Part of Something Bigger
Lately I questioned and thought about few important things... and talked about them with few people... Hmm.. and I got His words too... There's only one answer... "Keep move on..." He's here with me, walk with me and bless me. After that, all my worries just dissapear... Hehehe... Yes He did it again... over and over again... He had never give up on me really... Thank You Dad ^.^Kemaren lunch ama Berlian, talk about **biiipp...** hihihi... Seru juga, sampe kita ngobrol terus dari sebelum makanan dateng sampe setelah kelar makan hehehe... It's a phenomenal thing... but actually it's very bery basic thing... Tapi ternyata ya masih seru juga pas diomongin hehehe... Cool... hehehe...
Abis kelar baca bukunya Maqdalene Kawotjo juga yang judulnya "Menikmati Kemustahilan", 'n cerita dia jadi inspirasi buat saya.. It made me realize that... however, actually I'm still a part of something bigger... like her, like Joseph... Something which I still can't see nor understand yet... but it's a reality... Makanya weekend kemaren saya berasa kayak abis keluar bertapa hihihi... ya jadi nyadar tentang beberapa hal penting... diingetin lagi juga... It's good... ^.^
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