's because I spend my time more on Twitter now. I know, for most Indonesian, Twitter hasn't won over Facebook. Plus, many people still think that Twitter is just for updating status (like updating status on facebook). They haven't experienced Twitter as a place to share massive information and to get in touch so much easier with other people from all around the world in real time. But it's already so popular out there because of it's features. Simple but powerful :p

I will be very very happy if my friends start using Twitter instead of just Facebook :p

I hope there will be more and more Indonesian actively use Twitter in 2010 :p

If you already have Twitter account, then you can follow me @fifisunari
If you don't have Twitter account, then what are you waiting for? Go and make one :)


God's Way Is Right

Friday, December 11, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

(by Max Lucado)

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they will not overflow you." Isaiah 43:2-3 NASB

God knows what is best. No struggle will come your way apart from His purpose, presence, and permission. What encouragement this brings!

You are never the victim of nature or the prey of fate. Chance is eliminated. You are more than a weather vane whipped about by the winds of fortune. Would God truly abandon you to the whims of drug-crazed thieves, greedy corporate raiders, or evil leaders?
Perish the thought!

We live beneath the protective palm of a sovereign King who superintends every circumstance of our lives and delights in doing us good.

Nothing comes your way that has not first passed through the filter of his love.



Friday, December 11, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

It's been a long time...
I don't write a lot lately because I'm learning on something.

Sometimes I really want to relax, just enjoy a hot chocolate milk in the morning (I'm not a coffee lover :p) and writing post on my blog. But my days recently quite busy.

I'm not complaining though, it's fun to learn new things, to walk on a journey (success is a journey rite? :p) I just want to give this quick update to let you know that I'm still alive and online :p

Okay, just that.
This is definitely the shortest post I've ever made :)
I have to work on my office's tasks now. Bye and take care :)


Confession and Conclusion :p

Thursday, December 03, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Okay, I admit, today I got my mind screwed up with
jealousy and self pity. It all started when I found out that some of
my friends and also some people I don't really know got more $ than me
in 2 online areas. One from the program I'm working on and another
from a program in Facebook application.

I felt that no matter how hard I learn and give my best efforts (well
at least I'm doing as much as I can) I still can't get good results.
Other people who don't do it the hard way seem to get great results
easier. It might a bit similar with the parable of the workers in the
vineyard on Matthew 20:1-16. Only to me it felt like I'm the only one
who get the least among all (too dramatic isn't it? :p). The rest... I
had to confess to Him that I thought He is not being fair to me :p I
know it's not true, I was just being honest with what I was thinking
to Him.

You see, I have a habit to pour out my troubled mind and mixed
feelings first so I can think more clearly. So I wrote a post on my
private blog (no one knows and no one can see it except me :p). And
after I got home from office I read these scriptures:

"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power,
of love, and of self-discipline
." (2Timothy 1:7)

Strike one. The comparison I did and those self pity thoughts had made
me discouraged. Actually all I need to do is just try again,
experimenting, and re-focus.

"Reflect on what I am saying, for The Lord will give you insight into
all this
." (2Timothy 2:7)

Strike two. He gives me a new hope and promise, He will guide me all
along, just like He always do.

"People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money..." (2Timothy
3:2 - "Godlessness in the Last Days")

He protects me from being one of them, lovers of money... I guess
that's why He didn't let me to get big amount of money fast. So I can
slow down, be patient meanwhile keep the perseverance to do my best
efforts. It's true because last night I had a dream about getting $$$
from the program I'm doing hahaha... It's a sign that it had gotten
too much of my attention :p

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking,
correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may
be thoroughly equipped for every good work
." (2Timothy 3:16-17)

The last is a conclusion :)
He created me for a purpose, and He is equipping me so that I can do
every good work in righteousness. Amen for that :)


The Real Essence of Our Father

Wednesday, December 02, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

(Source: Kerygma Mailing List)

The most common prayer among Christians is the Lord's Prayer. It is one of the first prayers that we get to memorize early in life. It is a prayer that is so rich with meaning and calls the pray-er to a particular responsibility.

When praying it, one cannot miss the fact that it is a prayer that is supposed to be offered communally. Thus, "Our father… Give us this day our daily bread… forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us… Do not bring us to the test, but deliver us..." It speaks of the prayer's supplication not for himself but for others even if he is praying it alone.

We cannot deny the fact that God really listens to all our prayers. Not one prayer is left unanswered. That was Jesus' promise, "Ask and you will receive."

Hence, when we ask for bread He gives it to us. So where does the prayer's responsibility come in? When God heeds his supplication by giving him bread he is expected to share it with others. After all, he prayed not just for his own bread but for "our" daily bread. God responds by giving it to one or some, who then are expected to share.

The event when Jesus gave food to 5.000 people can be understood in the same light. The multitude is hungry. Jesus, in His compassion, multiplied the bread. But He gave them not directly to the multitude but to His apostles. And as He gave the food to them "the disciples gave them to the crowds."

(Fr. Sandy V. Enhaynes)

Reflection Question:
Pray the "Our Father" meditatively and imagine yourself praying it with the rest of humanity.


Mencegah Account Twitter Anda Di-hack

Sunday, November 29, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Saya sudah menemukan ada beberapa account Twitter yang di-hack dan account-account ini digunakan untuk mengirim DM (Direct Message) spam ke semua follower mereka. 

Kok Bisa Sih Di-Hack?

Ada 2 cara account Twitter Anda bisa di-Hack:

1. Account yang sudah di-hack mengirimkan DM ke account Twitter Anda dan bernada mirip seperti yang di bawah ini:
- Hah, this is you? http://URL
- Wow look at this http://URL
- What's your IQ http://URL
Atau variasi yang lain. Intinya, pesan ini tidak ditujukan secara spesifik kepada Anda.

Pesan yang asli biasanya tidak sependek itu dan seharusnya memuat informasi tambahan atau komentar tertentu dari pemilik account Twitter yang mengirimkan DM tersebut kepada Anda. URL atau link yang ada di dalam DM itu juga agak aneh dan bukan atau tiny.url yang umumnya digunakan oleh 99% pengguna Twitter.

2. Anda diarahkan ke situs yang tampilannya mirip Twitter
Anda bisa diarahkan ke situs yang mirip Twitter lewat link atau URL yang Anda klik dari tweet orang lain atau dari DM. Waktu Anda mengklik link yang Anda pikir mengarah ke gambar atau ke situs informasi tertentu, Anda malah diarahkan ke situs yang tampilannya mirip Twitter.Com. Mungkin Anda langsung mengira itu memang Twitter.Com karena tampilannya benar-benar mirip, tapi jangan gampang terjebak.

Seorang scammer telah membuat duplikat dari situs Twitter yang hostingnya di server mereka, sehingga waktu Anda memasukkan username dan password untuk login, mereka meng-copy username dan password Anda lalu mengarahkan Anda ke situs Twitter yang asli. Dan dengan cara ini account Twitter Anda sudah berhasil dihack.

Jangan Sampai Di-Hack!

Cara yang paling gampang untuk mencegah account Twitter Anda di-hack adalah jangan mengklik link yang ada di dalam DM (Direct Message) yang terlihat aneh atau tidak ditujukan spesifik untuk Anda (kelihatan seperti pesan yang ditujukan untuk umum atau disebar secara massal). Untuk lebih amannya, Anda bisa mengirimkan DM kepada pengirim link itu untuk memastikan apakah memang mereka yang mengirimkan link itu kepada Anda (bukannya si hacker). DM yang perlu dicross-check dan diwaspadai adalah DM yang berasal dari orang yang tidak benar-benar Anda kenal atau yang sudah lama tidak berhubungan dengan Anda. (Nggak semua orang yang Anda follow dan yang jadi follower Anda di Twitter benar-benar Anda kenal di dunia nyata kan? :p)    

Ingat bahwa serangan hacker ini hanya berhasil jika Anda langsung saja mengklik setiap link yang dikirimkan lewat DM kepada Anda tanpa pertimbangan atau pemeriksaan terlebih dulu, atau jika Anda langsung saja memasukkan username dan password pada situs yang mirip Twitter.Com tapi sebenarnya palsu (periksa alamat situsnya). Anda perlu berhati-hati karena kalau account Twitter Anda dihack yang jadi korban bukan cuma Anda tapi juga para follower Anda.

Bagaimana Kalau Account Twitter Saya Sudah Terlanjur Di-Hack?

Kalau misalnya account Twitter Anda sudah di-hack, segera ubah password Anda atau minta reset password lewat Twitter Support Site.

Anda bisa follow saya di @im_twalk atau @im_indonesia untuk tips-tips lainnya tentang internet marketing dan social media (termasuk Twitter dan Facebook).

Anda juga bisa Retweet artikel ini untuk menyebarkannya pada teman-teman Anda lewat link di bawah ini.


Calm Sunday

Sunday, November 29, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

I'm just having my time in my dorm today. I really enjoy a calm day like this... Woke up in the morning, made a cup of coffee + chocolate milk, ate some crackers, took a bath and then write a blog post :p After this maybe I will browsing a little bit more, and make fried rice for my lunch and read Joel Osteen's book... and maybe will take a 2 hours nap :p I haven't taken a nap for a long time :p

With the hectic of learning about internet marketing these lately weeks, I've decided that I must have time to be relax, to enhance self improvements by writing and reading certain books. Actually I wanted to go home this weekend, I miss my family and my cat so bad :p but I postponed it to next weekend so I wouldn't be caught up in the traffic jam (last Friday is a holiday to celebrate Idul Adha - moslem's tradition, long weekend) at the Suramadu bridge.

I realize this week I have learnt more things. I learn about Twitter, Hootsuite, Digsby, and even got a Google Wave invitation from Matt Stenning via Twitter :) I've been hoping to get a Google Wave invitation since months ago because I just want to know what it's like and give it a try, finally :p. Tomorrow I will attend Twalk webinar, hopefully my internet connection won't be troubled anymore. If it does, then I guess I will have to be satisfied by the video (downloaded webinar) version like the 1st webinar...

Hope is one thing that enables us to keep moving forward, and choose not to giving up before we give our best efforts.
It's so much powerful if we put our hope not on something meaningless, but onto Someone up there, who owns our life, and on something that has eternal value...
I keep praying for this... and it comforts me to know that He always listen and never leaves me...

I want to share these quotes today:
"To know something is better than not knowing at all. But it is much much better if you take a step further: Taking action based on that knowledge."
The above quote has the same meaning as "To have faith is better than not having it at all. But it doesn't mean anything if you don't turn your faith into action."

It's comforting to know that you are not the one who fights for a better life right? 
Let's do this together and encourage each other :)

Posted via email from Call Me Fay


God Does Big Things with Small Deeds

Friday, November 13, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

(by Max Lucado)
Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin
(Zech. 4:10 NLT).

Just begin!

What seems small to you might be huge to someone else.

Just ask Bohn Fawkes. During World War II, he piloted a B-17. On one mission he sustained flak from Nazi antiaircraft guns. Even though his gas tanks were hit, the plane did not explode, and Fawkes was able to land the plane.

On the morning following the raid, Fawkes asked his crew chief for the German shell. He wanted to keep a souvenir of his incredible good fortune. The crew chief explained that not just one but eleven shells had been found in the gas tanks, none of which had exploded.

Technicians opened the missiles and found them void of explosive charge. They were clean and harmless and with one exception, empty. The exception contained a carefully rolled piece of paper. On it a message had been scrawled in the Czech language. Translated, the note read: “This is all we can do for you now.”

A courageous assembly-line worker was disarming bombs and scribbled the note. He couldn’t end the war, but he could save one plane. He couldn’t do everything, but he could do something. So he did it.

God does big things with small deeds.

Against a towering giant, a brook pebble seems futile. But God used it to topple Goliath. Compared to the tithes of the wealthy, a widow’s coins seem puny. But Jesus used them to inspire us. And in contrast with sophisticated priests and powerful Roman rulers, a cross-suspended carpenter seemed nothing but a waste of life. Few Jewish leaders mourned his death. Only a handful of friends buried his body. The people turned their attention back to the temple. Why not?

What power does a buried rabbi have? We know the answer. Mustard-seed and leaven-lump power. Power to tear away death rags and push away death rocks. Power to change history.

In the hands of God, small seeds grow into sheltering trees. Tiny leaven expands into nourishing loaves.

Small deeds can change the world. Sow the mustard seed. Bury the leaven lump. Make the call. Write the check. Organize the committee.

A Love Worth Giving

Moses had a staff.
David had a sling.
Samson had a jawbone.
Rahab had a string.
Mary had some ointment.
Aaron had a rod.
Dorcas had a needle.
All were used by God.
What do you have?

God inhabits the tiny seed, empowers the tiny deed.
He cures the common life by giving no common life, by offering no common gifts.

Don’t discount the smallness of your deeds.


Making New Priorities

Friday, November 13, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

To make a change, especially a significant change, we need to change our habits and start making new priorities. Either we realize it or not, we often "automatically" doing our daily activities based on priorities we have in our mind. Those priorities become unconciously stronger because we do it over an over again.

That's why it is very important to stop for a while and assess your memories, write down what you do in daily basis (or weekly) and your habits (or repeated reaction towards certain situations), and how many hours you spend for each activity.

We can know our priorities based on things we do, not based on what we think we should have. For example, an extreme one, if you spend almost a day on your job (exclude sleeping time) and only have 1 hour to communicate with your family, then it is obvious that your job is your number one priority.

This is what I'm doing now... I'm trying to renew my priorities since I want to make a significant change. It is not as easy as it says, but I really need to do this. :-) I'm inspired from Shaun Stenning's blog :-)


Learning Internet Marketing

Thursday, November 12, 2009 Fay 2 Comments

I've finally made up my mind... after attending Global Internet Summit at Kowloon Palace (Surabaya) with the speakers: Tung Desem Waringin, Adam Ginsberg, Shaun Stenning. Jaz Lai, Vince Tan, Fabian Lim, and Ken Shimitzu. I will learn internet marketing to be a full time internet marketer. I really want to be financial free and working because I want to, not because I have to.

There are so many people not pursuing their dreams (the dream job that they want to do - because they have passion and talents in it) just because their dream job don't give them enough money to enjoy their life. So they have to work jobs that they don't really like, just so they can survive. I know because I'm one of them. We want to learn and explore more, but most likely we have to "kill" our passion just because we have to earn money to survive. Surviving is not the same with living the life. 

I really want to succeed in internet marketing because it has great opportunities and unlimited space. Plus, I can get more flexibility in time and place. The bible stated in the old testament that 6 years is enough time for someone to be a servant to another person (means to work for somebody else). 2010 will be my 6th year working as an employee. I really want to be free and work for myself. This is my prayer and what I'm pursuing right now.

That's why I learn in Asian Brain, and that's why I attending the 3 days Global Internet Summit, that's why I bought some products, tutorials, and ebooks about specific topics in internet marketing. One of the most expensive product I have ever bought for my entire life until now is the one I bought from Shaun Stenning   That was really big amount for me... but the system I bought is totally brand new. I've googled it and can't find anything about it, just as Shaun said, it is brand new system. So I want to learn it to step ahead.

It's an insanity if we do the same process but we want to get different result. We have to take action, and that's what I'm doing toward the goal... Please support me in your prayers 

Posted via email from Call Me Fay


Obat Jerawat + Seminar

Sunday, November 08, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Tadi dikasih tahu ce Iin soal obat jerawat yang dulu adiknya pake, dia beli online. Ce Iin pake pas jerawatan belakangan ini keringnya cepet. Ko Lung juga pake 'n cepet sembuh. Akhirnya googling deh, nemu jualannya di Forum Kaskus. Aku telpon ce Iin buat mastiin, ternyata bener adiknya dulu juga beli di Kaskus ama Seller itu. Yaudah langsung deh aku sms, transfer 'n konfirm. Hopefully this is the right (and last) solution to my acne ^.^

Abis baca testi-testi di thread-nya banyak yang tokcer juga. Malah ada yang udah perawatan ke dokter 'n juga facial-facial segala ga ngefek, pake obat ini ngefek. Jadi pengen cepetan pake hehehe... Secara ni udah lama banget ditelateni pake obat jerawat La Tulipe sama bedak dingin kok ga ilang-ilang, padahal makan juga biasa aja ga banyak lemak, plus sejak jerawatan parah juga udah stop minum susu (sebelumnya rutin minum susu tiap hari). Harus Sembuh!!! Harus balik mulus kayak semula!!! Hehehe...

Besok lumayan bisa bangun siangan hehehe... sama sekalian mau olahraga ah dah lama ga olahraga... Aku cuti 3 hari, ikutan seminar GIS. Besok (hari pertama seminar) itu acaranya jam 6 sore sampe 9 malem. Aku sengaja cuti mulai besok biar bisa siap-siap, jadi ntar datengnya lebih awal, secara aku juga blom pernah masuk ke tempat seminar itu. Trus Selasa ama Rabu-nya seminarnya seharian, dari jam 9 pagi sampe jam 5 sore.


What Would You Do If...

Sunday, November 08, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

What would you do if you don't have to worry about money?

That question above I got from Dan Miller's Official Blog. Yup, he is the author of "No More Mondays".

I would answer that if  don't have to worry about money, I want to:
- spend more time with my family (teaching my dad and my mom about computer and how to use internet, traveling with my mom -she likes to go around and see new things, cooking cakes/cookies with my mom, cooking meals with my dad, etc)
- make a website/blog contains motivational + Christianity posts that will encourage people everywhere to be their best and to get intimate with God and also to be confident with themselves (within their uniqueness, quirks, differences)
- try new things and experimenting freely
- doing things that can make other people also be financially free (maybe by having passive income or own a business) so that they can do works that suitable with their passion and talents.

Here's some of related posting in his blog:
- I Stopped Dreaming Long Ago
- Does Everyone Have Passion?
- I'm Not Normal
- Eat, Drink and Be Merry
- Business Plan Guide - This is just for my bookmark (I think I might need it)

I see that a lot of people stop dreaming, they seem don't have many choices except just work to get money. Some of them quite enjoy their job (though at some points they still want to explore and enhance their gifts), some of them don't enjoy their work (just doing it because it's the only way they can get a living), some of them are wondering what is exactly they doing right now at their current place.


Belajar Sabar

Thursday, November 05, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Iya... Gatau kenapa di tempat kerjaku yang baru ini aku kok gampang banget tergoda buat ngomel 'n ngeluh T_T
Kadang hal-hal sepele aja bisa bikin aku langsung bete T_T
Aku juga kadang jadi mikir kenapa aku berubah degradasi kayak gini yah T_T
Why oh Why...

Mungkin karna tempat kerjaku yang lama serba teratur, semua udah ada jalurnya, lebih kompak se-departemen... Masalah 'n tantangan siy ada, cuman mungkin karna sistemnya udah teratur 'n orang-orangnya juga bisa saling kerjasama dengan lumayan enak, jadinya ga ada gangguan emosional hehehe... Dan tempat kerja yang sekarang terasa ga jelas...

Yea I know, I shouldn't comparing...


It's Going To Be Ok. Keep On Going!

Thursday, October 29, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

The major difference between average people and achieving people is their perspective of and response to failure. In other words, how I see failure going in, how I respond to failure coming out. Now, we want learn three lesson about it!

Lesson no 1
I have also discovered about failure and problems that our perspective changes tremendously if it is someone else's problem with failure, versus my problem for failure. It's the old joke, major surgery, minor surgery. You know minor surgery is when it's on you and major surgery is when it's on me.
My dad loves to tell this joke about two men who were talking. 

One guy says, "I lost my job."
The other guy says, "Well, it could be worse."


Perpuluhan: Alkitabiah Tapi Bukan Kekristenan

Wednesday, October 28, 2009 Fay 0 Comments


Sebab kami tidak sama dengan banyak orang lain yang mencari keuntungan dari firman Allah. Sebaliknya dalam Kristus kami berbicara sebagaimana mestinya dengan maksud-maksud murni atas perintah Allah dan di hadapan-Nya.
2 Korintus 2:17

Bolehkah manusia menipu Allah? Namun kamu menipu Aku. Tetapi kamu berkata: "Dengan cara bagaimanakah kami menipu Engkau?" mengenai persembahan persepuluhan dan persembahan khusus! Kamu telah kena kutuk, tetapi kamu masih menipu Aku, ya kamu seluruh bangsa! Bawalah seluruh persembahan persepuluhan itu ke dalam rumah perbendaharaan, supaya ada persediaan makanan di rumah-Ku dan ujilah Aku, firman TUHAN semesta alam, apakah Aku tidak membukakan bagimu tingkap-tingkap langit dan mencurahkan berkat kepadamu sampai berkelimpahan.
Maleakhi 3:8-10

Bagian dari kitab Maleakhi tersebut menjadi teks favorit bagi banyak pendeta, khususnya ketika persembahan dan pemberian di gereja berkurang. Jika kita punya waktu untuk memperhatikan gereja modern maka kita akan mendengar bagian dari kitab Maleakhi tadi sering "bergemuruh" dari mimbar. Pertimbangkan retorika yang sering kita dengar ini: "Allah memerintahkanmu membayar perpuluhan dengan setia. Jika kamu tidak memberi perpuluhan maka kamu sedang merampok Allah dan menempatkanmu di bawah kutuk. Akankah kita ulangi bersama mengucapkan "doktrin perpuluhan?" Perpuluhan milik Tuhan. Di dalam kebenaran kita pelajari, di dalam iman kita percaya, dan di dalam sukacita kita memberikannya. Perpuluhan! Dan persembahanmu diperlukan jika pekerjaan Tuhan ingin jalan terus ("pekerjaan Tuhan di sini tentu artinya adalah gaji staf kependetaan dan pembayaran listrik bulanan gedung gereja"). Apa akibat dari tekanan ini?


Stop trying To Fix People

Monday, October 19, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

You know what our monstrous mistake is?
We try to fix the people in our life.
Oh, I see it everywhere.
Everywhere I go, I see people complain about the people in their life.

Wives complain about their husbands.
“Bo, please talk to my husband. He eats too much.”
“Bo, can you help me? My husband watches too much TV.”
One frustrated wife told me, “Bo, please advice my husband. He doesn’t have a one romantic bone in his body. Last year, he gave me a bar of soap for Valentines Day. The brand? Mr. Clean.”

But husbands complain about their wives too.
“Bo, please talk to my wife. She’s gastadora.”
“Bo, help me with my wife. My wife is always hysterical and historical. She remembers all my past mistakes, including date, time, and place.”
One husband told me, “My wife is so talkative. If the universe paid 1 centavo for every word she said, I’ll be the richest man in the world today.”
Another man said, “My wife is always angry. When she’s angry, she causes global warming and the melting of the ice caps in the North Pole.”


Are You Malnourished for Love?

Monday, October 19, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Today, I start a new 7-week series entitled Relationships Reborn.
Here’s why you need to take this series with me: I believe that if you change your relationships, you change your life.
Because if you squeeze out the essence of life, you realize that life is all about relationships. Your happiness, your success, your health, and your dreams depend on relationships. Give me a person with very happy relationships and I’ll show you a very happy person. Give me a person with miserable, dysfunctional relationships and I’ll show you a very miserable person.
I’m going to spill the beans here and tell you the central message of the next seven weeks: Relationships need renewal or they die.
In fact, not only the relationship will die, but a part of us will die. Why? Because you have a Heart Wound that can only be healed by love—a love that can only be found in relationships.
So you want to change your life, keep reading.

Are You Malnourished For Love?
Have you ever seen a malnourished child?
I believe you have—you just didn’t know.
Here’s the problem: When you hear the word “malnourished,” you automatically think of the starving kids in Africa you see in pictures. A child living in a famine-stricken dessert that has absolutely nothing to eat.
But there’s a second type.
The person could be your next door neighbor. He doesn’t look malnourished. He could even be fat. And yet, amazingly, he is malnourished.
Because he’s eating the wrong type of food.

Let me stoke your imagination...


Economic Gap in The Community

Sunday, October 18, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

I'm not going to talk about global economy gap, but economy gap specifically among church communities.  

Tadi pagi tiba-tiba aja kelintas topik ini 'n jadi inget pengalamanku di masa lalu. Beberapa tahun yang lalu pas aku masih kerja di Lippo Cikarang, Jawa Barat, aku kan ikut komunitas salah satu gereja di Jakarta. Gereja ini memang udah keliatan kalo mayoritas (walopun ga semua) jemaat-nya memang kalangan menengah ke atas, banget :p Keliatan dari penampilan pastinya...  

Tapi karna emang pengajarannya bagus 'n seimbang, aku tetep ikut berjemaat di sana 'n juga ikut komunitas selnya. Sebenernya siy ga ada masalah yang gimana gitu... cuman lama-lama aku ngerasa aku ga bisa ngikutin lifestyle mereka.  

Kadang-kadang tu (walo ga sering juga siy) abis dari gereja hari Minggu tu kita jalan-jalan ke mall, lunch di sana. Nah tau sendiri kan harga lunch-nya brapa hehehe... Blom lagi pernah juga sekali nongkrong di cafe semacem Starbucks yang harganya harga langit itu... 

Pernah siy pas makan siang aku ga ikutan makan tapi beli Breadtalk buat aku jadiin lunch, alasanku siy waktu ditanyain bilangnya masih ga seberapa laper jadi makan roti aja, padahal mah ga rela hihihi... abis makanan resto-nya mahal amir hehehe...  

Lama-lama yah mungkin


The Essence of Life

Sunday, October 18, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

What do you think of when you are alone in silence?
What do you think you need the most in your life?
That’s the essence of your life…
For me, it’s my family…
Family comes first, and then friends…
And all of my beloved people come into one word:
It’s not fame nor wealth
It’s not glamour nor elegance
It’s not even technology…
LOVE is the essence of our life
It’s what gives us energy to survive and to keep moving on
It’s what comforts us, makes us happy and passionate
It’s what makes us alive instead of just breathing
There are many things barging in to our life everyday
Just make sure we make the right priorities…


Searching For Something Exciting

Friday, October 16, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Yap, you heard right... 
I'm searching for something new, something exciting to do... 
I'm not looking for 100% new challenges though... 
I just want new and exciting experiences  

It's not a secret anymore that I can get easily bored lately... 
Not because I'm not grateful... 
I'm grateful for everything... for better changes that happens... 
I just want to expand my "horizon"  

That's one reason why I took vocal lesson and I guess I still want more :p 
More exciting new things to learn and to enjoy...  

I guess I'm already tired to make my own limits 
It's time to be free...


New Post Editor

Friday, October 16, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Last night I have just found that blogger has a new post editor, an updated one.
Now we can insert jump break when we make a blog post, and a "read more" link will be appear in the published blog post, with a few of modification on the HTML if we use the third party's theme for our blog.

This is great, cause I always love blogger for its simplicity.
But one month ago I start using Wordpress because it has interesting feature like the "read more", while at that time Blogger had not had it yet. So I updated my Wordpress blog more often.
It's just too bad Wordpress doesn't allow us to put any advertising in its blogs...
I thought it would be perfect if Blogger has the "read more" feature... plus "Pages" like Wordpress...

But now I'm so happy with the new post editor on Blogger ^.^
Yea at least I have the "read more" feature to use on my long blog posts...
Although it would be very super duper cool if Blogger has the pages too
Hahaha... ^.^


Ada Kemajuannn ^.^

Friday, October 09, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Barusan kelar les vokal...
Kali ini ga frustasi kayak waktu les pertama kali minggu lalu hahahaha...
soalnya udah bisa nafas diafragma...

Ya udah tau nafas diafragma itu kayak gimana hehehe...
Tinggal harus sering latian biar terbiasa.

Trus tadi diajarin juga pake suara falset, ini juga kudu sering dilatih.
Trus diajarin vokal-nya supaya ga fals pake "aeieaeieaeiea..." dari nada rendah sampe makin tinggi.

Jadi semangat!!! ^o^

Abis ini tiap pulang kantor mau latian ah dari jam 5 sampe jam 6, pas anak-anak kos laen blom pulang ke kos 'n pas karyawan-karyawan kantornya cik Landri udah pulang dari sini hehehe...

Way to go to myself! Hihihihi...


Naksir Nokia E72

Tuesday, October 06, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Kalo liat spesifikasinya, siapa yang ga ngiler??? Kalo baca semua review tentang Nokia E72 siy oke-oke aja, banyak yang ngincer juga. Tapi harganya masih 5 juta bok... (-_-") Ya iyalah ada barang bagus uangnya juga bagus hehehe...

Ini masuk wishlist deh... Nokia E72...
Kalopun ga dapet free, palingan kalo mau beli paling cepet baru bisa taun depan, kalo harganya udah turun... :p
Gapapa nunggu asal dapet hihihihi...

Asli keren... pengen yang warna coklat aja... Topaz brown...
Kalo item udah bosen, warna silver juga ga gitu suka...
Coba ada warna ijo muda lucu tuh hihihi...


It Will Have Been 6 Years...

Tuesday, October 06, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

It will have been 6 years this December...

Aku dah kerja buat orang lain selama 6 tahun pas nyampe akhir tahun ini. Aku kan pertama kali kerja di CBN Lippo Cikarang mulai Januari 2005, waktu itu beberapa bulan awal masih magang plus juga abis itu sempet status kontrak sebelum akhirnya jadi karyawan tetap.

Di Perjanjian Lama kan ada tuh aturan kalo setelah 6 tahun budak harus dibebaskan dari kewajibannya, menjadi orang bebas bukan budak atau hamba orang lain lagi. Ni obrolan pas aku 'n Melisa maen ke rumah ce Iin Minggu lalu. Jadi termotivasi and mikir juga siy...

Sebenernya keinginan buat ga kerja karyawan lagi tu udah ada belakangan, kayaknya mulai tahun ini deh... Pengen kerja sendiri atau joinan bikin usaha apa gitu ama siapa gitu... 'Coz aku ngerasa kayaknya waktu kerja buat orang lain-nya udah cukup...

It's time I learn something new, time to step ahead... walo masih blom tau pasti detailnya bakal kayak gimana. Aku masih doain ini. Yang jelas I want to be a better person, with better character and also skills. I guess I also need new routines....

But until the time has come for those things, I will keep walking forward, trying to do my best in my current position right now and keep a hopeful + grateful heart.

Holy Spirit, guide me along the way...


Les Vokal Perdana

Friday, October 02, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Haizzz... Akhirnya tadi les vokal privat perdana ama mbak Fe (ternyata dia masih 22 tahun loh hehehe...). Tadi dia dateng jam 5 sesuai janji sampe jam 6 lebih. Latiannya di ruang TV sebelah kamarku. Untungnya kan jam segitu anak-anak kos laen blom pada pulang.

Waktunya tu pas banget, kan jam 5 semua pegawai kantor cik Landri di bawah udah pulang, sementara anak-anak kos laen baru pada pulang jam 6 ke atas. Jadi rada free deh, paling yang denger latiannya cuman cik landri ama pembantu kos hehehe... Emang kalo dari Tuhan itu serba pas deh hehehe... Thank You Dad ^.^

Huih susahnya tadi latian pake diafragma... maybe blom terbiasa aja kali yah... Makanya kudu sering latian ni...

Planning palingan kalo pulang kantor latian sebelum anak-anak kos laen pulang... ya antara jam 5 - jam 6 an gitu. Tadi sempet kepikir apa tiap jam makan siang pulang buat latian, tapi jadi inget kalo masih ada karyawan kantornya cik Landri... Yaudah kayaknya paling pas latiannya sore deh setelah aku pulang kantor 'n sebelum anak-anak kos laen pulang ke kos.

Aku pengen bisaaaa!!!
Jiayouuuuu!!!! Ganbatte Kudasai!!!!

Holy Spirit help me please... ^.^


Me Singing "I Feel Good"

Tuesday, September 29, 2009 Fay 0 Comments


This Sunday ::: Getaway and Thinking

Sunday, September 27, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Yup! Hari ini kan ga ada oikos, jadi tadi siang aku maen ke rumah Momon (temen komsel), makan nasgor bikinan dia trus jalan-jalan naek motor hihihihi...

Pertama kita ke Carrefour PanjangJiwo coz dia cuman mau ngecek ATM doang, trus ke Bilka bentar, trus ke Zanggrandi (termasuk salah satu kuliner khas di Surabaya), trus ke Mirota (toko 4 lantai jual semua barang-barang khas Indonesia, di sana berasa lagi pergi ke Jogja hehehe...), trus ke Elizabeth (one of bags famous brand). Mirota ama Elizabeth itu sama-sama di jalan Gubeng. Then ke Carrefour PanjangJiwo lagi terakhir sebelon nganterin Momon balik ke rumahnya. Asik banget hihihi... Baru nyampe kos jam 19:30.

Tadi di Elizabeth beli celana jeans selutut buat ntar dipake ke Bali pas Desember ke sana ama Kezia, mumpung nemu celana jeans pendek yang pas banget, bahannya juga rada lentur ga kaku, harganya 80 rebu, jadi langsung deh hehehe.... secara kalo lagi butuh beli celana jeans jarang bisa langsung nemu yang pas kayak gitu.

Di Zanggrandi asli aku memuaskan hasrat hahaha... makan noodle ice cream ama milkshake coklat hihihihi.... secara jarang-jarang banget bisa ke sana, udah lama juga ga makan ice cream, enak banget soalnya Surabaya lagi panas hawanya, sumuk abiez... Nongkrong di Zanggrandi sambil ngobrol-ngobrol ama Momon... dikuatkan lagi untuk teteup percaya bahwa future mate itu masih akan datang... Kah Ming Soon hihihihi... Ya ga cuman ngobrol soal itu doang siy, banyak yang laen juga...

Udah lama banget ga nemu temen jalan yang enak kayak dulu pas kuliah hehehe... Kita dah planning ntar kalo bisa jalan-jalan lagi bakal ke mana aja hehehehe... Asik asik... ^o^ Soalnya asli belakangan dah beberapa bulan ini aku boring banget... pengen ngelakuin banyak hal yang fresh, yang baru... Pengen kerjaan baru juga siy hehehe...

Trus... barusan nemu pas googling les vokal... bener-bener pas kayak yang aku pengen 'n yang cocok ama kondisiku... Aku kan kerja kantor... jadi pengennya les vokal yang fleksibel soalnya aku pernah tanya ke tempat les vokal Purwacaraka kalo ga salah, mereka jam lesnya tuh siang, jadi kan aku ga bisa. So yang aku pikir bisa pas ama aku tuh:
- jam les vokal bisa di atas jam 5 sore
- gurunya cewek (ni karna aku pikir bakal lebih nyaman aja)
- kalo bisa seh dateng ke kos, privat gitu, biar praktis plus bisa fokus ke aku ;p
Nah yang aku temuin tu memenuhin semuanya. Sekarang jadi lagi mikir nih jadi beneran les vokal apa ga hihihihi... Papaku siy udah acc, dia bilang kalo mau les vokal gapapa, mumpung masih bisa belajar belajar apa aja yang aku pengen...

Thinking thinking deh...


Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Saturday, September 26, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Dream of a place like the title… Somewhere over the rainbow… It’s like a dream-land… a place with peace, love, furry tame animals, flowers and trees, lovely people, beautiful nature… and wonderful melodies

There’s no money orientation because we all have everything we need to live, there is no greediness because we live in harmony with others… The important part is this… we are all free to be ourselves… to express unlimited creativity without subjective judgments… That way there is no place for boredom…

Somewhere over the rainbow… People don’t need to have difficulties in finding the most suitable job, because there is no money oriented in seeking jobs… People simply doing things that are suitable with their talents and abilities and passions! The best part of doing a job! They simply and naturally do those things as their daily job because they like it and the results is continuous improvements.

A place where dreams can not be crushed by “realistic mind”. There, dreams can grow and can become reality, great dreams that can improve people’s life…

I wonder where is that place?
I wanna live there for sure…


Sweetest Memory

Friday, September 18, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

When I thought about what is the sweetest memory in my childhood, I instantly remember about my grandpa (in memoriam)... It's not that the others (my mom, dad and grandma) didn't love me well, it's just that my grandpa left such a sweet and unforgettable memory in this little girl's mind.

He is the one who picked me up from school when I was in first grades of primary school.
He is the one who read me English fairy tale books and translated them, lately I realized maybe it has triggered my interest in English He is the one who accompanied me singing songs from my Sunday school (literally, he sang together with me), sometimes he mimicked me singing love Sometimes he accompany me when I have to stay late at night to study for tomorrow's exam.

I saw him treated my grandma so good...
I have once wished I wanted to have a husband like him in the future... doa

Sometimes I wish he is still here on earth... I miss him...
At least he had become a right man figure to me
Guess I will have a husband with good traits like him love


Men: Lust-Driven Beasts?

Tuesday, September 08, 2009 Fay 0 Comments


I have a couple of questions about sex. Actually, a couple questions regarding what I commonly hear about sex from Christians. I'm a 24 year old man and I'm not married. I'm a virgin, so the only things I know about sex (other than the biological/mechanical aspects) are what I've heard other Christians tell me. I hope to be married someday. What I talk about here is always with that in mind.

Everywhere, without exception, I have been told that when it comes to love, men are interested in sex and women are interested in romance. That men are visual and women relational. That is the more balanced view found in various books.

The view that I hear from the people all around me is that men are lust-driven beasts interested only in women's bodies, and women are pure-minded and are interested in forging interpersonal connections and building intimate attachments.

First, about man's desire for sex.

As only one being, I cannot refute the stereotype of men that I commonly hear. However, I CAN and DO refute it being applicable to me. I am NOT JUST a lust driven beast only interested in a woman's body. I DO want to have a close emotional attachment to one woman (if the Lord chooses to bless me with a wife). I DO want to be an intimate confidant with her. I would love the chance to practice romance. However, I also want a wife "to have and to hold." Does this last part mean that I'm still a lust-driven beast, but just domesticated a little?

Everywhere I have read about modesty, dating, courtship, marriage, relationships, sex ... they all focus completely on men's struggle with lust, while giving the impression that a "concession" has been granted for the sex drive in marriage. The entire focus is on the terrible consequences of the male sex drive.

It's really hard to control. It will cause you all kinds of problems. It will continue to do so for as long as you're breathing. Girls will continually have to be wary around you because "they know what you're thinking." As such, they also have to be so very careful to keep you from stumbling. Oh, and as a side note, God has taken pity on you and said you are allowed to let a little steam off in marriage.

I was under the impression that Satan was incapable of creating anything. That means God must have designed the male sex drive. Didn't He originally make it good?

If my attitude sounds bad here, it's because this hurts. A lot. On many occasions, I have had it said to my face, "Yeah, well you're a guy and everyone knows that guys are perverts" or variations on that thought.

Question 1: Why do I have to go around feeling ashamed and having people think of me as a disgusting pervert simply because I desire something (in marriage) that God invented?

Next, about a woman's desire for sex.

This one, I really have no idea about. I could claim some knowledge about the stereotype of men. I cannot do that about the stereotype of women; I'm not one.

Several married men and women have said that women are fairly indifferent/apathetic about the sight of the male form at best, and repulsed by it at worst.

If God wants me to be married, I am very much looking forward to being with my wife and being able to admire the beauty that God has blessed her with. The female form is beautiful and pleasing (is this just the lust-driven beast speaking again?). Women as a general rule have no similar desires? What do they mean when they say that a guy is good looking or cute?

They also told me that they will "be with" their husbands because the Bible tells them to (in the case of some), or the more caring/godly ones will do it simply to please their husband and because they know that HE enjoys it.

I heard one speaker say that men give love to get sex and that women have sex to get love. This sounds horrible and selfish! I already said that I want to love a woman (I am NOT just a lust-driven beast)! However, I DO also want a woman. If a woman wants to love a man, does she also want him?

Question 2: I want a wife. I want a wife who also wants me. Is this wrong? Weird? Naive?

I've heard these things all of my life. Over the past few months, I've heard so many pastors, speakers, married men and women, books, Web sites and blogs say these things that I'm coming close to despair.

AM I just a lust driven beast? If so, I don't want to inflict myself upon some girl. Am I right, and these stereotypes wrong? I'm hoping so. If they ARE true ... should I despair? Should I stop praying that God would give me a wife, and start praying for the gift of celibacy?


Wow. You've asked what requires a book to answer, but I'll do my best to summarize.

Quickly, no, I don't think you're a pervert or lust-driven beast, at least not that I can tell from how you've described yourself. Your desire for sexual intimacy within the biblical context of love is God-given, so don't be ashamed. So let's explore how we should think about these things.

We can't answer your question until we understand something critical about marriage as God intends. For all of its "practical" benefits — sexual pleasure, happiness and health, etc. — marriage, and intercourse, is not first about that.

I cannot emphasize this enough. If marriage is ultimately and primarily for me and my needs, or her and her needs, if it is primarily about us, about self, then I will always struggle with disappointment, because there is never enough for me. Never.

I use the words primarily and ultimately purposely here. Clearly, biblical marriage benefits me, and as such it is a great gift to me, but it is not first and foremost about me (or my spouse).

Paul teaches in Ephesians that the mystery of marriage is this: It is primarily and ultimately about Christ and the Church; it is a living, breathing human parable on display to the whole world about the relationship between Jesus and His Bride.

Understand that intercourse can't be detached from the whole of marriage in a biblical relationship; it's part of the whole of two people becoming one, but let's focus on it for a moment and explore at lease one way that it illustrates this Christ/Church love.

There are few actions that illustrate a total giving of oneself to another like the act of intercourse. When rightly lived out, it is an act of completely giving oneself away, a total abandonment to, and complete trust of, another. Sound familiar?

Christ gave everything of Himself for the Church. We are to give ourselves completely to Him. "Greater love has no one than this," He said, "that someone lay down his life for his friends." The throbbing heartbeat of the cross of Christ is a complete emptying of one for another, the complete giving of oneself for the good of the other. It is in losing our lives that we find life.

This is biblical marriage, and intercourse, at its best. It is the polar opposite of the world's idea of a sexual relationship (and much of what you described negatively). The world says sex is about take. Our old nature wants to make it about us. At best it is a game of give and take, of scorekeeping, of what's fair! And sadly, as you've testified, many Christians have bought the world's way.

But that isn't God's way. That doesn't illustrate what Christ did for His Bride. Paul goes as far to tell the Corinthians that if you're married, your body is not even yours anymore. It belongs to your spouse.

Because that is how Christ loved.

If a husband makes intercourse about taking, or if a wife makes it a short-term loan of her body for a moment, they miss the incredible, indescribable beauty of it. They're just using one another to get whatever it is they need out of it.

Intercourse in the context of biblical love (giving yourself away wholly) is what glorifies God. It is a falling into another's arms in total trust and abandonment, a receiving of another completely, wholly, flaws and all. Again, a powerful human illustration of the work of Christ on the cross and our response to Him.

I've painted a beautiful picture of intimacy, but note that my wife and I are still — after 16 years — growing in this, and I assume we'll continue to grow more into this in the years ahead. We didn't stand before the minister, say "I do," and suddenly give ourselves perfectly to one another. Oneness starts there and is hammered out over a lifetime.

We were clueless when we started. We are, however, much further down the road than we were 16 years ago, even five years ago. Sadly, we know many Christians who after many years of marriage only view intercourse from take and scorekeeping — from self. What they don't realize is that only in giving away do we find the pleasure we were looking for all along. The mystery of God's kingdom! It is in giving that I receive, not in taking!

A final thought. To give oneself away to another person in such a way as I've described here requires great trust in the One who brought you together with this other person. Does He know what He is doing? Do we trust that He can heal when we stick our heart out there to another human and get hurt (because even in a growing Christian marriage, both husband and wife will experience hurt)?

Do I believe that God is big enough to catch me when the other person doesn't? Only in completely abandoning ourselves to Him first can we give ourselves in this way to another. And giving ourselves away to another, especially in sexual intimacy, is a beautiful way for us to express our trust in Him.

There's a lot more to say on the topic, but I hope this gets some wheels turning for you.


(Taken from Boundless.Org)


About Dreaming

Tuesday, September 08, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Dreams: are they just a lust of our mind or are they really exist and need to be fulfilled?
I don't get it... (-_-")

Lately I'm dreaming of traveling abroad... This is a bit weird, considering that I have never wished that I would go abroad in the past, at all... I was just content with my city and my country, while some people I know really want to go abroad for vacation. But now I feel the same desire (-_-")

Sometimes I still don't understand, are certain dreams really need to be fulfilled (we must strive and try everything legal to pursue them) or they are just merely temporary lusts? Yes, lust... 'Cause they might be born in our mind out of a boredom, or just as an expression of our deepest wish to be "free"? Free from everyday routines and tasks... to refresh our mind and soul, to feel and experience the new environment, meet new people, learn new culture... even if it's just for a while...

I guess that maybe sometimes people need to add new vocabularies to the brain, fresh perspectives, to refresh our "human library"... to feed our thirst of new knowledge... least that's the way I feel...

But unfortunately, not everyone can get their dreams to go traveling... They stumbled upon the costs, their family, their current job, all things that make their dreams harder to reach.

Then I think... if our life is not about us but about God (because we are His possession), I'm questioning are those kind of dreams worth to be pursued?

Certainly, if I think about the wholeness of life, like it is written in Ecclesiastes, everything is meaningless... it's true. 'Cause no matter how much we can get, no matter how great is our pride, no matter how many places we can visit and "conqueror", anything you name it... at the end, they will be all meaningless... because our true life is not meant for this temporary world, but later, in the eternity (Ecclesiastes 3:11)... That's why we can never be satisfied with the earthly things...

But another perspective, through all the process to achieve and experience our dreams, we can learn about His love, His almighty power, we can learn how to relate with God and also with other people the right way... Isn't that what God wants us to experience? Isn't that what God's goal for us to achieve? He wants us to be more alike with Him and also make every people His disciples. How we can fulfill God's goal in our life? By relating with God and others...

...and traveling is just one way among so many other ways...

Hmmm... I wish I can go travel to everywhere someday... not for the sake of traveling itself, but for a deeper purpose...


Me Singing "She Will Be Loved"

Sunday, September 06, 2009 Fay 0 Comments


Free Sunday - Blog Update

Sunday, September 06, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Happy Sunday! For me it's lazy Sunday hahaha... Not really lazy siy, secara ntar juga mau pergi keluar buat belanja beli buah di Sinar terdekat ama juga sekalian ngelus-ngelus hamster 'n kelinci yang dijual di sana hehehe... They are so cute =p Ngegemesin hehehe...

This week I joined Interpals, recommended by my penpal from Thailand, just for searching another penpals =p Kayaknya enak aja email-email-an ama orang dari negara-negara laen, sekalian ngebiasain diri Inggris-an.

Btw, kayaknya aku dah ga produktif lagi jadi blogger yah hihihi... Secara postingan yang original udah tambah dikit 'n banyak postingan copy-paste. Nggak juga siy. Aku masih ngeblog, cuman terakhir kan aku sempet penasaran ama fitur baru di, jadinya aku bikin blog baru 'n keterusan di sana hahaha...

Aku emang ga woro-woro alamat blog Wordpress yang baru, coz I think I need a little privacy, apa yah, sebenernya isinya juga ga rahasia-rahasia banget, cuman berasa lebih bebas aja nulisnya, mau cuman curhat ga penting atau apapun bisa aku tumpahin smua di sana. It's available on the internet, orang laen juga masih bisa baca, cuman aku setting ga termasuk di hasil pencarian Google. Jadi otomatis yang bisa nyampe sana ya cuman orang yang udah tau alamat blogku =p

Tapi kalo misalnya aku mau ngebagiin something yang bisa ngasih inspirasi atau copy paste artikel-artikel yang memberkati, bakal tetep aku posting ke sini kok.

Talking about blog's privacy, ada temenku yang dulu juga punya blog di Wordpress, orang-orang kantornya beberapa udah tau, sekarang di-private-in blognya jadi kalo mau baca kudu pake password. Ya otomatis yang bisa baca cuman yang udah dikasih password hehehe... Iya emang rada ga enak juga siy yah kalo orang kantor tau isi blog kita =p Orang-orang kantorku yang dulu banyak yang udah tau cuman aku cuek-cuek aja, apalagi sekarang kan dah ga sekantor ama mereka, lagian they are all my friends.

Ini karna aku dah lama sempet ga terbiasa nulis. Makanya aku butuh 1 blog yang bebas dari orang-orang laen, biar istilahnya bisa ngasih kesempatan yang seluas-luasnya ke aku buat ber-ekspresi (ceilah hahahaha...) Ga ber-ekspresi yang gimana juga siy, pokoknya pas nulis tu bisa bebas aja. Ga pake mikir "duh ntar kalo mereka / si ini / si itu baca blogku gimana yah?" so I choose to add "freedom in blogging" by making the new Wordpress blog hahaha...

Enak juga nih ngeblog panjang kayak gini... ditemani lagunya si Taylor Swift ama angin semilir... Kamar kosku kan di lantai 2, lumayan sejuk, kalo pagi masih bisa denger suara burung berkicau-kicau (tuh ada bunyinya hehehe)... Sedappp...

So, happy Sunday everyone!
...and happy blogging! ^.^


Google Minded

Thursday, September 03, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Sekarang kayaknya ga bisa ngapa-ngapain kalo ga ada Google. Mulai dari:

>> Search engine-nya (Udah umum lah… kalo mau cari apa-apa selalu googlinggggg…). Dari khusus search web, image, video, sampe blog.

>> Gmail (lebih enteng daripada email-email yang laen coz ada pilihannya mau tampilan standar HTML yang enteng banget -cocok kalo pas koneksi internet lagi lelet- atau tampilan yang normal -ada pilihan themenya-). Plus banyak banget kelebihannya di fitur-fitur ketimbang email yang laen. Bisa import juga dari account email laen trus kalo kita mau reply, ada pilihannya apa kita mau alamat pengirimnya itu alamat gmail atau email yang kita import tadi. Coba explore aja sendiri hehehe… Aku udah import account Hotmail ke Gmail.

>> Google Reader (buat subscribe RSS blog-blog favorit). Ni enak banget coz ga usah cape-cape lagi bukain satu-satu blog favorit. Tinggal subscribe RSS-nya, trus kalo ada update, langsung nongol smua di Google Reader.

>> Google Translate, yang ini buat nerjemahin. Kadang buat iseng-iseng terjemahin status buat Facebook atau status YM pake bahasa laen biar ga ada yang ngerti hehehehe…

>> Google Calendar (buat nyimpen schedule). Bisa diset tampilannya hari ini doang (plus jam-nya), settingan custom, atau seminggu, atau bulanan. Trus bisa dijadiin widget juga kalo misalnya kita mau pasang di blog atau website. Ukuran widget kalendernya bisa diatur juga loh!

>> Google Documents (yang ini barusan aja explore… asik juga kayak punya program Microsoft Word, Excel, ‘n Power Point online! Plus juga bisa upload file dokumen tertentu termasuk file pdf, bisa dishare, ‘n juga bisa di-download). Lebih mempermudah sharing juga ini. Ada pilihannya kok apakah 1 dokumen itu mau di-private atau mau di-share.

>> Trus jadi explore i-Google hehehe… Ini istilahnya kayak homepage kita di Google, mirip-mirip ama My Yahoo. Cuman berhubung udah jatuh cinta ama Google, jadi pake i-Google aja hihihi…

Sebenernya kalo mau di-explore banyak loh yang bisa diutak-atik. Pokoknya seru kalo udah exploring hihihi, dicobain satu-satu, diubah-ubah setting-nya… It’s just so cool ^.^


The Screwtape Letters - Chapter 1

Monday, August 31, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

The Screwtape Letters is a work of Christian apologetics by C. S. Lewis, first published in book form in 1942. The story takes the form of a series of letters from a senior demon, Screwtape, to his nephew, a junior tempter named Wormwood, so as to advise him on methods of securing the damnation of an earthly man, known only as "the Patient."

Screwtape (along with his trusted scribe Toadpipe) holds an administrative post in the bureaucracy ("Lowerarchy") of Hell, and acts more as a mentor than a supervisor to Wormwood, the inexperienced tempter; almost every letter ends with the signature, "Your affectionate uncle, Screwtape." In the body of the thirty-one letters which make up the book, Screwtape gives Wormwood detailed advice on various methods of undermining faith and promoting sin in his Patient, interspersed with observations on human nature and Christian doctrine.

In The Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis provides a series of lessons in the importance of taking a deliberate role in living out Christian faith by portraying a typical human life, with all its temptations and failings, as seen from the demon/devil's viewpoint. Wormwood and Screwtape live in a peculiarly morally reversed world, where individual benefit and greed are seen as the greatest good, and neither demon is capable of comprehending or acknowledging true human virtue when he sees it.

Screwtape – old, wise demon, the uncle of Wormwood
Wormwood – nephew of Screwtape and novice demon who is being trained by Screwtape to help in causing a young man to lose his soul
“Our Father Below” – Satan
“The Enemy” – God
the patient – the young man who is the object of Wormwood’s mission
the old lady – the patient’s mother
Glubose – the demon who is assigned to the “old lady”
Slumtrimpet – demon in charge of the patient’s “young woman”



I note what you say about guiding our patient's reading and taking care that he sees a good deal of his materialist friend. But are you not being a trifle naïf? It sounds as if you supposed that argument was the way to keep him out of the Enemy's clutches. That might have been so if he had lived a few centuries earlier. At that time the humans still knew pretty well when a thing was proved and when it was not; and if it was proved they really believed it. They still

connected thinking with doing and were prepared to alter their way of life as the result of a chain of reasoning. But what with the weekly press and other such weapons we have largely altered that. Your man has been accustomed, ever since he was a boy, to have a dozen incompatible philosophies dancing about together inside his head. He doesn't think of doctrines as primarily "true" of "false", but as "academic" or "practical", "outworn" or "contemporary", "conventional" or "ruthless". Jargon, not argument, is your best ally in keeping him from the Church. Don't waste time trying to make him think that materialism is true! Make him think it is strong, or stark, or courageous—that it is the philosophy of the future. That's the sort of thing he cares about.

The trouble about argument is that it moves the whole struggle onto the Enemy's own ground. He can argue too; whereas in really practical propaganda of the kind I am suggesting He has been shown for centuries to be greatly the inferior of Our Father Below. By the very act of arguing, you awake the patient's reason; and once it is awake, who can foresee the result? Even if a particular train of thought can be twisted so as to end in our favour, you will find that you have been strengthening in your patient the fatal habit of attending to universal issues and withdrawing his attention from the stream of immediate sense experiences. Your business is to fix his attention on the stream. Teach him to call it "real life" and don't let him ask what he means by "real".

Remember, he is not, like you, a pure spirit. Never having been a human (Oh that abominable advantage of the Enemy's!) you don't realise how enslaved they are to the pressure of the ordinary. I once had a patient, a sound atheist, who used to read in the British Museum. One day, as he sat reading, I saw a train of thought in his mind beginning to go the wrong way. The Enemy, of course, was at his elbow in a moment. Before I knew where I was I saw my twenty years' work beginning to totter. If I had lost my head and begun to attempt a defence by argument I should have been undone. But I was not such a fool. I struck instantly at the part of the man which I had best under my control and suggested that it was just about time he had some lunch. The Enemy presumably made the counter-suggestion (you know how one can never quite overhear What He says to them?) that this was more important than lunch.

At least I think that must have been His line for when I said "Quite. In fact much too important to tackle it the end of a morning", the patient brightened up considerably; and by the time I had added "Much better come back after lunch and go into it with a fresh mind", he was already half way to the door. Once he was in the street the battle was won. I showed him a newsboy shouting the midday paper, and a No. 73 bus going past, and before he reached the bottom of the steps I had got into him an unalterable conviction that, whatever odd ideas might come into a man's head when he was shut up alone with his books, a healthy dose of "real life" (by which he meant the bus and the newsboy) was enough to show him that all "that sort of thing" just couldn't be true. He knew he'd had a narrow escape and in later years was fond of talking about "that inarticulate sense for actuality which is our ultimate safeguard against the aberrations of mere logic". He is now safe in Our Father's house.

You begin to see the point? Thanks to processes which we set at work in them centuries ago, they find it all but impossible to believe in the unfamiliar while the familiar is before their eyes. Keep pressing home on him the ordinariness of things. Above all, do not attempt to use science (I mean, the real sciences) as a defence against Christianity. They will positively encourage him to think about realities he can't touch and see. There have been sad cases among the modern physicists. If he must dabble in science, keep him on economics and sociology; don't let him get away from that invaluable "real life". But the best of all is to let him read no science but to give him a grand general idea that he knows it all and that everything he happens to have picked up in casual talk and reading is "the results of modem investigation". Do remember you are there to fuddle him. From the way some of you young fiends talk, anyone would suppose it was our job to teach!

Your affectionate uncle



Sunday, August 30, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

I thought I've had enough of you
Thought I wouldn't be missing you this much
Yes... you...
The ones dancing around in my mind

Time had taken me away from you
And everytime I remember you
The warmth of love and the little things that had happened
Make me want to re-write the past once again

I thought I've forgotten about you
Thought you had dumped in the garbage
Yes... you...
The ones leaving scar in my heart

Time had taken me away from you
And how I want to leave you right there
But you just can't...
Because you're also part of my journey

All of you...
You made me learn about love
You made me learn about forgiving
You made me see my God within my previous foot prints

It doesn't really matter anyway...

'cause I know that He was with me along the way

It's the one that truly matters...

(by Fay)


Overcoming Shame and Fear of Failure

Monday, August 24, 2009 Fay 0 Comments


Pada saat saudaranya puas dengan keterbatasannya, Jabez inginkan lebih untuk melayani Tuhan dengan segenap hatinya. Tapi Jabez punya masalah yaitu ketidakmampuan emosional maupun fisikal. "Jabez" itu artinya kesakitan. Kata "Jabez" itu artinya kosong atau hampa. Jabez harus bergumul dengan perasaan tidak diinginkan dan ditolak.

Merasa malu dan tidak dikasihi merupakan tantangan yang besar dalam hidupnya. Dia sadar akan ketidaklayakannya sehingga dia mengalami depresi. Namun Jabez berhasil mengatasi rasa malunya itu. Jabez merintis suatu kota bernama kota Jabez dan membangkitkan suatu generasi yang bisa memelihara firman Tuhan sampai jamannya Ezra.

Pada saat kita merasa terkutuk dan malu, maka kita akan menyerah untuk masa depan kita. Menghadapi masalah malu, tidak hanya sekali dalam hidup kita. Menghadapi trauma masa lalu, harus terus dilakukan kalau kita ingin melakukan perkara-perkara besar. Lihat saja dalam alkitab hamba-hamba Tuhan yang sukses:

Yusuf ditolak dan tidak diinginkan oleh saudara2nya dalam keluarga. Dituduh dan difitnah bahwa dia memperkosa dan dimasukkan dalam penjara. Bisa dibayangkan betapa dia merasa tertotak dan malu. Tapi dia berhasil menghancurinnya dan menjadi perdana menteri di Mesir.

Dimana dia tidak percaya kepada Tuhan pertamanya tentang anaknya. Begitu lemahnya, bahkan berbohong sarah bukan istrinya waktu bertanya. Tapi sebaliknya Tuhan masih menginginkannya contoh menjadi Imam. Harusnya malu Abraham, bagaimana mungkin dipakai oleh Tuhan. Tapi Abraham berhasil melampaui rasa malu itu, dan menjadi bapak imam percaya.

Seorang pembunuh dan seorang pelarian. Datang dan turun dari gunungnyna Tuhan. Dan dikatakan hai oleh orang Israel jangan membunuh. Siapa kamu Musa kasih kami perintah itu? Harusnya kamu malu mengatakan itu, karena kamu seorang pembunuh? Jangan kasih tau kami apa yang harus kamiu lakukan. Namun Musa harus melampaui masa lalu itu untuk menjadi pahlawan dalam iman.

Daud orang yang disebut paling dekat dengan hati Tuhan. Bayangkan Daud menjadi penjinah dan membunuh. Dan Tuhan mengambil putra yang pertama. Daud harusnya malu, dia tidak layak jadi raja. Namun dia harus melampaui rasa malu itu untuk mengejar dan mencari Tuhan. Bahwa Daud harus mendapatkan putra kedua, agar bisa menguasai dan memerintah di Israel.

5.Simon Petrus
Menyangkal Kristus dihadapan Yesus 3x. Salah satu terjemahan, dikatakan bahkan dia mengutukin nama Tuhan. Namun Yesus tidak datang dengan kalimat, "kamu seorang pengecut, harusnya kamu gagal Simon!". Namun Yesus berkata, "Petrus, apakah kamu mengasihi Aku? Berikan makanan kepada domba2Ku dan gembalakan mereka." Dan 50 hari kemudian Simon Petrus membangun sebuah gereja.

Setiap orang harus berurusan dengan masa lalu mereka. Ahli ilmu jiwa mengatakan, rasa malu adalah hal yang paling parah bisa menghancurkan kehidupan manusia yang paling sulit dihadapin. Rasa malu membuat kita merasa tidak layak. Bahwa Tuhan tidak mengasihi saya. Saya tidak layak untuk Tuhan. Bahkan mungkin, anda mulai percaya dengan diri anda, saya adalah orang yang bodoh, saya orang yang gagal.

Rasa malu membuat anda selalu menyalahkan diri anda atas setiap apa yang terjadi. Kita begitu takut untuk kehilangan muka. Begitu takut tidak bisa berpenampilan baik dihadapan teman-teman kita dan keluarga kita. Kalau belum berhasil, kita merasa malu dihadapan keluarga.

Ada 3 tantangan rasa malu yang harus dihancurkan dalam hidup kita:

1. Rasa malu yang diwariskan
Karena kita dilahirkan dalam kehidapan umat manusia, yang jatuh dalam dosa. Diatas kayu salib Yesus telah mengambil rasa malu itu.

2. Rasa malu yang coba ditempelkan oleh orang kepada anda
Mungkin karena masalalumu, mungkin seperti Jabez.
Ketika Yesus datang, bisa saja dia datang sebagai Tuhan yang perkasa yang menghancurkan dunia ini. Tapi untuk menjadi seorang juruselamat dia harus dilahirkan daari seorang darah. Anda bisa bayangkan bagaimana Yesus dilahirkan oleh wanita perawan dan orang2 bisa menertawakan dia, dll. Bahkan saudaranya laki2 tidak percaya padanya. Dia ditolak oleh saudaranya, jemaatnya, bahkan dikota dimana dia berada. Bahkan perampok yang disalibkan itu menertawakan

3. Rasa malu yang sesungguhnya
Karena kesalahan yang anda lakukan. Kadang-kadang anda merasa begitu bersalah dan berdosa.

Be blessed,
Kotbah by Kong Hee

(Taken from Suwandi Tanha's Note on Facebook)


Only Hope - My Prayer Now

Saturday, August 22, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

There's a song that's inside of my soul.
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold.
But You sing to me over and over and over again.

So, I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only Yours, I pray, to be only Yours
I know now You're my only hope.

Sing to me the song of the stars.
Of Your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again.
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that You have for me over again.

So I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only Yours, I pray, to be only Yours
I know now, You're my only hope.

I give You my destiny.
I'm giving You all of me.
I want Your symphony, singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs, I'm giving it back.

So I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only Yours, I pray, to be only Yours
I pray, to be only Yours
I know now You're my only hope.


His Answer for Me

Wednesday, August 19, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

(by Max Lucado - from HERE)

Addressing the common fear of insignificance, Lucado said, "I really believe that the Amazon River out of which all other fears flow is this one. And that is the fear that I don't matter to God. And because I don't matter to God, I don't matter to anyone else. And my life has no purpose. We fear nothingness ... We fear coming and going and no one knowing."

He continued, "The big message of Jesus in one of his 'do not fear statements' is
Don't be afraid.
You are worth more than all the sparrows.
The very hairs of your head are numbered.

He knows more about you than you know about Him.

How can you know that you matter?
Look at the story of God who became a human being ... because He loves us.


Yesterday and this morning I feel useless and unworthy because of some things that I'm going through right now. I feel I'm not good enough for Him and for everyone. I asked for His answer, and He gave it to me through unpredictable ways...

One of His answer is the whole paragraphs I quoted above...
Another answer He gave through a friend's encouragement (when we were chatting on Yahoo Messenger)...

Thank You God... ^.^


Winners Never Quit???

Wednesday, August 19, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

(By Dan Miller)

We’ve all heard the old adage, “Winners never quit, quitters never win.” Is that really true? Does that mean that if you’re driving from Detroit to Miami and you suddenly realize you’re actually headed for Savannah you would simply continue on? Or even speed up? Or just “try harder?” Of course not – you would immediately correct your direction, even if it meant going back to Atlanta to get back on the right road.

Why is it that in jobs or businesses people often believe that if they just persist, somehow things will get better? And that they need to be loyal and never show signs of “giving up?”

In this week’s 48 Days Podcast I answered this question from Margaret:
“I would like to know what to do when you are working so hard and everything seems to continue to fail. Do you change plans or what?”


Quitting a job does not mean that you’re quitting your commitment to provide for your family. Quitting a business does not mean that you are walking away from the thrill of controlling your time and income. Quitting a ministry or non-profit organization does not mean that you’ve given up on your desire to change the world or help the less fortunate.

Your job, business or ministry are just tactics to accomplish your bigger vision. Your “purpose” or “calling” define the big goal. If your job is clearly a dead end, it makes perfect sense to quit, take your skills to a better fit and release your ability to provide for your family. If your business is failing, learn from the experience and start in a new direction. I constantly have areas in my business and personal life that are on the bubble. If they are not proven successful in a very specific period of time – they’re gone – I quit but keep moving on to success in other ways.

Here are my recommendations:

* If your job provides nothing for you but a meager paycheck, plan to quit and be gone in the next 30 days.
* If you have been running your business for one year and after expenses it’s only netting you $500 a month, quit and find a new venture.
* If you started a non-profit and after two years you find that you are spending 80% of your time on administrative work and have no real economic model for continuing, consider linking arms with an established organization.

Winners quit – they quit quickly and often.
Yes I know we hear that quote about nothing matters but persistence, but if you are a duck trying to climb a tree, all persistence will get you is web feet that are to sore to even swim well. Have the maturity and guts to quit the ineffective things in your life.

While we’re at it, ask yourself if these well-known adages are always true:

1. The customer is always right
2. Everything happens for a reason
3. Never judge a book by its cover
4. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks
5. Absence makes the heart grow fonder
6. Better be safe than sorry
7. Good fences make good neighbors
8. You can’t have your cake and eat it too

Don’t let commonly accepted clichés misdirect you from the unique path you are on.


What Kind of Daddy Do You Have?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

(by Bo Sanchez)

A college student in Manila called up his Mom in the province.
“Mom, I need money,” he asked. “Can you send money over please?”
“Sure,” the mother said. “By the way, there’s a Math textbook you left here at home. I’ll send it over with the money.”
“Uh, oh yeah, Ok,” her son answered.
His mother sent the money and the book.

Later that day, the father asked his wife, “How much money did you send?”
She said, “I sent two checks. One was a P1000 check and the other was a P100,000 check.”
“What?” cried the father in shock. “That’s huge!”
His wife smiled. “That’s okay Honey. I taped the P1000 check on the cover of his Math textbook. I then inserted the P100,000 check somewhere in chapter 25 of his Math textbook. Believe me, he won’t find it.”

Your relationship with God is like a Math textbook. Because I believe the biggest blessings of God for your life are in “chapter 25” - when you go beyond the surface and go deeper in this relationship with God.

My goal today is to bring you to chapter 25 in your relationship with God.
Let me tell you how.
I want to start a new series today I’ll playfully call, OMG! If you don’t know what that means, LOL. (For those my age who didn’t grow up with chat and IM and facebook: OMG! means Oh my God and LOL means Laugh out loud.) For the next five weeks, I want to help you get to know God more—which will deepen your trust in Him. And the more you trust Him, the more you’ll be open to His blessings for your life.

I’ve met a lot of people who don’t trust God because they don’t know Him. They’re confused with misrepresentations of who God is.
Here’s what I learned: Your problems are big because your God is small.

Before Anything Else, God Is Daddy

I just arrived from the US the other day.
It was my shortest trip ever: Four days!
But I had to do it.
I was there to meet a very special man who was a spiritual mentor to Presidents, Kings, Prime Ministers, and other heads of government. In other words, he disciples them to follow Jesus. He’s awesome.

This spiritual giant has been working in the United Nations for the past 25 years. Each month, he holds 30+ face-to-face meetings with heads of government, ambassadors, and other high-level officials, guiding them how to lead their country using the Bible. So for three whole days, I sat around his table (we were just four students—myself, two bishops, and a secretary general) to learn one thing: How to disciple Heads of States. It was mind-blowing.

So on my way back, I felt very important too.
I mean, how couldn’t I?
I spent three days with a guy who takes phone calls from Presidents and Prime Ministers before he has breakfast. How cool is that?

But the moment my plane landed in Manila, everything became clear to me. I knew the first Heads of States I would meet. That entire day, upon arriving from the airport, I spent time with the two Kings who’ve conquered my heart since I saw them: My two boys—ages 9 and 4.

Together, we did very high-level, critical, world-changing, life-altering work.
We drew robots and airplanes.
We played with little cars.
We played a video game (I lost, as usual).
We jumped around the coach.

Why did I spend the entire day with them?
Because I believe that before I’m a preacher, writer, leader, missionary, and businessman, I’m a father.

And I suspect that God will say the same thing. This is just my personal opinion. I think before God is supreme judge and king of kings of the entire universe, He’s a Father. That’s why when someone asked Jesus, “Teach us how to pray,” He answered, “Say this: Our Father…”

The original word that Jesus used for “Father” is Abba, which doesn’t really translate to Father but Daddy or Papa. It was what a little baby would call his father.

But as I played with my boys yesterday, I began to think of all the other children who don’t experience what they experience. And I believe that one of the reasons why we don’t know God as Father is because of the wrong fatherhood we’ve experienced. Specifically, I thought of four of my friends: Emmanuel, Grace, Dulce, and Fides. I’ve changed their names to protect their privacy. But unfortunately, their stories are true.

Invisible Fathers

My friend Emmanuel’s father was a lawyer. Later on, he became a judge and was promoted all the way to the Supreme Court. Emmanuel was proud of his father. But when our conversations became intimate, he’d tear up, and tell me that he rarely saw his father. When he woke up, his father was rushing out for his breakfast meetings. In the evenings, his father wasn’t home yet.

Emmanuel grew up knowing his father was an important man doing very important things. But as he grew up, he realized he wasn’t one of these important things his father did. Years later, Emmanuel came to know God in a personal way. Yet for years, he wondered how important he really was in God’s heart.

Autistic Fathers

Some fathers are physically present at home.
But they don’t engage their kids.
Instead, they’re wrapped up in their own world. Either watching TV or surfing the web. That’s why I call them autistic fathers.

Many years ago, I met Grace. She told me that as a child, her goal in life was to make her father smile at her. Because he never did. Oh, she would find him laughing with his barkada. But never to her.

One day, she came home with very high grades on her report card. In her heart, she hoped that perhaps today, he would smile at her. But when she gave him the report card, all her father did was look at it for two seconds, grunt, tossed it back, and went back watching TV.
Not one word of affirmation or appreciation.
Her little heart was crushed.

For years, Grace had a hard time imagining that God was pleased with her. She always imagined God having a perpetual frown on his face.

Cruel Fathers

Dulce’s father is the most barbaric father I’ve ever heard of in my life.
When she was 3 years old, he raped her.

Years later, she always had this nightmare of her head being pushed into a toilet bowl. She realized why. Because her father warned her not to tell anyone of the rape or he’d drown her in the toilet.

For the next ten years, for the slightest mistakes (such as a spilled glass of milk), her father would whip her with his belt until blood flowed. When he was lashing her, her mother would tell him, “Don’t hit her below the knees!” So that the wounds would be covered by her skirt.

He would then grab her ankles, hang her upside down, and bang her head on the floor. He would do this for thirty minutes until she stopped crying and was a lifeless rag in his hands. He would do this each week for ten long years.

Here’s the absurd fact of this story: Until the day he died, her father was an elder and deacon in church. To everyone else, he was an angel. Upon arriving home, he was the devil incarnate - and no one knew.

Dulce is now an adult but suffers massive physical, emotional, and spiritual torments. She has gone through 9 surgeries in various parts of her body. Her doctors discovered micro-strokes in her brain, caused by the head banging she suffered as a child. But her emotional pain was even more severe than her physical pain.

I’m happy to say that Dulce enjoys an intimate relationship with God. God has healed and continues to heal her. But it took years of healing and learning to trust a tender loving Father.

Unfaithful Father

Fides was still a small child when she saw her father walk out of their house carrying his suitcase. At that time, she didn’t know that he was abandoning her, her mother, and her two brothers for another woman.

Unlike her brothers who rebelled and got into drugs, Fides became even more obedient. She became even more responsible. Her school grades shot to the moon. Everyone praised her for being such a good girl.

Later on, Fides realized she blamed herself for the separation of her parents. Inexplicably, she believed that if she were only a better girl, her father would have never left. And for years, she secretly hoped that if she became that better girl, perhaps her father would come back.

For years, Fides’ relationship with God was also about buying His love. She would always try to be good to try to please Him—so He would love her. She had this constant fear that if she made one mistake, God would abandon her too.

May The Real God The Father Please Stand Up?

For many Christians, it’s so much easier to pray to Jesus. After all, He died for our sins. He’s the sweet one. The Father was the mean guy who sent Jesus to die on the cross.

And for many Catholics, it’s so much easier to pray to Mother Mary than to God the Father. Because they believe Mary is more merciful than God. If you can’t go through the front door, go to the back door - Mary has the key.
Which is utterly preposterous.

We have these difficulties because we don’t know who the Father really is.
The Father and the Son are one. And Mother Mary is a beautiful reflection of God’s love for us.

May the real God The Father please stand up?
I changed the names of our four real-life characters. I chose each name deliberately to show you who God the Father is: He is Emmanuel, Grace, Dulce, and Fides.

Daddy Is Emmanuel

A tribe in Africa had a very scary manhood ritual.
When a boy turned 12, the entire community gathered around him for this once-in-a-life-time chanting and dancing ceremony. The elderly women painted red die on his face. His mother gave him a beaded necklace. And the tribal chieftain handed him a long knife with a carved wooden handle.

By nightfall, he was blindfolded and led by six men into the middle of the forest. Once deep inside, the men left him. Alone. In total pitch darkness. The instruction was simple. Survive until dawn, and he gets accepted as a real man in the tribe. But the young boy knew very well that the forest was an incredibly dangerous place. It was the home of tigers. Snakes. Bears. Hyenas.

And so for the entire night, this scrawny little 12-year-old boy was now all alone in the forest. The entire night, he held his knife trembling in his hand. Not for one moment could he rest. Try as he might, his eyes could see nothing but shadows around him. In his imagination, every little sound—even a leaf swaying in the wind—was a wild animal ready to pounce on him at any moment. The whole night, he could hear his heart pounding in his chest.

When his terror overwhelmed him, tears ran down his cheeks. He wanted to shout, “I’m just a little boy! I’m not ready yet to be a man!” But who could hear him now? He was all alone. But after many hours of fighting his fear and exhaustion, his eyes could see more clearly. Dawn was approaching. The first shafts of sunlight pierced through the thick canopy of leaves above him. That was when the little boy felt something move behind him.

In terror, he turned around.
And there, standing tall on a rock behind him, was the towering figure of a fierce-looking man holding a long spear.
The boy shouted, “Daddy!”
The father smiled.
“When did you arrive?” the boy asked, “Are you here to pick me up?”

The father said, “Before you arrived last night, I was already here. I stood guard, protecting you the whole time. I never left you for one moment, my son.” Daddy is Emmanuel - which means God with us.

Friend, I don’t know what darkness you’re going through right now. Perhaps you’re praying for your child who is on drugs. Or your husband is having an affair. Or you’re having financial problems right now. Remember that in your darkness, God is with you. He will never leave or abandon you. When you’re in pain, God embraces you and feels your pain. He weeps with you. Because Daddy is Emmanuel.

Daddy is Grace

When I think of Grace giving her very high report card to her father - and all he did was grunt - I remember my own experience with my report card. When I was in grade school, my report card had red marks. (At least, it was colored. Yours was just black and white.) Because I failed in Math and Pilipino.

That day, I went up to Mom and showed her my report card.
All she said was, “Show it to your father.”
Gulp. Oh boy. I walked up to Dad and gave it to him.
He read it, nodded his head, and handed it back to me, and said, “Son, just study some more.”
No spanking. No scolding. No disapproval.
He then said, “Let’s eat.”
That’s why for the rest of my academic life, I kept failing. (Hehe...)

I guess Dad knew that my brilliance wasn’t in academics. It would bloom elsewhere. (Ahem.)
I thank God for having parents who loved me whether I performed in school or not. They just loved me, period. Unconditionally.
Daddy means Grace. Grace means gift.

Two weeks ago, my son Bene came up to me and showed me his Math exam. He was sad because out of 100 points, he got 92. I couldn’t help but laugh. Because if I got 92, my mother would have fainted. Because when I was a kid, out of 100 points, I would get 36. One time, I got 28. I would show those test papers to Dad. And all he’d say was, “Just do better next time.”

Grace means “free gift”.

Here’s my point: You don’t have to please God so that He loves you. He loves you as you are. He accepts you totally. I don’t care what sin you committed. I don’t care how many times you’ve done it. God loves you and will forgive you of your sins. It will be this love that will bring you to repentance and a new life. Because Daddy is grace.

Daddy Is Dulce

Dulce means sweet.
I believe God is the sweetest Daddy in the world.
A few years ago, I was in a preaching tour in the US.

I remember one big event. After the last song, I was signing my books. There was an unusually long line of people who wanted my autograph. In front of me were four ushers telling people to wait for their turn.

That was when someone ran past the long line of people, squeezed himself in between the ushers, and ducked underneath the table. He then climbed on my lap, handed me a bottle of water, and said, “Please open, Daddy. I’m thirsty.” Bene was four years old at that time.

Obviously, I stopped signing books and opened his bottle.
How could Bene do that? Because he was my son and I was his Daddy.
He was confident that I wouldn’t reject him. He knew that I loved him more than the entire world.

This is what Jesus meant when he taught us the “Our Father”.
Like Bene, we too can run to God, climb on his lap, and ask for what we need.
Because Daddy is dulce.

Daddy Is Fides

I like to believe I’m a good father.
But I’m nothing compared to Dick Hoyt and his love for his son Rick.
In 1962, while baby Rick was in the womb of his mother, he was strangled by the umbilical cord—causing a lack of oxygen in his brain. He suffered cerebral palsy and couldn’t speak or control his arms or legs.

As an eight month old baby, doctors told Dick and his wife Judy to place the child in an institution. “Because he was going to be a vegetable all his life,” they said. But the parents refused and brought him home. Dick promised that he would try to give his son as normal a life as possible.

Fast forward today: Dick learned that Rick loved sports. After a lot of pain and exercise (Dick wasn’t athletic), he pushed Rick in a wheelchair in a 5 kilometer run. After the Run, Rick said that while he was in the race, he didn’t feel an invalid.

That was the start of a great adventure. Today, this father-and-son team has participated in 66 marathons and 229 triathlons.
While running, Dick would push his son in a wheelchair.
While swimming, Dick would pull him in a rubber boat.
While biking, Dick would carry him at the front of his bike.
When I watched the life of Dick and Rick Hoyt, I saw a glimpse of God’s love. This is the Father’s love for you.

I don’t know about you, but I must admit that I’m handicapped in many areas of my life. I’ve got weaknesses I still battle to this day. But in this adventure called life, I’ve experienced my God pushing me, pulling me, and carrying me in his arms. I know God does the same to you.

Fides means faith. The root word for faithfulness.
God has faith in you. He believes in you.
Daddy is fides.

Next week, I’ll talk about God as Leader.
May your dreams come true,

Bo Sanchez