C'mon Rise Up!

Monday, February 12, 2007 Fay 0 Comments

The last two days my melancholy moods was up and down... I missed my family, I missed my friends, an absence of the sense of belonging, and my thoughts about few uncertain but yet quite significant things... But at the end... they're just proving the same fact... that He is always be with me and always be my Greatest Comforter and Supporter...

Yesterday after the sunday service at JPCC, me and some office colleague went to Mangga Dua... Just in case you used to generalize that almost every woman loves to go shopping at Mangdu, well, I'm an exception hehehe... It's too crowded, full of people, and the sellers yelled, "Boleh, bajunya ya, 100 rebu tiga... Boleh kaosnya... Boleh spreinya.." It's kinda make me dizzy hehehe... But I gotta follow them becoz I need a lift back to Lippo Cikarang hehehe... Saved three thousand and five hundred rupiahs for the busway, and nine thousand rupiahs for bus hehehe...

Okay back to the topic, at Mangdu I bought two DVDs, "Happy Feet" (animation movie about Mumble, a penguin who singing not with his voice like other penguins, but by his tapping feet) and "The Museum" (Ben Stiller, a nightwatcher at a misterious museum, better watch it yourself, it's funny and entertaining). Then after I went to my dorm, I watched them on my computer. "Happy Feet" was inspiring me... I can imagine Mumble's feeling and when I thought about how long his journey to human's world, his dissapointments, his spirit, his courage, ... I just can't say a word... He never quit and give up... he kept moving forward no matter what... his hopes never gone even tough he experienced many mental breakdowns, challenges, and uncertainties... He kept himself alive (not just being in life, but he was alive, he lives the life!)

Yeap... maybe at some points in our life we feel like our hope is unreachable, or our days are blues... and we might experience some uncertainty... But I hope we can strengthens each other, so we won't easily runaway, quit, and give up. We have a certain lifetime in this earth... and wherever we are right now, it's a part of His big plan, we do have destinies... All we need to do is keep our lights on in our hearts... keep our hopes in Him... and keep moving forward no matter what... as long as we know that He is with us...

C'mon Rise Up!!!