What To Do With Our Ugly Past

Sunday, November 28, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Everyone has a past which consists of both sweet memories and bad ones. In the past, we have done mistakes, we have some hurtful moments, we have regrets at some points... And most of those things cannot be changed nor rewind.

There is no use of thinking "if only..." as those things have already happened. Keep thinking of it just make our life controlled by regrets, and it is not the right way to live in His truth.

As His children, we have the power to choose. He taught some simple prayers about the 3 time line in our life:
- "Give us today our daily bread" which points to the present
- "Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors" which points to the past
- "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one" which points to the future

God wants us to have faith on the Truth He has revealed to us and act based on that faith towards our present, past, and future.

He wants us to live free. Free from regrets, bitterness, anger, sadness, disappointments of the past. Free from worries of the future. Free to live day by day because of His grace and mercy (Lamentations 3:21-24).

Make your decission, and live free!
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Nobody Acoustic Version by Fay

Monday, November 22, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

This is the acoustic version (Rainstone Remix) of "Nobody" - Wonder Girls. I downloaded the instrumental music from 4shared.com and I recorded it with my voice, plus some picture slides :p Enjoy :)


Searching for Mini Speaker

Tuesday, November 09, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Sebenernya dah dari rada lama siy pengen speaker portable mini buat iPod ato laptop biar suara lebih kenceng, cuman karna emang ngerasa belon perlu banget jadinya ga beli. Tapi baru-baru ini ada file mp3 yang penting banget buat didengerin 'n ada video tutorial yang suaranya kecil, jadinya aku pake earphone 'n berasa ribet aja. Lagian sering-sering pake earphone kan juga ga baek buat telinga.

Jadilah mulai browsing-browsing speaker portable. Pertama siy naksir Divoom iTour-10. Setelah bandingin harga dari beberapa seller, nemu yang harganya paling murah 115 rebu di Kaskus. Tapi pas dihubungin ternyata lagi out of stock 'n masih gatau kapan restock lagi. So aku cari alternatif kedua, nemu portable speaker mini yang laen di Kaskus juga. Aku cuman nanya-nanya spek 'n bookmark page-nya.

Alternatif ketiga nemu mini speaker yang seri stargirl, skully, catgirl, dkk gitu. Ada lumayan banyak online seller yang jual, harga juga bervariasi. Akhirnya nemu yang paling murah (coz lagi harga promo sampe 10 November aja) 60 rebu. Akhirnya tadi deh deal beli mini speaker yang stargirl. Kalo nurutin laper mata si pengen beli 1 lagi hehehe mumpung harga promo... Tapi pikir-pikir lagi ya mau buat apa punya 2 :p Sekarang tinggal nunggu barang nyampe deh... Ntar kalo udah nyampe aku review lagi. *wink*
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Biblical Principles for Wise Financial Management

Thursday, November 04, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Foundations: Cultivate a steward's mindset.

1. Recognise God created everything
In the beginning there was nothing, and God created (Genesis 1:1).
2. Recognise God owns everything
"'The silver is mine and the gold is mine,' declares the LORD Almighty" (Haggai 2:8). "Every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills" (Psalm 50:10). "The earth and the fullness thereof belong to the Lord and all those who live within" (Psalm 37:21).
3. Realise we cannot serve two masters
"No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money" (Matthew 6:24).


Infeksi Tenggorokan

Tuesday, October 26, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Gara-gara maybe kecapekan plus ga jaga makan plus ada alasan laen seabis pulang dari Tangerang, tenggorokanku sakit 'n batuk-batuk... Yang parah kalo pagi baru bangun tidur or malem, sampe cape batuk mulu 'n ngeluarin dahaknya... So otomatis kurang tidur 'n beberapa hari jadi kurang produktif banget T.T

Udah rutin minum lo han kuo ama aer anget + lemon ga ada perubahan berarti, sempet juga coba 2 harian minum FG Trosches, tapi berhubung masih sakit banget kalo nelan, akhirnya tadi siang ke klinik spesialis THT ditemenin Mel. Dokternya bilang merah banget tenggorokanku waktu diperiksa, katanya infeksi di bagian dinding tenggorokannya.

Dah dikasih resep 3 macem obat. 1 kapsul racikan. Harus sembuh!!!
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Nasi Uduk n Lontong Sayur Serpong

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Seminggu penuh mulai dari tanggal 10 Oktober sampe 17 Oktober kemaren kan lagi stay di Serpong Tangerang... Selaen suka mie ikan (mie dikasih abon ikan) yang dijual di koperasi deket penginapan, nemu lagi makanan Jawa Barat yang aku kangenin: nasi uduk ama lontong sayur hehehe.... Mie ikannya itu abonnya ga terlalu amis jadinya mau, apalagi mienya enak, sehat tanpa msg, banyak sayurnya juga. Kalo nasi uduk ama lontong sayur adanya pagi doang, bapaknya juga jual gorengan tempe mendoan ama bakwan. Tempe mendoannya ga ngalahin deh uenak tenan :p


Jalan ke WBL

Monday, October 04, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Minggu kemaren abis jalan-jalan seharian ke WBL a.k.a Wisata Bahari Lamongan trus nyambung ke Maharani Zoo. Tiket masuknya buat ke 2 tempat itu sekaligus per orangnya 60 ribu. Kalo cuman ke WBL doang tiketnya per orang 45 ribu. Ada macem-macem wahana, kita maen Crazy Car, Sepeda Air, Bom-bom Car, Rumah Kaca, Texas Cinema, de el el.


Mau PHK Si Modem Matrix

Friday, October 01, 2010 Fay 1 Comments

Aku pake modem Matrix sejak akhir taun 2008 sampe sekarang. Dulu pas awal dipake lancar-lancar aja 'n kenceng. Cuman yahhh.... tambah ke sini tambah sering bikin bete. Udah 2 bulan terakhir ini koneksinya rewel abis. Cuman kenceng beberapa menit pertama abis gitu tepar. Kadang mau konek lancar beberapa jam di pagi doang, siang sampe malem ga bernyawa. Kadang malah sebaliknya, pagi ga bisa tapi sore beberapa jam bisa sebelum malem koit lagi.


Magic Chocolate or Coklat Monggo?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Fay 1 Comments

Barusan nonton acara Jelang Siang di Trans TV as usual. Ada liputan kuliner di Bali, salah satunya coklat produksi lokal Bali "Magic Chocolate".

Abis itu iseng browsing jadi pengen nyobain 'n ngebandingin deh antara Magic Chocolate ama Coklat Monggo. Kalo coklat Monggo buatan Jogja. Di Surabaya sini cuman Mirota doang yang jual.


Still Vote for Hudson

Monday, September 27, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Iya... I know that Hudson was out from IMB last night. Tapi dia tetep favoritku coz bakatnya unik 'n orangnya humble. Semoga dia tetep humble 'n terus berkreasi 'n tambah sukses in his calling. Semoga kerendahan hati 'n keramahan khas orang Jogja ga ilang walopun udah beken... Amin :)

Ajang-ajang pencarian bakat benernya bagus si... Tapi concern aja knapa smua harus ditarik ke Jakarta...


Father Love Letter

Thursday, September 23, 2010 Fay 0 Comments


Can You Handle The Truth?

Thursday, September 23, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

A man had a drinking problem. Before a bottle of wine, he is virtually powerless. He knew he had to break the vice so, for a start, he started reading medical journals to know more about the evils of drinking. After reading enough materials and being convinced of the hazards of drinking, he immediately vowed to stop reading medical journals.


Last Day at Home

Saturday, September 18, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

This is the last day for me to enjoy my time at home sweet home. Tomorrow, like it or not, I have to go back to Surabaya. Back to the routine at my dorm. I wish the distance between my hometown and my dorm at Surabaya can be more closer :p Of course, Suramadu bridge has shorten the length between them, but still it feels so far (1 and a half or maximum 2 hours by motorcycle, average speed).

Actually, yesterday I planned to go back today...


Third Day - Fever and Flu

Tuesday, September 14, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

It's the third day I stay at home because of fever and flu. It started on Sunday morning, but I'm gradually better since I took Panadol, Neozep Forte, and Lo Han Kuo tea as a medicine. Of course I didn't mix them all together. I took Panadol 3 times in Sunday and 1 time in Monday morning after meals. Then I took Neozep Forte 2 times in Monday afternoon and night. In between, I drank Lo Han Kuo tea. Lo Han Kuo is the common tea I drink whenever I have sore or dry throat. This morning I woke up with so much better condition  (though my throat is still kinda sore and very dry, the fever is all gone) but I still take Neozep Forte until my influenza healed completely. So is Lo Han Kuo.


Mudik: Miky, Fever, and Everything in Between

Monday, September 13, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Pas semalem sebelon tanggal merah libur Lebaran me 'n my fam kan nginep di Surabaya. Miky ditinggal di rumah dalam keadaan gelap gulita, coz kita berangkatnya sekitar jam 7 malem gitu 'n semua lampu dimatiin. Kasian... dia kayak ngerti gitu, masa sebelum kita berangkat dia kan ga ada. kita cari-cari eh ternyata dia duduk di mobil.... kayak mau ikut gitu... Tapi terpaksa kita tinggal, makanan dah dipenuhin di piringnya, nasi + ikan ama whiskas juga. Nah kita kan nginep di Surabaya 2 malem tuh... Balik ke rumah sini hari Sabtu kemaren lusa.


H-9 Mudik Jadi Kuli

Sunday, August 29, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Yup... Libur lebaran tinggal bentar lagi, harus siap-siap tenaga buat jadi kuli di toko + rumah juga coz pembantu pada pulang. Kalo taun lalu mamaku masih bisa angkut-angkut barang 'n jongkok buat ngebungkus 'n ngiket dus, sekarang ga bisa coz kakinya masih dalam proses penyembuhan. So it's gotta be me, termasuk juga nimba air dari sumur buat nyuci baju.

Mudik ntar bener-bener full kerja fisik kayaknya. Jadi mikir kayaknya kudu mulai siapin body nih secara aku kan kerjanya pake otak mulu di depan laptop, ya ama pake jari siy hehehe... Tapi kan kurang gesit coz banyakan duduk kan... Niat mo senam tiap pagi ah...upgrading dulu biar ntar ga kaget fisiknya langsung kerja rodi gitu :p


Busy Days Before Mudik

Monday, August 23, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Judulnya berjuang demi masa depan hehehe.... Bulan ini ada beberapa hal yang terjadi. Yang bikin down ada, yang bikin sedih ada, yang bikin bingung ada,  yang bikin bimbang ada, yang bikin panik ada, yang bikin seneng ada, yang bikin sumpek juga ada. Yah jadi ngambil kesimpulan ngadepin apapun emang kudu legowo, kudu tetep bersyukur 'n berharap ama God... coz:

Bahwa aku tertindas (afflicted, tertekan, ada beban) itu baik bagiku, supaya aku belajar ketetapan-ketetapanMu.
Mazmur 119:71


Want to Travel to Malang

Thursday, August 19, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

It's because the last Tuesday my friends asked me to join them to visit Bakpo Telo in Lawang. In the car we talked about various resorts in Malang like Taman Dayu, BNS and Jatim Park. We plan to visit them but haven't decided the dates yet :p But I'm excited! So I browsed about "wisata Malang" and found the exact site name with that keyword, the site written in Indonesian and it has complete information about Malang tourism: the resorts, hotel recommendations, culinary venues, craft centers, etc.

Indonesia (Country Guide)Looks like because I'm writing articles about traveling, all I want is to travel and it's started to come true LOL... It's true... this year I traveled to Bakpo Telo, and in October there are plans to go to Bali (with my church friends) and to Jogja - Solo (with  friend from Ponorogo and Semarang, but this hasn't been decided yet). I really want to visit other cities like Jogja, Bali, and the nearest from Surabaya is Malang. Hopeful hopeful ^.^

I'm not too interested to travel abroad... well at least for now... 'cause it's expensive, need passport or visa, etc... But if I can afford and I go together with close friends, I wouldn't say no :p


Bakpo Telo di Lawang

Tuesday, August 17, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Siang tadi aku ama temen-temenku dadakan jalan-jalan ke Bakpo Telo di Lawang. Berangkat hampir jam 2 siang dari Surabaya. Sampe sana kita beli gorengan, bakpo telo, 'n aku juga nyobain mie kuah telo yang reviewnya pernah aku liat di Jelang Siang TransTV (kalo ga salah). Pengen nyobain rasanya kayak apa hehehe...


Pungli di KPP Rungkut

Monday, August 16, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Sebenernya dari rada lama pengen nulis ini hehehe... Berharap bisa mengurangi jumlah korban pungli, soalnya kebanyakan ga tau kalo itu pungli. Dipikir udah ngelakuin hal yang bener tapi ternyata jadi korban dibohongin ama oknum-oknum di halaman kantor pajak. Walopun yang jadi korban 1 orangnya cuman tertipu seribu rupiah (bayangin berapa jumlah total uang pungli per hari yang mereka kumpulin?), tapi tetep aja ini bener-bener menggelitik banget sekaligus ironis...

Pungli-nya emang ga terang-terangan. Tapi secara sugesti itu bikin orang ngebayar 'n ga sadar kalo mereka udah jadi korban pungli. Pengalaman pribadi ini di kantor pajak Rungkut yah, kalo di KPP lain gatau deh... Pungli uang parkir. Gini ceritanya...


Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Friday, August 13, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Udah lama ga karaokean :p Lagi pengen nyanyi "Somewhere Over The Rainbow", yang versi lawas ama yang versi ukulele hehehe... Kalo yang versi oldies tu kesannya klasik banget, macem opera sabun jaman baheula. Tapi kalo yang ukulele kesannya kayak lagi nyanyi di pantai gitu hehehe... Jadi pengobat kangennya browsing di Youtube deh. Ini yang pake ukulele versi instrumentalnya:


Cake Bday Dari Dapur Cokelat

Thursday, August 12, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Surprised banget!!! Sore-sore mbak kos ngasih kiriman cake dari Dapur Cokelat. Ga nyangka banget deh pokoknya. Ini masih sekuel lanjutan dari hadiah bulan kemaren ga yah? Hihihi...


My Birthday

Thursday, August 12, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Yap, it's my birthday... Cuman bedanya yah, baru taun ini aku ngerasa rada hambar hihihi... Ga gitu berasa yang gimanaaaa gitu kayak taun-taun sebelumnya... Hampir biasa aja... :p

Nothing special siy... tadi rencana cuman di kos doang ngelanjutin artikel kayak biasa, tapi kudu ke THR bentar buat ambil laptop yang udah diperbaikin. Sumuk abiezzz.... Eh tau sumuk ga? Sumuk tu idem ama gerah hehehe... matahari terik + hawanya emang panas. Baru kali ini ke THR naek motor sendirian... Tadinya sempet keder, secara jarang kan nemuin cewek jalan-jalan di THR kalo ga karyawan yang kerja di sana?


Posisi 3 Terendah

Sunday, August 08, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Like usual, aku nonton IMB (Indonesia Mencari Bakat) di TransTV tiap Sabtu malem ama Minggu malem. Tapi kali ini yang shocking tu si Brandon ama Hudson masuk posisi yang dapet sms 3 terendah. Sebelumnya ga pernah tuh... Mereka berdua kan fans-nya banyak banget. Kalo JP Millenix sebelumnya udah pernah masuk beberapa kali di posisi sms 3 terendah.

Yang paling keliatan shock si Brandon, langsung down 'n nahan nangis gitu. Jadi inget dulu waktu aku pertama kali shock soal prestasi... Dulu pas SMP kan masih di hometown tuh, juara 1 terus. Tapi aku down pertama kali pas SMA di Surabaya, for the first time dapet nilai 2 pas ulangan Fisika. Asli sampe ga percaya, abis kan biasanya liat angka-angka minimal yang terendah 7, eh ini 2... Itu perasaan shock yang mirip kali ya hehehe...


Jesus ... Single Like Me: He Knows What It Feels Like to Be Alone, Christian Dating, Singles

Friday, August 06, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Jesus lived his life as a single adult till his death. Because he lived his life as a single adult, he understands every aspect of what you and I are experiencing today. This series examines the "singleness" of Christ in relation to our singleness with the hope you will be encouraged to walk this journey you have been given. A journey that not only leads to the cross for our salvation but to his resurrection for our future...

Read more:
Jesus ... Single Like Me: He Knows What It Feels Like to Be Alone, Christian Dating, Singles


Baju Longgar 'n Kaos Polo

Thursday, August 05, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Hari ini mumpung ga ada katering + bosen, akhirnya jalan-jalan ke Surabaya Plaza. Pas lagi liat-liat kaos longgar di Ben Hill, aku kan nunjukin 1 kaos polos longgar gitu ke mbaknya, nanya ada warna laen ga. Mbaknya abis liat kaos itu nanya, "Ini buat mbaknya tah?" Aku jawab iya. "Nggak kegedean?" "Emang cari yang longgar..."

Trus mbaknya kan nunjukin ada warna apa aja, aku ambil yang warna putih tulang. Dia masih nanya lagi knapa aku ambil yang longgar XD trus aku bilang, "Iya kan dipake ama legging..."


Media Udah Jadi Satu

Wednesday, August 04, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Tadi siang pas lagi nonton "Bingkai Berita" di TransTV, jadi ngeh kalo sekarang media online ama TV tu dah jadi satu. Beda banget ama dulu. Kalo dulu mana ada acara TV yang ambil bahan terang-terangan dari internet? Sekarang mah udah normal... Bahan berita ada yang dari youtube, facebook, twitter, juga ada website khusus yang postingannya diangkat jadi satu segmen acara gitu...

Yang tadi aku tonton siy itu, tentang hebohnya video lipsync "Keong Racun" yang sampe jadi trending keyword di Twitter. Heran aja kok bisa sampe booming gitu... Padahal cuman lipsync 'n bergaya-gaya ngikutin lagu...


Indonesia Mencari Bakat

Sunday, August 01, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Dah dari lama siy ngikutin acara IMB di TransTV. Yang aku paling suka tu Hudson, soalnya unik buangettt. Trus juga humble gitu, simple, orang Jogja siy yah... Gatau knapa kalo orang dari Jawa tengah tu simple 'n ramah gitu, seneng liatnya hihihi...

Tadi malem Brandon kan nampilin tribute buat Camella (bener ga siy ni nulisnya?). Inspiring banget... Ga abis pikir juga siy Camella yang dikasih talenta bisa dance hiphop tapi kok end up kena kanker tulang, ga bisa nge-dance lagi 'n akhirnya berpulang...

Kalo secara manusia berasa tragis yah... Maksudnya penyakitnya tu nyerang pas di kelebihan yang ada di dia. Jadi ga bisa ngedance lagi. Trus abis kena kanker tulang hidupnya juga ga lama... But God is surely has another point of view and another plan... Coz Brandon ('n yang pasti keluarganya Camella) terinspirasi ama karakternya Camella yang walopun berada dalam keadaan yang "sepertinya" hopeless, tapi tetep bisa senyum 'n semangat, jadi blessing buat orang yang kenal ama dia.

Speechless aja jadinya... Nonton IMB kemaren tu berasa rada "warm feeling" gitu... Gara-gara ada kisahnya Camella ama liputan Hudson yang pulang bentar ke Jogja ketemu keluarganya. Jadi ga sabar pengen ke Jogja hihihi... Gatau Oktober ato November, so far siy rencananya bareng ama 2 temen dari Semarang 'n Ponorogo.

Ini dari crita soal IMB nyambung ke traveling hihihihi...
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Goodie Bag Dapur Cokelat

Tuesday, July 27, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Gara-gara awal Juli sempet iseng kirim ide ke email Dapur Cokelat, aku dapet hadiah Raspberry Truffle cake yang gede + membership card gratis. Cakenya dimakan rame-rame ama anak-anak sekomsel :p

Baru seminggu lalu membership card-nya dikirim ke kosku. Ternyata bukan cuman membership card, tapi dapet juga kartu diskon ama invitation ke grand opening Dapur Cokelat yang ke-2 di Plaza Graha Family A3 Surabaya, berlaku sampe akhir Juli ini. Ntar invitationnya di sana bisa ditukerin ama goodie bag.

Abis terima semua itu kan aku cerita to my parents. Papaku bilang ya ntar pas ke Surabaya aja bareng ke sana. Na udah kan, abis itu aku liat kok kayaknya papaku ada beberapa hal yang masih harus diurusin, ada something yang dia pikirin 'n kerjain gitu, ga bisa diceritain di sini :p jadi aku ga berharap bisa ke Dapur Cokelat buat tukerin invitationnya ama goodie bag :p

Tiba-tiba tadi siang papaku telpon, dia lagi di Surabaya, urusannya udah kelar 'n dia dah di kosku, nanya apa mau ke Dapur Cokelat buat tuker invitationnya. Aku sampe kaget, abis dadakan banget... Langsung dah ganti baju siap-siap 'n langsung pergi. Sweet surprise :p hal kayak gini aja kok dia perhatiin :p padahal kalopun ga sempet pergi ke sana aku juga ga papa :p

Akhirnya sampe sana 'n beli 1 kotak coklat praline-nya ama 1 jenis snack-nya. Kan malu kalo cuman ambil goodie bag doang ga beli apa-apa hehehe... Lagian jarang ini... :p

Dan inilah goodie bag dari Dapur Cokelat!

Dari kiri ke kanan: chocolate stick, mouse pad (sempet aku kira sticker hihihi), chocolate dip (buat dicelupin ke susu hangat), mug. Thank you Dapur Cokelat :)

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Time Flies

Tuesday, July 27, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

This morning I woke up early to wash my hair and get it dry before I went out to buy my breakfast (pecel) and go to Chicco supermarket to buy bananas, soy milk, and some traditional cakes (kue saputangan vla and onde-onde) :p healthy food huh? :p

When I bought pecel, I met someone from my former office (the one I have just resigned by the end of April). So meanwhile I waited for the seller to wrap my food, I talked a bit with him. After that I went to Chicco and got back to my dorm. And I found out that yesterday I forgot to eat bakwan sawi from my catering T.T it is already too late and smells bad T.T how come I forgot? So I threw it to the garbage...

I ate some cakes while working on some articles. And just now it is 11 am already??? Time flies so fast T.T gotta finish my jobs today as this afternoon there will be a meeting at SW. I better be hurry!
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Better Than I

Tuesday, July 27, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

(a song by Joy Williams)

I thought I did what's right
I thought I had the answer
I thought I chose the surest road
But that road brought me here

So I put up a fight
And told You how to help me
And just when I had given up
The truth is coming clear

For You know better than I
You know the way
I've let go the need to know why
'Cause You know better than I

If this has been a test
I cannot see the reason
But maybe knowing... I don't know
It's part of getting through

I try to do what's best
And faith has made it easy
To see the best thing I can do
Is put my faith in You

For You know better than I
You know the way
I've let go the need to know why
'Cause You know better than I

I saw one cloud and thought it was the sky
I saw a bird and thought that I could follow
But it was You who taught them to fly
If I let You reach me... Would You teach me?

For You know better than I
You know the way
I've let go the need to know why
I'll take what answers You supply
'Cause You know better than I

You know better than I...


God's Love

Monday, July 26, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

A Tale of Two Trees
by Max Lucado

Chapter I
Formless masses. Floating. Disconnected. Divine artist. Earthly dream. Light!
Sun rays piercing through jungle trees. Sunsets volcanic with explosions of gold. Soft sheets of moonlight soothing a weary ocean.

Beings! Snorting. Flying. Splashing. Bleating. Gnawing. Clawing. Digging. Sound! Horse's hoof beats. Cawing crows. Hyena laughter. Cannoning thunder. Chirping chicks. Rat-tat-tatting rain. Nothingness converted.

Then silence … as an unseen Sculptor molds mud and dust.
Lions motionlessly watching. Sparrows perched, peering downward. Clouds hovering. Inquisitive kangaroos. Curious caribou. Snooping centipedes.
"What's he making?"
"An animal?"
Giraffes peeking through leaves. Squirrels chattering gossip. Pausing. Wondering. Gibbering. "A mountain?"A sudden breeze, surprisingly warm, whistles through the leaves scattering dust from the lifeless form. And with the breath of fresh air comes the difference.

Winging on the warm wind is his image. Laughter is laid in the sculpted cheeks. A reservoir of tears is stored in the soul. A sprinkling of twinkle for the eyes. Poetry for the spirit. Logic. Loyalty. Like leaves on an autumn breeze, they float and land and are absorbed. His gifts become a part of him.
His Majesty smiles at his image.
"It is good."
The eyes open. Oneness. Creator and created walking on the river bank. Laughter. Purity. Innocent joy. Life unending.

Then the tree. The struggle. The snake. The lie. The enticement. Heart torn, lured. Soul drawn to pleasure, to independence, to importance. Inner agony.
Whose will?
The choice.

Death of innocence. Entrance of death. The fall. Tear stains mingling with fruit-stains.

Chapter II : The Quest
"Abram, you will father a nation! And Abram - tell the people I love them."
"Moses, you will deliver my people! And Moses - tell the people I love them."
"Joshua, you will lead the chosen ones! And Joshua - tell the people I love them."
"David, you will reign over the people! And David - tell the people I love them."
"Jeremiah, you will bear tidings of bondage! But Jeremiah, remind my children, remind my children that I love them."

Altars. Sacrifices. Rebelling. Returning. Reacting. Repenting. Romance. Tablets. Judges. Pillars. Bloodshed. Wars. Kings. Giants. Law. Hezekiah. Nehemiah. Hosea. … God watching, never turning, ever loving, ever yearning for the Garden again.

Chapter III
Empty throne. Spirit descending. Hushed angels.
A girl …
a womb …
an egg.
The same Divine Artist again forms a body. This time his own. Fleshly divinity. Skin layered on spirit. Omnipotence with hair. Toenails. Knuckles. Molars. Kneecaps. Once again he walks with man. Yet the Garden is now thorny.
Thorns that cut, thorns that poison, thorns that remain lodged, leaving bitter wounds.
Disharmony. Sickness. Betrayal. Fear. Guilt. The lions no longer pause. The clouds no longer hover. The birds scatter too quickly. Disharmony. Competition. Blindness.

And once again, a tree. Once again the struggle. The snake. The enticement. Heart torn, lured.
Once again the question, "Whose will?"
Then the choice.
Tear stains mingle with bloodstains. Relationship restored. Bridge erected.
Once again he smiles.
"It is good."

For just as death came by means of a man, in the same way the rising from death comes by means of a man. For just as all men die because of their union to Adam, in the same way all will be raised to life because of their union to Christ. (I Corinthians 15:21-22)

From God Came Near: Chronicles of the Christ
Copyright (Thomas Nelson, 1999) Max Lucado


July Update

Monday, July 26, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

It feels like ages I haven't updated this blog :p the reason is I've been busy writing and prepare and learning about internet marketing. "Content is king", therefore I've been writing and writing all the time :p

I have another personal blog at Wordpress. But it's personal, so only few of my close friends know about it. The privacy setting makes it invisible to search engines. Nothing secret, it just made me can write anything I want without considering other people's responds :p

I've been thinking and praying for several important things... And while I can work out for some things, but most of them need to be surrendered to add my faith and trust...

Some of my friends are facing a similar struggle but I just keep holding on Rome 8:28. We ask His guide, we obey His words, we do what we can, and we keep our faith that He is able to accomplish what we cannot do according to His wisdom and His plan.

Keep moving on and hold our head high, don't give up but light up the faith, coz:

"And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us." (Rome 5:5)
Sent from BlackBerry® on 3


Cute Pictures and Tick Tock

Thursday, April 29, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Have just found these cute boys with cute cats pictures!!! So cuteeee!!! My first entertainment to seize the day (well at least today :-p) Full of love!!! It is very cute considering I seldom see men love cats, except my dad (Ow yes, my dad has his special kind of ways to make cats love him. Until now I can't figure it out... sigh... Why can't I have his natural talent with cats even though I'm his daughter? :-p)

Tick tock tick tock... tomorrow will be my last day at the office. I will embrace my new job as a freelance writer, work from home, while learning internet marketing stuffs... Hopeful hopeful...


No Money No Work

Monday, April 26, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

"Arek-arek sekarang yooo... gak mau kerja nek ga dikasih uang..." Gitu kira-kira komentar salah satu temen kantor abis telponan ama freelancer penulis yang masih kuliah. Aku jadi pengen nulis ini di blog hihihihi...

Gini ini dah mindset "ministry" yang ga pada tempatnya. Kalo ngomong soal "doing extra mile 'n give more than what is expected", itu porsinya orang yang ngelakuin, harus lahir dari kerelaan hati, dari impian atau visi yang sama. Bukan ukuran yang kita tuntut dari orang lain. Bagian kita terhadap orang lain itu ya harusnya menghargai waktu dan usaha dia dengan ngasih imbalan uang. Ya orang hidup kan juga butuh makan, butuh biaya hidup, masa kita nuntut dia serahin waktu dia buat ngelakuin kerjaan trus kita pengennya dia mau-mau aja ga dibayar. Yang fair lah...

Lain soal kalo misalnya kita ada di posisi orang lain itu. Ada tawaran kerjaan tapi ga ada bayaran, trus kita memilih mau 'n rela coz kita pengen memberkati dengan usaha kita tanpa minta imbalan. Kita mau doing extra mile. Sikap kayak gitu itu ya keputusan kita sendiri. Itu hak kita untuk memutuskan kita mau doing extra mile atau give our efforts without being paid, mungkin karena biaya hidup kita udah cukup, mungkin karena kita emang satu visi 'n pengen ikut jadi berkat makanya ga minta imbalan, dll... Tapi kita ga berhak untuk menuntut orang lain punya sikap yang sama, karna kondisi mereka kan beda ama kondisi kita (kondisi ini juga termasuk kondisi keuangan, kondisi hati, kondisi keluarga, kondisi iman, dll).

Bisa jadi mereka lagi butuh uang, bisa jadi mereka ada tawaran job lain, bisa jadi mereka ga sevisi makanya mereka pola pikirnya cuman berdasarkan pertimbangan uang, banyak lagi alasan-alasan lain yang kita ga tau pasti. And it's not our rights to judge other people. Only God knows the whole view and the depth of the hearts, thus only Him is qualified to judge.


Cute Overloaded

Monday, April 12, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

I have just watched some videos on Youtube and got heart struck by seeing these cute dog and cats! Awww... totally cute!!!

This is a cute Welsh Corgi

And these cats are talking to each other before snuggling, how cute!!!

Makes me think of having both cat and dog >.<  Can't stand seeing those adorable pets!


Dashed Hope

Friday, April 09, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

(By Max Lucado)

“I had intended …”

David had wanted to build a temple. And who better than he to do so? Hadn’t he, literally, written the book on worship? Didn’t he rescue the ark of the covenant? The temple would have been his swan song, his signature deed. David had expected to dedicate his final years to building a shrine to God.

At least, that had been his intention. “I had intended to build a permanent home for the ark of the covenant of the LORD and for the footstool of our God. So I had made preparations to build it” (1 Chron. 28:2 NASB).

Intentions. Preparations. But no temple. Why? Did David grow discouraged? No. He stood willing. Were the people resistant? Hardly. They gave generously. Then what happened?

A conjunction happened.

Conjunctions operate as the signal lights of sentences. Some, such as and, are green. Others, such as however, are yellow. A few are red. Sledgehammer red. They stop you. David got a red light.

I had made preparations to build it. But God said to me, “You shall not build a house for My name because you are a man of war and have shed blood.… Your son Solomon is the one who shall build My house and My courts.” (1 Chron. 28:2–3, 6 NASB, emphasis mine)

David’s bloodthirsty temperament cost him the temple privilege. All he could do was say:

I had intended... I had made preparations... BUT God...
I had intended …
I had made preparations …
But God …

I’m thinking of some people who have uttered similar words. God had different plans than they did.

One man waited until his midthirties to marry. Resolved to select the right spouse, he prayerfully took his time. When he found her, they moved westward, bought a ranch, and began their life together. After three short years, she was killed in an accident.

I had intended … 
I had made preparations … 
But God …

A young couple turned a room into a nursery. They papered walls, refinished a baby crib, but then the wife miscarried.

I had intended … 
I had made preparations …
But God …

I had intended …
I had made preparations …
But God …

What do you do with the “but God” moments in life? 
When God interrupts your good plans, how do you respond?

The man who lost his wife has not responded well. At this writing he indwells a fog bank of anger and bitterness. The young couple is coping better. They stay active in church and prayerful about a child. And what about David? When God changed David’s plans, how did he reply? (You’ll like this.)

He followed the “but God” with a “yet God.”

Yet, the LORD, the God of Israel, chose me from all the house of my father to be king over Israel forever. For He has chosen Judah to be a leader; and in the house of Judah, my father’s house, and among the sons of my father He took pleasure in me to make me king over all Israel.” (1 Chron. 28:4 NASB)

Reduce the paragraph to a phrase, and it reads, “Who am I to complain? David had gone from runt to royalty, from herding sheep to leading armies, from sleeping in the pasture to living in the palace. When you are given an ice cream sundae, you don’t complain over a missing cherry.

David faced the behemoth of disappointment with “yet God.” David trusted.

His “but God” became a “yet God.”

Who’s to say yours won’t become the same?

* PS: I've been so blessed by Max Lucado's mailing list, especially this one for now... :)


From The Motherhood Movie

Sunday, April 04, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Below are the words from “Motherhood” movie I’ve seen for the second time today. The main character is played by Uma Thurman, act as a mommy blogger. I don’t know why I always like movies involving blogger character LOL… Like this one and also Hillary Duff’s movie “The Perfect Man” :b
Here are the words, spoken (or may I say, written in the blog) at the end of the movie:
Things are always changing…
No matter how much we might want things to stay the same.
So seize your days and dwell in them fully.
Look to the children, because they know how to inhabit brief periods of time with extreme passion. And for nothing more, really, than the sake of those moments.
They can help you remember that, if you only slow down and let them. Feel fortunate because chances are good you actually might be.

PS: Do you find those above words inspiring?


The Wisdom of a Woodcutter

Saturday, March 20, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

(By Max Lucado)

Once there was an old man who lived in a tiny village. Although poor, he was envied by all, for he owned a beautiful white horse. Even the king coveted his treasure. A horse like this had never been seen before - such was its splendor, its majesty, its strength.

People offered fabulous prices for the steed, but the old man always refused. “This horse is not a horse to me,” he would tell them. “It is a person. How could you sell a person? He is a friend, not a possession. How could you sell a friend?” The man was poor and the temptation was great. But he never sold the horse.

One morning he found that the horse was not in the stable. All the village came to see him. “You old fool,” they scoffed, “we told you that someone would steal your horse. We warned you that you would be robbed. You are so poor. How could you ever hope to protect such a valuable animal? It would have been better to have sold him. You could have gotten whatever price you wanted. No amount would have been too high. Now the horse is gone, and you’ve been cursed with misfortune.”

The old man responded, “Don’t speak too quickly. Say only that the horse is not in the stable. That is all we know; the rest is judgment. If I’ve been cursed or not, how can you know? How can you judge?”

The people contested, “Don’t make us out to be fools! We may not be philosophers, but great philosophy is not needed. The simple fact that your horse is gone is a curse.”

The old man spoke again. “All I know is that the stable is empty, and the horse is gone. The rest I don’t know. Whether it be a curse or a blessing, I can’t say. All we can see is a fragment. Who can say what will come next?

The people of the village laughed. They thought that the man was crazy. They had always thought he was a fool; if he wasn’t, he would have sold the horse and lived off the money. But instead, he was a poor woodcutter, an old man still cutting firewood and dragging it out of the forest and selling it. He lived hand to mouth in the misery of poverty. Now he had proven that he was, indeed, a fool.

After fifteen days, the horse returned. He hadn’t been stolen; he had run away into the forest. Not only had he returned, he had brought a dozen wild horses with him. Once again the village people gathered around the woodcutter and spoke. “Old man, you were right and we were wrong. What we thought was a curse was a blessing. Please forgive us.”

The man responded, “Once again, you go too far. Say only that the horse is back. State only that a dozen horses returned with him, but don’t judge. How do you know if this is a blessing or not?

You see only a fragment. Unless you know the whole story, how can you judge? 
You read only one page of a book. Can you judge the whole book? 
You read only one word of a phrase. Can you understand the entire phrase?

“Life is so vast, yet you judge all of life with one page or one word. All you have is a fragment! Don’t say that this is a blessing. No one knows. I am content with what I know. I am not perturbed by what I don’t.”

“Maybe the old man is right,” they said to one another. So they said little. But down deep, they knew he was wrong. They knew it was a blessing. Twelve wild horses had returned with one horse. With a little bit of work, the animals could be broken and trained and sold for much money.

The old man had a son, an only son. The young man began to break the wild horses. After a few days, he fell from one of the horses and broke both legs. Once again the villagers gathered around the old man and cast their judgments.

“You were right,” they said. “You proved you were right. The dozen horses were not a blessing. They were a curse. Your only son has broken his legs, and now in your old age you have no one to help you. Now you are poorer than ever.”

The old man spoke again. “You people are obsessed with judging. Don’t go so far. Say only that my son broke his legs. Who knows if it is a blessing or a curse? No one knows. We only have a fragment. Life comes in fragments.”

It so happened that a few weeks later the country engaged in war against a neighboring country. All the young men of the village were required to join the army. Only the son of the old man was excluded, because he was injured. Once again the people gathered around the old man, crying and screaming because their sons had been taken. There was little chance that they would return. The enemy was strong, and the war would be a losing struggle. They would never see their sons again.

“You were right, old man,” they wept. “God knows you were right. This proves it. Your son’s accident was a blessing. His legs may be broken, but at least he is with you. Our sons are gone forever.”

The old man spoke again. “It is impossible to talk with you. You always draw conclusions. No one knows. Say only this: Your sons had to go to war, and mine did not. No one knows if it is a blessing or a curse. No one is wise enough to know. Only God knows.”

The old man was right.
We only have a fragment. Life’s mishaps and horrors are only a page out of a grand book. We must be slow about drawing conclusions. We must reserve judgment on life’s storms until we know the whole story.

I don’t know where the woodcutter learned his patience. Perhaps from another woodcutter in Galilee. For it was the Carpenter who said it best:

“Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.” (Matt. 6:34)

He should know. He is the Author of our story. And he has already written the final chapter.

From In the Eye of the Storm
Copyright (Thomas Nelson, 1997) Max Lucado



Blackberry User Soon

Wednesday, March 10, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Actually I didn't think I would need it so much before, and I planned not to buy it since I already got 1 GSM phone and 1 CDMA phone working well, enough just for sending short messages and calling. Besides, I got myself online daily through my internet connection at the office and also at my dorm.

But my other 3 girlfriends have just had Blackberry and one of them asked me to buy one so all of us can stay connected and chatting at nights through Blackberry Messenger. At first I still thought that if I buy one, that would be wasting money since as I've told you before, I got my GSM phone working well. So I told her that I would buy a Blackberry if my GSM phone doesn't work anymore (it's a quite old GSM phone, I had it since about 7 years ago).

Then to my surprise, 2 weeks ago my GSM phone started to decline in its function. I couldn't hear any voices either ringing voice or short message tone. I thought it was still ok cause I can set the vibrate mode on. But few days ago when my friend called me I couldn't hear her voice and vice versa. It happened few times. So I got to a final decision, looks like this is the time for me to buy a Blackberry :)

I like a white Blackberry Curve 8520 (Gemini) like one of my friend has... Hopefully will get it soon!

--- fay ---

I Want a Raise

Tuesday, March 02, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

(by Dan Miller)

This message arrived early this morning as the thought for the day
from the Napoleon Hill Foundation.

"Those who do no more than they are paid for have no real basis for
requesting more pay because they are already getting all they deserve
to earn."

If you look around you, it will be apparent that there are two types
of people in the world: There are those who say, "When this company
decides to pay me what I'm worth, then I will do what they want me to
do." The second is the person who says, "I'm going to be the best I
can be because that's the kind of person I am. I also know that if I
consistently give more than expected, I will eventually be rewarded
for my efforts." It is easy to see that the positive person
contributes most to the organization. Yet, very few people are willing
to make the sacrifices necessary to achieve success. Make sure you're
a member of that group.

I know this may seem like a tough concept but the principle is pretty
simple. If you stand in front of the wood-stove of life and say, "Give
me some heat, and then I'll put some wood in" you're going to
experience a long, cold winter. In real life, work is required before
compensation is given.

Expecting a guaranteed salary with benefits before proving your worth
is an antiquated model. Be willing to prove your value with no
guarantee – it will dramatically expand your opportunities.
Expecting a raise because you've been there one more year is an
antiquated model. In today's workplace you get a raise when you add
more value.
Expecting a raise because your personal expenses have gone up is an
antiquated model. Your personal obligations have nothing to do with
your compensation.

Be clear on your value to an organization — and then negotiate a fair exchange.


What Are You Gonna Be?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

When you get to heaven God is not going to ask you why you weren't more like Mother Teresa, Billy Graham or Bono.  He's likely to ask you why you weren't more like you.  Your responsibility and source of real freedom and success is to discover who you are. Lead with your own unique talents and personality. Be authentically you and let God use you.
Remember the classic movie,  Forrest Gump.  At one part, Jenny asks, "What are you gonna be when you grow up?" and Forrest says, "Why can't I be me?"

Theologian Frederick Buechner once told a graduating class:  "The voice we should listen to most as we choose a vocation is the voice that we might think we should listen to least, and that is the voice of our own gladness.  What can we do that makes us the gladdest, what can we do that leaves us with the strongest sense of sailing true north…? Is it making things with our hands out of wood or stone or paint or canvas?"  Or is it making something we hope like truth out of words"  Or is it making people laugh or weep in a way that cleanses their spirit? 

I believe that if it is a thing that makes us truly glad, then it is a good thing and it is our thing and it is the calling voice that we were made to answer with our lives."

Can you trust what makes you "glad?"  Could that really be the voice of your "calling?"

"A tree gives glory to God by being a tree. For in being what God means it to be it is obeying Him….  The more a tree is like itself, the more it is like Him…." – Thomas Merton



Friday, February 05, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Gara-gara abis chatting ama someone yang juga pernah ngalamin separation (beda tapinya ga sama :p), jadi diingetin lagi bahwa iblis emang selalu mencari cara buat mengintimidasi kita, lewat apapun, supaya kita jadi "lumpuh" di satu area... yang cepet atau lambat bakal merambat ke area yang lain, coz intimidasi iblis itu kayak virus kanker...

Di kasus kita, itu di area relationship. Aku ngerasain sendiri, dulu aku sering nulis di blog 'n juga baca-baca info tentang relationship, tentang pacaran yang bener, tentang komunikasi... I take this matter seriously... pacaran itu buat yang serius mikirin pernikahan di depan, bukan pacaran yang model coba-coba atau sekedar biar ada temen jalan/kangen-kangenan/have fun bareng... Tapi pas udah putus, aku bener-bener off...

Yah intimidasi iblis kira-kira kayak gini, "Gimana kamu bisa nasehatin atau ngasih saran soal relationship kalo hubunganmu sendiri gagal..." Aku siy ga menyesali keputusan break-up itu sendiri, tapi lebih ke pertanyaan-pertanyaan 'n pemikiran yang menyangkut diriku, "apa yang salah di aku?", "apa harusnya aku begini atau begitu?" "aku udah ati-ati tapi gagal juga, padahal aku pengennya cuman sekali aja pacaran langsung ama orang yang nantinya jadi suamiku..." dan lainnya... Aku kurang nyadarin bahwa dalam hubungan itu ada banyak faktor yang terlibat selain aku, ada orang lain itu, ada Tuhan, 'n ada juga pemikiran-pemikiran lainnya. 

Even setelah 2 taun lewat aku masih males bersentuhan ama area relationship... Aku baru nyadar kalo iblis berhasil (untuk sementara) ngelumpuhin aku di area ini. Aku tulis "untuk sementara" karena sejak detik ini aku mau matahin intimidasi iblis itu. Aku ga mau ngebiarin iblis membelenggu aku di area manapun. Coz God has set me free and abundantly give Himself and His love for me to watch me growing and blooming each day. Apapun yang terjadi, Tuhan selalu punya rencana yang terbaik buat aku, 'n kita semua yang percaya ama Dia.

So, jiayou! :)


The Powerful Prayer

Wednesday, February 03, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

(by Max Lucado)

"Give us this day our daily bread…"

Your first step into the house of God was not to the kitchen but to the living room, where you were reminded of your adoption. "Our Father who is in heaven." You then studied the foundation of the house, where you pondered his permanence. "Our Father who is in heaven." Next you entered the observatory and marveled at his handiwork: "Our Father who is in heaven."

In the chapel, you worshiped his holiness: "Hallowed be thy name." In the throne room, you touched the lowered scepter and prayed the greatest prayer, "Thy kingdom come." In the study, you submitted your desires to his and prayed, "Thy will be done." And all of heaven was silent as you placed your prayer in the furnace, saying, "on earth as it is in heaven."

Proper prayer follows such a path, revealing God to us before revealing our needs to God.

The purpose of prayer is not to change God, but to change us, and by the time we reach God's kitchen, we are changed people. Wasn't our heart warmed when we called Him Father? Weren't our fears stilled when we contemplated His constancy? Weren't we amazed as we stared at the heavens?

Seeing His holiness caused us to confess our sin. Inviting his kingdom to come reminded us to stop building our own. Asking God for his will to be done placed our will in second place to his. And realizing that heaven pauses when we pray left us breathless in his presence.

By the time we step into the kitchen, we're renewed people! We've been comforted by our father, conformed by his nature, consumed by our creator, convicted by his character, constrained by his power, commissioned by our teacher, and compelled by his attention to our prayers.

The prayer's next three petitions encompass all of the concerns of our life:
- "This daily bread" addresses the present.
- "Forgive our sins" addresses the past.
- "Lead us not into temptation" speaks to the future.
(The wonder of God's wisdom: how he can reduce all our needs to three simple statements.)

First He addresses our need for bread. The term means all of a person's physical needs. Martin Luther defined bread as "Everything necessary for the preservation of this life, including food, a healthy body, house, home, wife and children." This verse urges us to talk to God about the necessities of life. He may also give us the luxuries of life, but He certainly will grant the necessities.

Excerpted from any fear that God wouldn't meet our needs was left in the observatory. Would He give the stars their glitter and not give us our food? Of course not. He has committed to care for us. We aren't wrestling crumbs out of a reluctant hand, but rather confessing the bounty of a generous hand. The essence of the prayer is really an affirmation of the Father's care. Our provision is His priority.

From The Great House of God
Copyright (Thomas Nelson, 1997) Max Lucado


About Envy

Thursday, January 21, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Here is an article I copied from Kerygma Mailing List this morning:

When others are blessed, we’re likely to be jealous, unconsciously thinking that they’re getting something that could possibly be ours. For example, when someone gets a promotion at work, instead of rejoicing with that person, you’ll hear others say that corporate patronage was behind the move.

But God’s blessing is for all. It’s like the Niagara Falls with its mighty water rushing to the bottom. The water travels upstream first before it flows downstream but it eventually reaches its destination. Its falls generates so much mist that it projects a number of rainbows. Like the waters of Niagara, God’s blessings may seem to reach others first.

We just have to stay thankful and faithful even as we persevere in claiming His promises. And just as the rainbow is a symbol of God’s covenant with His people (Genesis 3), He is faithful in keeping His promises to us.

Reflection: Do you always feel that the neighbour next door or your co-worker is being blessed more often than you?

Pray: Lord, give me a thankful heart that I may realize that You always provide for what I need.

Envy is a horrible sin. Saul envies the success of David even though it is obvious to everyone that his success was due to the hand of God achieving victory over Goliath.

Francis of Assisi gives us something to consider about envy when he says he thinks it is a sin against the Holy Spirit. Why?

He sees envy as the direct refusal of a person to rejoice in the way the Holy Spirit has chosen to work through another person.

This has been happening to me lately. I must be honest that sometimes I secretly jealous / envy towards some of my friends who seem richly blessed and already got good things that I have been wishing for since a long time ago… I failed to recognize God’s great blessings in my life and my family. I repent for that…

Thank You for correcting me God…
I’m not a sin’s servant anymore.
I want to keep walking in Your path and keep the freedom You have given me…