Goodie Bag Dapur Cokelat

Tuesday, July 27, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

Gara-gara awal Juli sempet iseng kirim ide ke email Dapur Cokelat, aku dapet hadiah Raspberry Truffle cake yang gede + membership card gratis. Cakenya dimakan rame-rame ama anak-anak sekomsel :p

Baru seminggu lalu membership card-nya dikirim ke kosku. Ternyata bukan cuman membership card, tapi dapet juga kartu diskon ama invitation ke grand opening Dapur Cokelat yang ke-2 di Plaza Graha Family A3 Surabaya, berlaku sampe akhir Juli ini. Ntar invitationnya di sana bisa ditukerin ama goodie bag.

Abis terima semua itu kan aku cerita to my parents. Papaku bilang ya ntar pas ke Surabaya aja bareng ke sana. Na udah kan, abis itu aku liat kok kayaknya papaku ada beberapa hal yang masih harus diurusin, ada something yang dia pikirin 'n kerjain gitu, ga bisa diceritain di sini :p jadi aku ga berharap bisa ke Dapur Cokelat buat tukerin invitationnya ama goodie bag :p

Tiba-tiba tadi siang papaku telpon, dia lagi di Surabaya, urusannya udah kelar 'n dia dah di kosku, nanya apa mau ke Dapur Cokelat buat tuker invitationnya. Aku sampe kaget, abis dadakan banget... Langsung dah ganti baju siap-siap 'n langsung pergi. Sweet surprise :p hal kayak gini aja kok dia perhatiin :p padahal kalopun ga sempet pergi ke sana aku juga ga papa :p

Akhirnya sampe sana 'n beli 1 kotak coklat praline-nya ama 1 jenis snack-nya. Kan malu kalo cuman ambil goodie bag doang ga beli apa-apa hehehe... Lagian jarang ini... :p

Dan inilah goodie bag dari Dapur Cokelat!

Dari kiri ke kanan: chocolate stick, mouse pad (sempet aku kira sticker hihihi), chocolate dip (buat dicelupin ke susu hangat), mug. Thank you Dapur Cokelat :)

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Time Flies

Tuesday, July 27, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

This morning I woke up early to wash my hair and get it dry before I went out to buy my breakfast (pecel) and go to Chicco supermarket to buy bananas, soy milk, and some traditional cakes (kue saputangan vla and onde-onde) :p healthy food huh? :p

When I bought pecel, I met someone from my former office (the one I have just resigned by the end of April). So meanwhile I waited for the seller to wrap my food, I talked a bit with him. After that I went to Chicco and got back to my dorm. And I found out that yesterday I forgot to eat bakwan sawi from my catering T.T it is already too late and smells bad T.T how come I forgot? So I threw it to the garbage...

I ate some cakes while working on some articles. And just now it is 11 am already??? Time flies so fast T.T gotta finish my jobs today as this afternoon there will be a meeting at SW. I better be hurry!
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Better Than I

Tuesday, July 27, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

(a song by Joy Williams)

I thought I did what's right
I thought I had the answer
I thought I chose the surest road
But that road brought me here

So I put up a fight
And told You how to help me
And just when I had given up
The truth is coming clear

For You know better than I
You know the way
I've let go the need to know why
'Cause You know better than I

If this has been a test
I cannot see the reason
But maybe knowing... I don't know
It's part of getting through

I try to do what's best
And faith has made it easy
To see the best thing I can do
Is put my faith in You

For You know better than I
You know the way
I've let go the need to know why
'Cause You know better than I

I saw one cloud and thought it was the sky
I saw a bird and thought that I could follow
But it was You who taught them to fly
If I let You reach me... Would You teach me?

For You know better than I
You know the way
I've let go the need to know why
I'll take what answers You supply
'Cause You know better than I

You know better than I...


God's Love

Monday, July 26, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

A Tale of Two Trees
by Max Lucado

Chapter I
Formless masses. Floating. Disconnected. Divine artist. Earthly dream. Light!
Sun rays piercing through jungle trees. Sunsets volcanic with explosions of gold. Soft sheets of moonlight soothing a weary ocean.

Beings! Snorting. Flying. Splashing. Bleating. Gnawing. Clawing. Digging. Sound! Horse's hoof beats. Cawing crows. Hyena laughter. Cannoning thunder. Chirping chicks. Rat-tat-tatting rain. Nothingness converted.

Then silence … as an unseen Sculptor molds mud and dust.
Lions motionlessly watching. Sparrows perched, peering downward. Clouds hovering. Inquisitive kangaroos. Curious caribou. Snooping centipedes.
"What's he making?"
"An animal?"
Giraffes peeking through leaves. Squirrels chattering gossip. Pausing. Wondering. Gibbering. "A mountain?"A sudden breeze, surprisingly warm, whistles through the leaves scattering dust from the lifeless form. And with the breath of fresh air comes the difference.

Winging on the warm wind is his image. Laughter is laid in the sculpted cheeks. A reservoir of tears is stored in the soul. A sprinkling of twinkle for the eyes. Poetry for the spirit. Logic. Loyalty. Like leaves on an autumn breeze, they float and land and are absorbed. His gifts become a part of him.
His Majesty smiles at his image.
"It is good."
The eyes open. Oneness. Creator and created walking on the river bank. Laughter. Purity. Innocent joy. Life unending.

Then the tree. The struggle. The snake. The lie. The enticement. Heart torn, lured. Soul drawn to pleasure, to independence, to importance. Inner agony.
Whose will?
The choice.

Death of innocence. Entrance of death. The fall. Tear stains mingling with fruit-stains.

Chapter II : The Quest
"Abram, you will father a nation! And Abram - tell the people I love them."
"Moses, you will deliver my people! And Moses - tell the people I love them."
"Joshua, you will lead the chosen ones! And Joshua - tell the people I love them."
"David, you will reign over the people! And David - tell the people I love them."
"Jeremiah, you will bear tidings of bondage! But Jeremiah, remind my children, remind my children that I love them."

Altars. Sacrifices. Rebelling. Returning. Reacting. Repenting. Romance. Tablets. Judges. Pillars. Bloodshed. Wars. Kings. Giants. Law. Hezekiah. Nehemiah. Hosea. … God watching, never turning, ever loving, ever yearning for the Garden again.

Chapter III
Empty throne. Spirit descending. Hushed angels.
A girl …
a womb …
an egg.
The same Divine Artist again forms a body. This time his own. Fleshly divinity. Skin layered on spirit. Omnipotence with hair. Toenails. Knuckles. Molars. Kneecaps. Once again he walks with man. Yet the Garden is now thorny.
Thorns that cut, thorns that poison, thorns that remain lodged, leaving bitter wounds.
Disharmony. Sickness. Betrayal. Fear. Guilt. The lions no longer pause. The clouds no longer hover. The birds scatter too quickly. Disharmony. Competition. Blindness.

And once again, a tree. Once again the struggle. The snake. The enticement. Heart torn, lured.
Once again the question, "Whose will?"
Then the choice.
Tear stains mingle with bloodstains. Relationship restored. Bridge erected.
Once again he smiles.
"It is good."

For just as death came by means of a man, in the same way the rising from death comes by means of a man. For just as all men die because of their union to Adam, in the same way all will be raised to life because of their union to Christ. (I Corinthians 15:21-22)

From God Came Near: Chronicles of the Christ
Copyright (Thomas Nelson, 1999) Max Lucado


July Update

Monday, July 26, 2010 Fay 0 Comments

It feels like ages I haven't updated this blog :p the reason is I've been busy writing and prepare and learning about internet marketing. "Content is king", therefore I've been writing and writing all the time :p

I have another personal blog at Wordpress. But it's personal, so only few of my close friends know about it. The privacy setting makes it invisible to search engines. Nothing secret, it just made me can write anything I want without considering other people's responds :p

I've been thinking and praying for several important things... And while I can work out for some things, but most of them need to be surrendered to add my faith and trust...

Some of my friends are facing a similar struggle but I just keep holding on Rome 8:28. We ask His guide, we obey His words, we do what we can, and we keep our faith that He is able to accomplish what we cannot do according to His wisdom and His plan.

Keep moving on and hold our head high, don't give up but light up the faith, coz:

"And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us." (Rome 5:5)
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