Moving Out

There is a reason why I have never update this blog again... I have a new home, my own dot com :p You can visit me at

It's been so great blogging here.... But I need more flexibility and I also have now being a freelance graphic designer. Feel free to browse my designs at My Portfolio Site. So... see you there... :)

What To Do With Our Ugly Past

Everyone has a past which consists of both sweet memories and bad ones. In the past, we have done mistakes, we have some hurtful moments, we have regrets at some points... And most of those things cannot be changed nor rewind.

There is no use of thinking "if only..." as those things have already happened. Keep thinking of it just make our life controlled by regrets, and it is not the right way to live in His truth.

As His children, we have the power to choose. He taught some simple prayers about the 3 time line in our life:
- "Give us today our daily bread" which points to the present
- "Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors" which points to the past
- "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one" which points to the future

God wants us to have faith on the Truth He has revealed to us and act based on that faith towards our present, past, and future.

He wants us to live free. Free from regrets, bitterness, anger, sadness, disappointments of the past. Free from worries of the future. Free to live day by day because of His grace and mercy (Lamentations 3:21-24).

Make your decission, and live free!
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Nobody Acoustic Version by Fay

This is the acoustic version (Rainstone Remix) of "Nobody" - Wonder Girls. I downloaded the instrumental music from and I recorded it with my voice, plus some picture slides :p Enjoy :)

Searching for Mini Speaker

Sebenernya dah dari rada lama siy pengen speaker portable mini buat iPod ato laptop biar suara lebih kenceng, cuman karna emang ngerasa belon perlu banget jadinya ga beli. Tapi baru-baru ini ada file mp3 yang penting banget buat didengerin 'n ada video tutorial yang suaranya kecil, jadinya aku pake earphone 'n berasa ribet aja. Lagian sering-sering pake earphone kan juga ga baek buat telinga.

Jadilah mulai browsing-browsing speaker portable. Pertama siy naksir Divoom iTour-10. Setelah bandingin harga dari beberapa seller, nemu yang harganya paling murah 115 rebu di Kaskus. Tapi pas dihubungin ternyata lagi out of stock 'n masih gatau kapan restock lagi. So aku cari alternatif kedua, nemu portable speaker mini yang laen di Kaskus juga. Aku cuman nanya-nanya spek 'n bookmark page-nya.

Alternatif ketiga nemu mini speaker yang seri stargirl, skully, catgirl, dkk gitu. Ada lumayan banyak online seller yang jual, harga juga bervariasi. Akhirnya nemu yang paling murah (coz lagi harga promo sampe 10 November aja) 60 rebu. Akhirnya tadi deh deal beli mini speaker yang stargirl. Kalo nurutin laper mata si pengen beli 1 lagi hehehe mumpung harga promo... Tapi pikir-pikir lagi ya mau buat apa punya 2 :p Sekarang tinggal nunggu barang nyampe deh... Ntar kalo udah nyampe aku review lagi. *wink*
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Biblical Principles for Wise Financial Management

Foundations: Cultivate a steward's mindset.

1. Recognise God created everything
In the beginning there was nothing, and God created (Genesis 1:1).
2. Recognise God owns everything
"'The silver is mine and the gold is mine,' declares the LORD Almighty" (Haggai 2:8). "Every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills" (Psalm 50:10). "The earth and the fullness thereof belong to the Lord and all those who live within" (Psalm 37:21).
3. Realise we cannot serve two masters
"No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money" (Matthew 6:24).

Infeksi Tenggorokan

Gara-gara maybe kecapekan plus ga jaga makan plus ada alasan laen seabis pulang dari Tangerang, tenggorokanku sakit 'n batuk-batuk... Yang parah kalo pagi baru bangun tidur or malem, sampe cape batuk mulu 'n ngeluarin dahaknya... So otomatis kurang tidur 'n beberapa hari jadi kurang produktif banget T.T

Udah rutin minum lo han kuo ama aer anget + lemon ga ada perubahan berarti, sempet juga coba 2 harian minum FG Trosches, tapi berhubung masih sakit banget kalo nelan, akhirnya tadi siang ke klinik spesialis THT ditemenin Mel. Dokternya bilang merah banget tenggorokanku waktu diperiksa, katanya infeksi di bagian dinding tenggorokannya.

Dah dikasih resep 3 macem obat. 1 kapsul racikan. Harus sembuh!!!
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Nasi Uduk n Lontong Sayur Serpong

Seminggu penuh mulai dari tanggal 10 Oktober sampe 17 Oktober kemaren kan lagi stay di Serpong Tangerang... Selaen suka mie ikan (mie dikasih abon ikan) yang dijual di koperasi deket penginapan, nemu lagi makanan Jawa Barat yang aku kangenin: nasi uduk ama lontong sayur hehehe.... Mie ikannya itu abonnya ga terlalu amis jadinya mau, apalagi mienya enak, sehat tanpa msg, banyak sayurnya juga. Kalo nasi uduk ama lontong sayur adanya pagi doang, bapaknya juga jual gorengan tempe mendoan ama bakwan. Tempe mendoannya ga ngalahin deh uenak tenan :p

Jalan ke WBL

Minggu kemaren abis jalan-jalan seharian ke WBL a.k.a Wisata Bahari Lamongan trus nyambung ke Maharani Zoo. Tiket masuknya buat ke 2 tempat itu sekaligus per orangnya 60 ribu. Kalo cuman ke WBL doang tiketnya per orang 45 ribu. Ada macem-macem wahana, kita maen Crazy Car, Sepeda Air, Bom-bom Car, Rumah Kaca, Texas Cinema, de el el.

Mau PHK Si Modem Matrix

Aku pake modem Matrix sejak akhir taun 2008 sampe sekarang. Dulu pas awal dipake lancar-lancar aja 'n kenceng. Cuman yahhh.... tambah ke sini tambah sering bikin bete. Udah 2 bulan terakhir ini koneksinya rewel abis. Cuman kenceng beberapa menit pertama abis gitu tepar. Kadang mau konek lancar beberapa jam di pagi doang, siang sampe malem ga bernyawa. Kadang malah sebaliknya, pagi ga bisa tapi sore beberapa jam bisa sebelum malem koit lagi.

Magic Chocolate or Coklat Monggo?

Barusan nonton acara Jelang Siang di Trans TV as usual. Ada liputan kuliner di Bali, salah satunya coklat produksi lokal Bali "Magic Chocolate".

Abis itu iseng browsing jadi pengen nyobain 'n ngebandingin deh antara Magic Chocolate ama Coklat Monggo. Kalo coklat Monggo buatan Jogja. Di Surabaya sini cuman Mirota doang yang jual.