Google Image Tagged
Dapet Pe-Er dari ci Nelly, hihihi..."The rules are simple. Use Google image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people."
1. The age of my next birthday
my answer: 27
Horeeee... gambarnya bagus hihihihi....
2. The place I'd like to travel
my answer: Bali
Hopefully bakal kesana ntar Agustus ama anak-anak komsel hehehehe... ^o^
3. Favorite place
my answer: home
4. Favorite food
my answer: noodle
All kinds of noodle... yummy!!! ^o^
5. Favorite thing
my answer: notebook
Huhuhu... keren nih bentuknya!
6. Favorite colour
my answer: white
Gambarnya seremmmm T_T white tiger seh...
7. A nickname I had
my answer: Fay (of course lah hihihi...)
Dapet gambarnya Morgan La Fay... semacem salah satu peri atau dewi di mitos gitu deh...
8. Bad habit
my answer: loner (alias suka menyendiri kalo lagi ga mood ngapa-ngapain hehehehe... =p)
9. Wishlist
my answer: karaoke!!!
Itu wishlist yang paling jangka pendek hihihihihi... dah lama ga karaokean =))
Nah yang kena tag berikutnyaaaaaa
1. Enjie
2. Xuxu
3. Jafeto
4. Penguin
5. Ika Avebri
6. Engkong
7. Delly
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