Cute Pictures and Tick Tock

Thursday, April 29, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Have just found these cute boys with cute cats pictures!!! So cuteeee!!! My first entertainment to seize the day (well at least today :-p) Full of love!!! It is very cute considering I seldom see men love cats, except my dad (Ow yes, my dad has his special kind of ways to make cats love him. Until now I can't figure it out... sigh... Why can't I have his natural talent with cats even though I'm his daughter? :-p)

Tick tock tick tock... tomorrow will be my last day at the office. I will embrace my new job as a freelance writer, work from home, while learning internet marketing stuffs... Hopeful hopeful...


No Money No Work

Monday, April 26, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

"Arek-arek sekarang yooo... gak mau kerja nek ga dikasih uang..." Gitu kira-kira komentar salah satu temen kantor abis telponan ama freelancer penulis yang masih kuliah. Aku jadi pengen nulis ini di blog hihihihi...

Gini ini dah mindset "ministry" yang ga pada tempatnya. Kalo ngomong soal "doing extra mile 'n give more than what is expected", itu porsinya orang yang ngelakuin, harus lahir dari kerelaan hati, dari impian atau visi yang sama. Bukan ukuran yang kita tuntut dari orang lain. Bagian kita terhadap orang lain itu ya harusnya menghargai waktu dan usaha dia dengan ngasih imbalan uang. Ya orang hidup kan juga butuh makan, butuh biaya hidup, masa kita nuntut dia serahin waktu dia buat ngelakuin kerjaan trus kita pengennya dia mau-mau aja ga dibayar. Yang fair lah...

Lain soal kalo misalnya kita ada di posisi orang lain itu. Ada tawaran kerjaan tapi ga ada bayaran, trus kita memilih mau 'n rela coz kita pengen memberkati dengan usaha kita tanpa minta imbalan. Kita mau doing extra mile. Sikap kayak gitu itu ya keputusan kita sendiri. Itu hak kita untuk memutuskan kita mau doing extra mile atau give our efforts without being paid, mungkin karena biaya hidup kita udah cukup, mungkin karena kita emang satu visi 'n pengen ikut jadi berkat makanya ga minta imbalan, dll... Tapi kita ga berhak untuk menuntut orang lain punya sikap yang sama, karna kondisi mereka kan beda ama kondisi kita (kondisi ini juga termasuk kondisi keuangan, kondisi hati, kondisi keluarga, kondisi iman, dll).

Bisa jadi mereka lagi butuh uang, bisa jadi mereka ada tawaran job lain, bisa jadi mereka ga sevisi makanya mereka pola pikirnya cuman berdasarkan pertimbangan uang, banyak lagi alasan-alasan lain yang kita ga tau pasti. And it's not our rights to judge other people. Only God knows the whole view and the depth of the hearts, thus only Him is qualified to judge.


Cute Overloaded

Monday, April 12, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

I have just watched some videos on Youtube and got heart struck by seeing these cute dog and cats! Awww... totally cute!!!

This is a cute Welsh Corgi

And these cats are talking to each other before snuggling, how cute!!!

Makes me think of having both cat and dog >.<  Can't stand seeing those adorable pets!


Dashed Hope

Friday, April 09, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

(By Max Lucado)

“I had intended …”

David had wanted to build a temple. And who better than he to do so? Hadn’t he, literally, written the book on worship? Didn’t he rescue the ark of the covenant? The temple would have been his swan song, his signature deed. David had expected to dedicate his final years to building a shrine to God.

At least, that had been his intention. “I had intended to build a permanent home for the ark of the covenant of the LORD and for the footstool of our God. So I had made preparations to build it” (1 Chron. 28:2 NASB).

Intentions. Preparations. But no temple. Why? Did David grow discouraged? No. He stood willing. Were the people resistant? Hardly. They gave generously. Then what happened?

A conjunction happened.

Conjunctions operate as the signal lights of sentences. Some, such as and, are green. Others, such as however, are yellow. A few are red. Sledgehammer red. They stop you. David got a red light.

I had made preparations to build it. But God said to me, “You shall not build a house for My name because you are a man of war and have shed blood.… Your son Solomon is the one who shall build My house and My courts.” (1 Chron. 28:2–3, 6 NASB, emphasis mine)

David’s bloodthirsty temperament cost him the temple privilege. All he could do was say:

I had intended... I had made preparations... BUT God...
I had intended …
I had made preparations …
But God …

I’m thinking of some people who have uttered similar words. God had different plans than they did.

One man waited until his midthirties to marry. Resolved to select the right spouse, he prayerfully took his time. When he found her, they moved westward, bought a ranch, and began their life together. After three short years, she was killed in an accident.

I had intended … 
I had made preparations … 
But God …

A young couple turned a room into a nursery. They papered walls, refinished a baby crib, but then the wife miscarried.

I had intended … 
I had made preparations …
But God …

I had intended …
I had made preparations …
But God …

What do you do with the “but God” moments in life? 
When God interrupts your good plans, how do you respond?

The man who lost his wife has not responded well. At this writing he indwells a fog bank of anger and bitterness. The young couple is coping better. They stay active in church and prayerful about a child. And what about David? When God changed David’s plans, how did he reply? (You’ll like this.)

He followed the “but God” with a “yet God.”

Yet, the LORD, the God of Israel, chose me from all the house of my father to be king over Israel forever. For He has chosen Judah to be a leader; and in the house of Judah, my father’s house, and among the sons of my father He took pleasure in me to make me king over all Israel.” (1 Chron. 28:4 NASB)

Reduce the paragraph to a phrase, and it reads, “Who am I to complain? David had gone from runt to royalty, from herding sheep to leading armies, from sleeping in the pasture to living in the palace. When you are given an ice cream sundae, you don’t complain over a missing cherry.

David faced the behemoth of disappointment with “yet God.” David trusted.

His “but God” became a “yet God.”

Who’s to say yours won’t become the same?

* PS: I've been so blessed by Max Lucado's mailing list, especially this one for now... :)


From The Motherhood Movie

Sunday, April 04, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Below are the words from “Motherhood” movie I’ve seen for the second time today. The main character is played by Uma Thurman, act as a mommy blogger. I don’t know why I always like movies involving blogger character LOL… Like this one and also Hillary Duff’s movie “The Perfect Man” :b
Here are the words, spoken (or may I say, written in the blog) at the end of the movie:
Things are always changing…
No matter how much we might want things to stay the same.
So seize your days and dwell in them fully.
Look to the children, because they know how to inhabit brief periods of time with extreme passion. And for nothing more, really, than the sake of those moments.
They can help you remember that, if you only slow down and let them. Feel fortunate because chances are good you actually might be.

PS: Do you find those above words inspiring?