Dead End? Find a New Way

Tuesday, December 29, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Today I'm experiencing a dead end on something I've been working on for these past 2,5 months. Yep, right in the 3rd day before the new year. Unexpected present? Maybe... But because of it I got something to write on this blog :)

When I knew what had happened today, I realized that I have 2 options, to regret and being skeptical, or to see it as an opportunity to start all over again, to have a new beginning (which is should be an improved one since I have gained more knowledge than what I had when I started for the first time). I chose the later :)

Suddenly I think about another area of my life that had found a kinda similar dead end. Unfortunately, I haven't made a good choice on this. Because since that happened, I have been skeptical. I hope for a new opportunity, but deep inside I didn't believe that hope. I doubted that I will find and walk in a bright new path.

I know this is must be God's way to wake me up :) I have to make my decision right now, before the 2009 ends... Maybe He wants to open the new road for me in that area in 2010 :) I'm just hoping :p Thank You God ^.^


Follow Me on Twitter

Monday, December 14, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Yup! Many bloggers have converted to tweeple (twitter people) now.
Lately since I'm on Twalk I also become one of them :p

So if any of you wondering why I don't update this blog as much as before, that's because I spend my time more on Twitter now. I know, for most Indonesian, Twitter hasn't won over Facebook. Plus, many people still think that Twitter is just for updating status (like updating status on facebook). They haven't experienced Twitter as a place to share massive information and to get in touch so much easier with other people from all around the world in real time. But it's already so popular out there because of it's features. Simple but powerful :p

I will be very very happy if my friends start using Twitter instead of just Facebook :p

I hope there will be more and more Indonesian actively use Twitter in 2010 :p

If you already have Twitter account, then you can follow me @fifisunari
If you don't have Twitter account, then what are you waiting for? Go and make one :)


God's Way Is Right

Friday, December 11, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

(by Max Lucado)

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they will not overflow you." Isaiah 43:2-3 NASB

God knows what is best. No struggle will come your way apart from His purpose, presence, and permission. What encouragement this brings!

You are never the victim of nature or the prey of fate. Chance is eliminated. You are more than a weather vane whipped about by the winds of fortune. Would God truly abandon you to the whims of drug-crazed thieves, greedy corporate raiders, or evil leaders?
Perish the thought!

We live beneath the protective palm of a sovereign King who superintends every circumstance of our lives and delights in doing us good.

Nothing comes your way that has not first passed through the filter of his love.



Friday, December 11, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

It's been a long time...
I don't write a lot lately because I'm learning on something.

Sometimes I really want to relax, just enjoy a hot chocolate milk in the morning (I'm not a coffee lover :p) and writing post on my blog. But my days recently quite busy.

I'm not complaining though, it's fun to learn new things, to walk on a journey (success is a journey rite? :p) I just want to give this quick update to let you know that I'm still alive and online :p

Okay, just that.
This is definitely the shortest post I've ever made :)
I have to work on my office's tasks now. Bye and take care :)


Confession and Conclusion :p

Thursday, December 03, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Okay, I admit, today I got my mind screwed up with
jealousy and self pity. It all started when I found out that some of
my friends and also some people I don't really know got more $ than me
in 2 online areas. One from the program I'm working on and another
from a program in Facebook application.

I felt that no matter how hard I learn and give my best efforts (well
at least I'm doing as much as I can) I still can't get good results.
Other people who don't do it the hard way seem to get great results
easier. It might a bit similar with the parable of the workers in the
vineyard on Matthew 20:1-16. Only to me it felt like I'm the only one
who get the least among all (too dramatic isn't it? :p). The rest... I
had to confess to Him that I thought He is not being fair to me :p I
know it's not true, I was just being honest with what I was thinking
to Him.

You see, I have a habit to pour out my troubled mind and mixed
feelings first so I can think more clearly. So I wrote a post on my
private blog (no one knows and no one can see it except me :p). And
after I got home from office I read these scriptures:

"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power,
of love, and of self-discipline
." (2Timothy 1:7)

Strike one. The comparison I did and those self pity thoughts had made
me discouraged. Actually all I need to do is just try again,
experimenting, and re-focus.

"Reflect on what I am saying, for The Lord will give you insight into
all this
." (2Timothy 2:7)

Strike two. He gives me a new hope and promise, He will guide me all
along, just like He always do.

"People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money..." (2Timothy
3:2 - "Godlessness in the Last Days")

He protects me from being one of them, lovers of money... I guess
that's why He didn't let me to get big amount of money fast. So I can
slow down, be patient meanwhile keep the perseverance to do my best
efforts. It's true because last night I had a dream about getting $$$
from the program I'm doing hahaha... It's a sign that it had gotten
too much of my attention :p

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking,
correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may
be thoroughly equipped for every good work
." (2Timothy 3:16-17)

The last is a conclusion :)
He created me for a purpose, and He is equipping me so that I can do
every good work in righteousness. Amen for that :)


The Real Essence of Our Father

Wednesday, December 02, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

(Source: Kerygma Mailing List)

The most common prayer among Christians is the Lord's Prayer. It is one of the first prayers that we get to memorize early in life. It is a prayer that is so rich with meaning and calls the pray-er to a particular responsibility.

When praying it, one cannot miss the fact that it is a prayer that is supposed to be offered communally. Thus, "Our father… Give us this day our daily bread… forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us… Do not bring us to the test, but deliver us..." It speaks of the prayer's supplication not for himself but for others even if he is praying it alone.

We cannot deny the fact that God really listens to all our prayers. Not one prayer is left unanswered. That was Jesus' promise, "Ask and you will receive."

Hence, when we ask for bread He gives it to us. So where does the prayer's responsibility come in? When God heeds his supplication by giving him bread he is expected to share it with others. After all, he prayed not just for his own bread but for "our" daily bread. God responds by giving it to one or some, who then are expected to share.

The event when Jesus gave food to 5.000 people can be understood in the same light. The multitude is hungry. Jesus, in His compassion, multiplied the bread. But He gave them not directly to the multitude but to His apostles. And as He gave the food to them "the disciples gave them to the crowds."

(Fr. Sandy V. Enhaynes)

Reflection Question:
Pray the "Our Father" meditatively and imagine yourself praying it with the rest of humanity.