In Christ Alone - Song

Friday, January 30, 2009 Fay 1 Comments

In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm

What heights of love
what depths of peace
When fears are stilled
when strivings cease!

My comforter, my all in all
Here in the love of Christ I stand


Chocolate Addict

Tuesday, January 20, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

I don't know why lately I've been a chocolate addict. I mean, I do love chocolate, but lately I want chocolates more than usual...

Starting from chocolate bar, cold chocolate milk, chocolate ice cream, chocolate cookies.... I ate them all this week... Ew... looks like I have to control my appetite hehehe....

I've just posted some chocolate cookies recipes, I copied them from some culinary blogs, just for one reason: the cookies are tempting!!! T_T

Kapan yah bisa bikin kue-kue kayak gitu? Hihihi....


Genious Blind Girl

Monday, January 19, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Just see for yourself... one of God's masterpiece... and definitely one of His beloved daughters...


Tentang Penundaan

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Kadang Tuhan menunda beberapa hal terjadi dalam hidup kita, karna itu adalah yang terbaik untuk kita menurut pandanganNya.

Pernah aku baca email berisi cerita dari seorang ayah. Dia bilang hari Sabtu anaknya yang masih 3 tahun ngotot pengen jalan-jalan ke taman bermain (kayak Ancol 'n Dufan gitulah). Dia dan istrinya udah bilang berkali-kali kalo rencana ke taman bermain itu Senin aja, coz kalo Sabtu itu masih liburan panjang sekolah, jadi bisa dipastikan taman bemain rame abiez. Kalo mereka ke sana hari itu, pasti anak mereka kurang puas mainnya. Kalo hari Senen kan anak-anak sekolah udah masuk, jadi taman bermain pasti sepi.

Setelah ngotot-ngotot-an 'n nangis-nangis... akhirnya anaknya diem 'n nurut juga. Guess what, pas ke sana hari Senen, anaknya itu senenggggg buangettt coz dia puas nyobain mainan satu persatu 'n malah ada yang berkali-kali, karna emang taman bermainnya sepi. Papa anak ini 'n istrinya juga seneng banget ngeliat anak mereka bisa maen sepuasnya 'n ketawa-ketawa.

Like both of them, God always wants to give His children the best in everything. Yes, in everything... but to make that happens, we must obey Him, just like the child in the story did. Kita seringkali ga tau 'n ga bisa liat hal-hal yang Dia tahu 'n Dia lihat, itulah kenapa kita sering salah mengartikan penundaan dari Tuhan, kita punya banyak asumsi tentang alasan penundaan itu, tapi cuman Dia yang tau alasan sebenarnya. So it's better to stay close to Him and keep the peace in our heart, right?

Belon lama ini aku ngalamin satu hal. Papaku ngelindungin aku dari seseorang, ada deh aku ga bakal cerita di sini hehehe... udah ditulis lengkap di diary buat reminder diri sendiri hehehe... dan dari situ aku diingetin tentang Bapa. Kalo papaku di dunia aja pengen yang terbaik buat aku karna dia sayang ama aku, apalagi Dia... God said to me about one thing yesterday... He said: because He saw that someone wasn't good enough for me, that's why He's keeping me from that person. Aku langsung inget ama tindakan papaku juga...

I'm just so amazed....
...and I'm definitely grateful...

Baru-baru ini juga kan ada rencana jalan-jalan ama my second family (my beloved church community in Surabaya hehehe...) ntar bulan Agustus. Aku tiba-tiba inget kalo taun lalu aku pernah pengen jalan-jalan ke tempat ini. But like always, He knows that I will enjoy the trip more if I'm going with my second family... =p Yah emang baru rencana seh hehehe... Tapi dari 2 kejadian itu Dia makin neguhin aku bahwa Dia selalu pengen yang terbaik buat aku, terlepas dari apapun yang terjadi 'n apapun asumsiku tentang itu.

He definitely knows better than us... and He definitely loves us, that's why He wants the best for us according to His plan.

So keep your faith... keep the peace and love in your heart... and stay close to Him ^_^


God's "Weird" Sense of Time

Monday, January 12, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Source: Kerygma mailing list

Consider the details of the Gospel passages: John the Baptist is arrested and imprisoned… Jesus disturbs Simon and Andrew while the brothers cast their nets into the waters… Jesus walks and calls James and John away from their father and the hired men. All these, Mark says, signify God’s best time — “the time of fulfillment.”

The Bible contains many other references to God’s strange sense of time: 
- Abraham and Sarah finally had their own son when Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was past the normal child-bearing age. 
- Moses was allowed to waste 40 years of his life in the court of Pharoah while Israel languished in forced labor. He was later to spend another 40 years on the run in the desert. Then at the age of 80, Moses finally leads Israel out of Egypt. 
- After Malachi, God sent no prophets to Israel for around 400 years, and when John the Baptist came, his mission was cut short by Herod’s sword. 
- Finally, Jesus came – as the awaited Messiah. He spends 30 years of hidden life, and He dedicates just the last three years of His earthly mission for preaching about the Kingdom.

I believe that this is one great challenge about following God: to synch with His plans and timetable, we need to have either patience (lots of patience) or a never-ending sense of humor. 
(Fr. Domie Guzman, SSP)
Reflection Question:
Go back to your adventures of time and timing with God. What are your unforgettable experiences in this regard? In what ways have you experienced that God’s time — no matter how it initially appeared  strange — always turns out to be the “best time” for you, for your work, for your relationship?
Lord Jesus, make me sensitive to Your time, to be always aware that my time isn’t necessarily Your time. Grant me patience to wait for the perfect time for the unfolding of Your plans in my life.


Will We Ever Get What We Want?

Tuesday, January 06, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Apparently... not...
At least not exactly like the way we want it...

Lately I've been thinking about few things... about my wishes and the reality... Then I tried to position myself as somebody else I know, well actually few of my friends.... It reminded me that almost all of them, yea... including me, are not getting what we want or wish... Reality doesn't go in line with our thoughts (and hopes) about how things should be...

in our family
in our relationships
in our job
in our financial condition almost everything you can mention!

But as one of my friend said, "There's a way for everything..."
That's true... in Him, there's a way for every problem... for every trouble... for every struggle...

But the point is... by contemplating about this matter, I came to realize that we can't deny the fact that He is really God, The One and Only God of everything... He is God of our life, He created and had plans upon every life, every single person... We just have to remember that our life isn't about our agenda, but about His agenda. It isn't about our timeline, but about His timeline... not about what we want, but about what He wants... because we are His creations.

...even though what we want is a good thing, but if it isn't His plan upon us, then it's just our plan for ourselves... It's just that simple actually...

So, if we call Him "God", if we admit that He is our Heavenly Father, is it reasonable if we asked Him, "Why don't we get what we want???" or "Why don't we get what we want the way we want it???"


My 2009 Resolutions

Tuesday, January 06, 2009 Fay 0 Comments


... one

... two

... three

...eum... I think I just publish one resolution here hehehehe... anyway, this is just for online purpose rite? Hehehe... Coz other resolutions are mostly about letting His will be done in my life this year, so I guess I'm gonna walk on it step by step =p

My one resolution this year for sure is... reading the whole bible in one year! Hehehe... I've planned this since 2007 but I haven't completed it yet... So... I just want to do it seriously this year =p Well, it's not just reading of course, but also contemplating. 

Lately I'm thinking about the better change... and trust Him more than before... Hum... kinda hard to explain actually... but the point is... I'm striving to have a bigger faith and joy, knowing Him more and also trusting Him more.

Yeap! So... Jiayouuu to you too with your 2009 resolutions!!! ^o^


My Karaoke Songs

Sunday, January 04, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Kemaren lusa kan aku iseng search di Youtube lagu-lagu versi karaoke (instrumen doang), nemu beberapa 'n aku pasang di blog. Na, kemaren malem iseng nyobain ngerekam suaraku nyanyi barengan ama 3 lagu karaoke itu pake kamera hehehe... Trus hasilnya aku upload ke Indowebster.

Buat yang mau dengerin, klik link:



Time of My Life - David Cook

Friday, January 02, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

I’ve been waiting for my dreams
To turn into something
I could believe in
And looking for that
Magic rainbow
On the horizon
I couldn’t see it
Until I let go
Gave into love and watched all the bitterness burn
Now I’m coming alive
Body and soul
And feelin’ my world start to turn

And I’ll taste every moment
And live it out loud
I know this is the time,
This is the time
To be more than a name
Or a face in the crowd
I know this is the time
This is the time of my life
Time of my life

Holding onto things that vanished
Into the air
Left me in pieces
But now I’m rising from the ashes
Finding my wings
And all that I needed
Was there all along
Within my reach
As close as the beat of my heart

And I’ll taste every moment
And live it out loud
I know this is the time,
This is the time to be
More than a name
Or a face in the crowd
I know this is the time
This is the time of my life
Time of my life

And I’m out on the edge of forever
Ready to run
I’m keeping my feet on the ground
Arms open wide
Face to the sun

I’ll taste every moment
And live it out loud
I know this is the time,
This is the time to be
More than a name
Or a face in the crowd
I know this is the time
This is the time of my life
Time of my life
More than a name
Or a face in the crowd
This is the time
This is the time of my life

This is the time of my life...


Welcoming The 2009

Thursday, January 01, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

2008 is a transition year for me...
There were few core changes I've passed, including changes of job, friends, dormitory, daily activities and one specific thing. But yeap, life itself is a change...

"Separation" is never easy
"Letting go" is not as smooth as throwing the garbage
and "Moving to a new phase" is like walking with our eyes blind-folded, cause we leave our comfort zone into the unknown area.

There are parts of memories we have to manage... thoughts to be controlled... emotions to be understood and properly treated...

Thankfully, we have The One who remains unchanged... and together we can embrace this new year with full of hope and faith.

Welcome 2009, let His will be done!