Me Singing "Take a Bow"

Wednesday, February 25, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

=p hehehe...


Officially a Youtuber

Wednesday, February 25, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Yup, I'm officially a Youtuber now hahahaha...
You can watch me singing songs there... =p Feel free to give your comments =p

Here's the link to my Youtube account:

...or you can click HERE

Enjoy ^.^


Keep It Flowing

Wednesday, February 25, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Self focus only will make us stuck... no matter how rich or how famous we are... If we only care about ourselves, sooner or later, we will be left empty...

Just read about Solomon's thoughts in Ecclesiastes. He's the richest man in the world at that time, super duper rich, he can have everything he wants and he already had everything, lots of money, lots of stuffs, lots of women, lots of servants, everything... But he said that it's all meaningless...

The reason behind why He gave us 2 primary orders, to love Him and to love others, is because He didn't create us to be selfish creatures. He designs us to be pipelines toward one another... We can share love, care, talents, abilities, knowledge, and offer a helping hand... If we life that way, then our life is whole, beyond of our circumstances...

Let's upgrade ourselves more in everything (2 Peter 1:4-11)
Be whole... by keep it flowing... ^.^


Me Singing "Stupid Cupid"

Monday, February 23, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Originally sang by Mandy Moore (Ost. Princess Diaries). This song is kinda cute hehehe.... This is me singing.

To play it on Indowebster (.mp3), click HERE
To play it on Multiply (.WAV) - clearer- click HERE

=p feel free to give ur comments =p


The Price of Being Ungrateful

Sunday, February 22, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

This one has punched me right in the spot... coz lately I've been ungrateful in some certain areas of my life... If you have read Numbers 14 (Bilangan 14) about Israelite's rebellion, you'd never imagine how much you have to pay the price of being ungrateful in your life...

Just imagine, doa dan jeritan hati bangsa Israel selama bertahun-tahun akhirnya dikabulkan Tuhan. Mata mereka melihat sendiri bagaimana Tuhan melakukan mukjizat-mukjizat dan keajaiban yang ga pernah terbayangkan demi untuk membebaskan mereka dari perbudakan dan membawa mereka keluar untuk menuju tanah perjanjian. Tapi anehnya, bahkan dengan semua kedahsyatan mukjizat dan penyertaanNya itu, mereka masih terus bersungut-sungut dan mengeluh setiap kali menghadapi suatu tantangan atau sesuatu yang ga enak.

Can you imagine how would you react to their attitude if you were God? 

Sampe-sampe Tuhan bilang di Bilangan 14:27-29
"How long will this wicked community grumble against Me? I have heard the complaints of these grumbling Israelites. So tell them, 'As surely as I live, declares the Lord, I will do to you the very things I heard you say: In this desert your bodies will fall - everyone of you twenty years old or more who was counted in the census and who has grumbled against Me.'"

Kalo dibaca lanjutannya, Tuhan benar-benar melakukan apa yang Dia katakan. Mereka yang bersungut-sungut dan mengeluh tidak pernah memasuki tanah perjanjian, hidup mereka terhenti sampai di padang gurun itu. 

The truth is, setiap kali kita bersungut-sungut (grumble) dan mengeluh tentang apapun, tentang diri kita, tentang orang lain, tentang keadaan,... kita meragukan dan meremehkan kuasaNya. Kita tidak benar-benar mempercayai Dia sebagai Pencipta, Gembala, Guru dan Pemelihara hidup kita. And above all... We don't have faith in Him as our Saviour and God...

Bangsa Israel adalah bangsa yang terpilih, bangsa pilihan Tuhan sendiri! 
But because of their ungrateful attitudes, most of them were dead in the desert. They even didn't managed to step into the promise land, which was the very reason why God had brought them out of Egypt...  

Everyone has their own "trouble", setiap orang punya tantangannya masing-masing yang harus dihadapi. Karena dengan "masalah" atau tantangan itu, Tuhan mengajar kita, mengembangkan kapasitas kita, dan membentuk kita menjadi seperti yang Dia inginkan. Hey, He is The Creator and The Potter, right? Respon kita terhadap setiap masalah atau tantangan itulah yang akan menentukan hasil akhir dari hidup kita.

Being a Christian is not a status or a religion. It's your identity that everyone can see in your daily life, in the little things you do or say, in your responses toward every circumstances...

Collosians 3:15
"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful."

1 Thessalonians 5:18
"Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."


Me Singing "Sway" and "Take a Bow"

Saturday, February 21, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Links to play on Indowebster:

"Sway" - originally by PussyCat Dolls
Click HERE

"Take a Bow" - originally by Rihanna
Click HERE

Please leave a comment here if you listen to them =p


Who is Holding You Right Now?

Saturday, February 14, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Is it Mr. Fear?
...or is it Mr. Worry?
...or maybe Mr. Sorrow?

Don't let your mind focused on things you can't bear
...nor on troubles that make you weary
If you're asking yourself about tomorrow...

Remember this...

The One who holds tomorrow is holding your hand

PS: Thank You for reminding me God... ^o^


Google Image Tagged

Thursday, February 12, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Dapet Pe-Er dari ci Nelly, hihihi... 

"The rules are simple. Use Google image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people."

1. The age of my next birthday

my answer: 27
Horeeee... gambarnya bagus hihihihi....

2. The place I'd like to travel

my answer: Bali
Hopefully bakal kesana ntar Agustus ama anak-anak komsel hehehehe... ^o^

3. Favorite place

my answer: home

4. Favorite food

my answer: noodle
All kinds of noodle... yummy!!! ^o^

5. Favorite thing

my answer: notebook
Huhuhu... keren nih bentuknya!

6. Favorite colour

my answer: white  
Gambarnya seremmmm T_T white tiger seh...

7. A nickname I had

my answer: Fay (of course lah hihihi...)
Dapet gambarnya Morgan La Fay... semacem salah satu peri atau dewi di mitos gitu deh...

8. Bad habit

my answer: loner (alias suka menyendiri kalo lagi ga mood ngapa-ngapain hehehehe... =p) 

9. Wishlist

my answer: karaoke!!!
Itu wishlist yang paling jangka pendek hihihihihi... dah lama ga karaokean =)) 

Nah yang kena tag berikutnyaaaaaa
1. Enjie
2. Xuxu
3. Jafeto
4. Penguin
5. Ika Avebri
6. Engkong
7. Delly


It's Your Love

Tuesday, February 10, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Your love 
...was within me when I was still a baby in my mother's womb
Your love
...was poured upon me when I was still a child

What kind of thing that is so comforting?
When I felt alone and there was no one around
What kind of thing that soothe me in times of heartache?
It's Your love...

So gentle...
So generous...
It's flowing from Your heart for me
Full of grace...
Full of mercy...

Only one can make me still breathing until now
It's Your love...
Only one can keep me standing in awe of You...
It's Your amazing love... 


Me Singing "Last Christmas" Pop Remix

Tuesday, February 10, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

This pop remix is originally sung by Ashley Tisdale. This is me singing:

- on Indowebster (mp3) click HERE
- on Multiply (WAV) click HERE

I love this pop remix and I love Ashley Tisdale's voice!


Me Singing "When You Say Nothing At All"

Sunday, February 08, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Originally sang by Alison Krauss.

MP3 version is on Indowebster
WAV version is on Multiply


Latest Karaoke

Thursday, February 05, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

I don't know why lately I love singing =p

Apalagi kalo nemu lagu versi karaoke / instrumental pas browsing pake google atau Youtube hehehehe.... Ada salah satu blogku yang laen, dulu isinya tulisan curhat singkat semua, sekarang malah penuh ama video lagu karaoke 'n lirik lagunya yang aku copy paste dari Youtube hihihi...

Dulu pas masih di Jawaban.Com kalo lagi suntuk atau bosen ngetik artikel aku biasanya nyanyi =p lumayan jadi refresh lagi hehehe... 

So, this is the latest karaoke song yang aku baru rekam kemaren malem 'n aku upload ke multiply (file .WAV):
- Mamma Mia (Ost. Mamma Mia)
- Honey Honey (Ost. Mamma Mia)

Just in case buat yang ga punya account multiply, bisa dengerin di Indowebster (file .mp3):
- Mamma Mia (Ost. Mamma Mia)
- Honey Honey (Ost. Mamma Mia)

Feel free to give your comments and suggestions =p


Songs I Sing in My Multiply

Wednesday, February 04, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Here's the list:

- Way Back Into Love
- A Thousand Miles
- Mixed songs

You can play them there too, tell me what you think okay?
Thanx ^.^


Me Singing "A Thousand Miles"

Wednesday, February 04, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Wanna listen?
Just click HERE

And tell me what you think...


Early Present and Promise

Monday, February 02, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

My family has a new member, yeah, Miky has got a little brother hihihi...

Awalnya tu kucing dateng gatau dari mana ke rumah wakdeku di Surabaya. Ni kucing asli pinter banget, bayangin, dia pipis ama pup itu di WC! Iya, di WC yang jongkok bukan yang duduk. Ga ada yang ngajarin, dia nyari WC sendiri di rumah wakdeku. Mereka juga kaget 'n takjub kok ada kucing kayak gitu. Tapi berhubung keluarga mereka bukan pecinta kucing, mereka pengennya buang tu kucing jauh-jauh, cuman karna cucunya wakde yang masih kecil seneng, jadinya dipelihara deh, dikasih makan minum, toh kucingnya juga tau jaga kebersihan hehehe...

Nah pas aku 'n mamaku maen ke rumah wakde, aku langsung mikir, papaku pasti mau ngambil nih hihihi... secara kita sama-sama pecinta kucing hehehe... Aku dah nanya ke wakdeku kalo kucing itu aku ambil gimana, wakde mah malah seneng. Pas di rumah, aku cerita ke papaku, like what I thought, dia pengen ambil tu kucing.

Pas kemaren Sabtu ada pesta kondangan meritnya sepupu di Surabaya, kita se-sodaraan kan ketemu semua. Aku nanya ke papaku 'n wakde, kucingnya mau diambil sekarang ga? Papaku bilang iya. Akhirnya official deh, di rumah jadi ada 2 kucing hihihi.... Sayangnya tu kucing pinter ditaruh di toko, soalnya kalo ditaruh di rumah Miky musuhin dia, kasian. Miky ngerasa paling senior kali, ga mau ada saingan dia, hihihi dasar Miky... kucing yang baru masih umur beberapa bulan, blom sampe 1 taun, kalo Miky dah 8 taun-an gitu. Jadi pengen mudik hihihihi... kan ada adek baru hihihihi...

That's the early present in 2009 ^.^ Thank you God hihihihi... trus early promisenya... ada beberapa seh, promise dari God 'n dari papaku. Janji papaku itu mengingatkan aku ama Bapa di Sorga juga. Ini tentang penundaan... sometimes God ga ngasih kita something yang kita butuhin sekarang karna akan jadi jauh lebih baek kalo dikasihnya tu beberapa waktu setelah sekarang. Aku jadi bisa ngerti banget tentang penundaan gara-gara apa yang papaku lakuin. Papaku menunda ngasih sesuatu buat aku karna dia pengen ngasih aku yang paling baru. Kalo sekarang dikasih brarti aku dapetnya versi lama hihihihi... apa seh? Ada deh hehehe... Jadi amazed.... Thank you God for reminding me ^.^

Latest news.... fitur T-Chat 'n T-Blog di web Tmore-Online baru diupload ama programmer web kantor, aku barusan ngecek masih error... Phewww... Jadi belajar enjoy 'n bersabar deh hehehe... barusan dah email programmernya cuman blom dibales... Semoga dah bisa running normal dalam minggu ini....

Eh iya, gara-gara kemaren ko Lung cerita soal Lippo Cikarang (dia pernah ikut ISOP ko Steven Agustinus di sana) aku tadi malem sampe mimpi pergi ke Lippo Cikarang ketemu ama temen-temen kantor hehehehehe... Mimpi gara-gara kangen juga kali hihihihi... Mimpinya juga kocak, kantorku yang sekarang itu ada di Lippo Cikarang juga. Mimpinya aku tu baru sampe Lippo Cikarang 'n mampir ke kantorku yang sekarang, cuman bawa tas selempang, mandi 'n siap-siap di kantor yang sekarang, trus jalan cari makanan titipan mamaku, trus ke kantor lama ketemuan ama temen-temenku... hihihihihi... kacau... =p Tapi kangen seh, pengen ketemu juga ama temen-temen CBN hihihi...

Okay... There's a lot to do... so I have to catch up...
Semoga ntar malem bisa kelarin postingan blogku sebelumnya yang blom kelar...