Hening datang mendahului pagi
Kadang dia menyapa dan menitipkan temaram di hati
Kadang dia tinggal sejenak dan sodorkan tanya
... tentang dunia di balik kata “setelah itu”
Hening datang tanpa diduga
Serupa dengan wajah sunyi yang menggantung
Dia hanya duduk di sana...
Membiarkan nyanyiannya mengalun sepanjang malam
Hening datang membawa jeda
Jeda antara masa lalu dan masa depan
Satu masa yang terlindung dari detik-detik yang memburu
Sisipkan nafas baru pada jiwa yang lelah berjalan
Hening datang dalam bayang misteri
Dia seolah-olah bisa membuat kita merasa waktu terhenti
...sejenak... hanya dirinya yang terlihat...
Walau sebenarnya dia tak pernah sendirian
Dengarlah... jangan biarkan matamu terpejam
Ada Seseorang berdiri di balik hening
Seseorang yang menantimu untuk bangkit
Memanggilmu mendekat dan memulai perjalanan yang baru
Hening sepertinya datang tanpa makna
Tapi dia bukan kekosongan
Jika saja kita memandangnya dengan jeli
...dan membiarkan dia berlalu saat jeda itu usai...
Learn to Embrace the CHANGE
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 Fay 0 Comments
Right now I’m facing a few core changes in my life... A new season... new city, new dormitory, new job, new people to meet and work with, new things to learn and get used to, everything almost new to me. Even though I have lived in Surabaya before, in my high school and college years, but both of them were located near the city centre and their location were also kind of familiar to me. But in my new environment where I’m living now is a whole new place for me...
Yea... change might not always comfortable (sometimes scary =p), most likely for a kind of stable person like me, but like the words I’ve ever heard, “Change is good” hehehe... and honestly, I’m on my way to embrace those changes. As long as The One who never changes is walking with me, I think I’m gonna be just fine =p
I’m gonna re-write (with a bit of editing) an article by Susan Squellat Florence below, she wrote a great insignt about CHANGE:
Life doesn’t always turn out the way we planned. In fact, it almost never does. In work, our relationship, and expectations of how things “should” be... there are changes. We are afraid of change, but it happens anyway. We don’t seek out time of change but it happens anyway. We want to see, know, and understand what is happening to us. We think we can control our life. But ultimately, we can’t.
When we accept that life is full of changes and unknowing times they bring, we move beyond our fear. We will be able to begin a new journey of hope and opennes to what life brings. We grow with change. Times of change help us discover within ourselves a profound strength. We challenge ourselves to become deeper as we learn to live with uncertainty. We become more whole.
Times of change shift our life focus. We will begin to see things as they really are. By being open to new possibilities, we will see more than we’ve ever seen before. We also will see things that are truly important and meaningful to us.
Change is a place of seeing beyond the life you had planned into new possibilities of what life can be.
Change is a way of growing beyond a person you thought you were into a stronger person you will become.
Change is a time of leaving a safe place where “you know” and entering a strange place where “you don’t know”.
Do not be afraid of change. Remember that the most insightful times are times of change. Within change come the seeds of new life. A dry farm land that had been destroyed by the heat of summer, will eventually grow again after the rain. Like the seasons, our life turns over and over again... Sooner or later, you will understand that life is not only full of changes, but life itself is a change...
I’m so inspired... Eummm... but there are two cool changes, I have a new notebook from my dad =p hehehe... and also a new I-pod shuffle from my dear, beloved IT guys... =p Phewww... hehehe... Now I’m waiting for my I-sat Eco to be activated so I can be (soon) online from my dorm... so I can browsing, reading online articles, make some downloads, chatting, and also blogging!!! Boy, how I miss that last one! Hehehe...
Temporarily Offline
Thursday, October 23, 2008 Fay 0 Comments
However, I have a plan to get online from my new dorm at Surabaya. So I might need your recomendation for the best and the most economic unlimited internet connection =p Which one do you think is best? I have information about IM2 unlimited, but it needs credit card for its payment, I need more practical payment method, if there's another option... Do you have one?
My Unforgettable Last Day @ Office
Wednesday, October 22, 2008 Fay 0 Comments
That's how I can describe my feeling today...
Ga nyangka banget mau pisahan aja sampe segitunya...
IT gals yang kompakan pake rok... kita jadi putri feminin sehari... you are all so beautiful with skirts! ^.^ Kapan lagi coba hehehehe... Ga ada yang ngalahin deh hehehe... Viva IT gals!!!
"The last supper" di Pizza Hut yang rame abiezzz...
Sesi foto-foto mulai pagi di ruang animasi sampe siang pas lunch sampe sempet mampir ke danau... foto-fotonya keren... 'n niat bangettt...
Kado sendal doraemon dari Yoel 'n ipod hijau dari semuanya... huaaaa... those are definitely unforgettable farewell presents...
Doa pengutusan 'n pesan-pesan yang bikin terharu...
I definitelly will never forget what you all have done for me...
Thank you IT guys 'n girls... my roommates di ruang akuarium ini...
Thank you for your friendship and support... I'm so deeply touched...
I'm just speechless...
This is beyond what I've thought...
No, I don't wanna say good bye...
We can still keep in touch through SMSes (secara aku pake 3 yang sms gratis hehehe...), email (nah yang ini jangan lupa dah ga pake alamat email outlook kantor lagi yah hehehe...), atau YM... Hopefully siy di sana aku bisa online dari kos juga =p Doain aja yah hehehe...
Thank you so much...
Luv u all...
Tayangan tentang Blogger di Solusi Life
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 Fay 0 Comments
Ada akunya hihihi... tayangnya tahun 2007 lalu nih...
Two More Days...
Monday, October 20, 2008 Fay 0 Comments
This morning my dorm-mate asked me how I feel about my last days here, I told her I just didn't know what to say. My feelings are mixed up... so it's kinda hard to find the right words to express things in my heart.
Last Saturday I went to Jakarta, to Plaza Semanggi and CL for the last time... Walking around CL with Kezia (a friend from Malang who worked in Jakarta)... then we buy terang bulan (or martabak manis) with cheese, chocolate and peanuts near her dorm, ate together, talked a lot, and sleep... I spent my night (the last meeting) with her at her dorm...
Yesterday I have packed my clothes and stuffs... I just have to pack a bit more later and tomorrow. Hmmm... So many things had happened while I was here... So many memories... and there is an open road in front of me... waiting for me to walk on it... a new office, new dorm, new job, new colleagues, new roads to learn and remember, new habbits... hoah... so many changes I have to get used to, for sure...
Like my mom said, it's really feel a bit uncomfortable when we have to make some (or many) changes, especially when they happen in the core areas of life like what I'm about to experience. There are new rules at the new office, new habbits at the new dorm, new roads to reach places (I really need a big help in this =p usually I need a bit longer time to learn and remember the paths and routes =p)... phewww.... yeap, like Jordin Sparks sang, I just have to take this one step at a time...
Mencari Soulmate "Tanya"
Thursday, October 16, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Kau mau pergi ke mana?
Tolong jangan menghilang bersama keindahanmu...
Jangan hapuskan jejakmu karena kerumitan hidup...
Benarkah engkau hanya sahabat anak kecil?
Apakah kedewasaan akan selalu membungkam dan menghanguskanmu?
Kau tahu? Banyak orang telah mengakui itu...
Belakangan ini suaramu terkadang menghilang...
Nyanyianmu tak sekeras dulu lagi...
Buatku... kau telah menjadi bagian hidup...
Haruskah engkau tersisih hanya karena tuntutan usia?
Bukankah engkau masih bertalian dengan kreativitas dan kebebasan?
Haruskah tanggung jawab mendesak kalian untuk meninggalkan tahta?
Jangan beranjak dulu...
Dengarkan sejenak harapan bersajak untukmu...
"Aku tahu tentang seseorang dan legendanya...
Dimana impian dan kehidupan nyata melebur dalam cerita keabadian
Kau hanya perlu menautkan dirimu dalam serat-serat doa...
...dan menenun jalan setapak bersama Penciptamu..."
Jangan biarkan jiwamu menguap...
Tinggallah di sini... bersamaku...
Biarkan lengan kokohNya menjagamu...
Counting Down The Days
Tuesday, October 14, 2008 Fay 0 Comments
7 more days and I'll be gone...
...gone to another place
...gonna live in another space
The memories are still remain
I just don't want to remember them right now
...cause surely I'm gonna cry
So better leave them nicely in the corner of my mind
Time is running so fast...
I'm not sure if I can still count on my days
I just want to spend these moments so well
And move on without any regret
...tick tock... tick tock... tick tock...
PS: "Tinggal sesaat lagi dan kamu tidak akan melihat aku lagi, tetapi kamu "melihat" aku, sebab aku akan online dan kamu pun juga online" ...hehehe...
Tentang Tattoo
Tuesday, October 14, 2008 Fay 0 Comments
Emang kalo pake tattoo kesannya "nakal" yah?
Hihihihi... lagi iseng pake tattoo temporary, sticker gituh, yang cuman bertahan 3 hari... Tapi dah dapet beberapa komentar yang gimana gitu hihihihi...
I always like butterfly, mengingatkan tentang proses menunggu dan juga perubahan yang tetap terjadi walau mungkin kita nggak bisa lihat dari luar... that's inspiring...
Tentang Resiko
Tuesday, October 07, 2008 Fay 0 Comments
Quoted from kak Marcel's words... Dia emang gape deh ngeluarin kata-kata yang sepintas tuh down to earth banget, tapi dalemmmm hehehe... Thanx kak... =p He's my "brother" at my current office... We have just talked about our dreams and our current condition... Deep conversation =p
Tu kena banget tuh ke aku hehehe... secara pikiranku lagi ngebayangin banyak resiko 'n tantangan yang bakal aku hadapin beberapa langkah ke depan. It takes the guts and courage indeed... and most of all, my faith to Him...
Tuesday, October 07, 2008 Fay 0 Comments
It's just a piece of cake for Him to arrange our future for temporary time while we're in this world...
Don't you think so?
PS: ...this one has punched me right in the spot God =p
Panik Mode On
Monday, October 06, 2008 Fay 0 Comments
Barusan coba telpon calon kandidat kos di Surabaya tapi ga ada yang angkat... looks like they haven't returned from Lebaran holiday... Trus aku telpon ko Hadi (personalia-nya Gabindo) udah dengan nada panik... soalnya ada beberapa hal yang aku liat kemaren tu aku bingung banget... ada lah... cuman ga bakal aku tulis di sini hehehe... menyangkut kebutuhan pokok pribadi lah hehehe... Sampe dia tenang-tenangin gitu, nyuruh aku telpon lagi aja, kali emang yang punya kos masih liburan...
Huahhh... asli... sometimes I get so easily panicked when I face new place, new routes to learn... plus... kayaknya aku kudu mulai blajar naek motor 'n ngapalin jalan nih T_T Huaaaaaa.... semuanya baru 'n semuanya butuh adaptasi secara bersamaan T_T gimana ga jadi panik T_T Lha wong kalo ngapalin jalan aja aku minimal butuh waktu beberapa hari... Phewww... Ini masih belon nemu kos juga... jadi panik kuadrat deh... Sampe ditanyain Delly mau pisahan dimana aku ga kepikiran...
Ya I just need time to calm down... I know I will find itu kos-kosan by His guide... cuman ini emang proses yang aku kudu jalanin buat belajar lebih percaya lagi aja ama Dia... belajar terus berjalan dengan bergantung ama tuntunan tanganNya walo mataku dibebet pake kain (kebayang kayak game itu hehehe... abis perasaan mirip deh...).
So hectic... antara kerjaan di sini belon kelar, ada project belon kelar... plus urusan di sana juga masih blon ketauan gimananya T_T pheww... ok calm down, do the best 'n just trust Him...
Dicari: Kos di Surabaya
Monday, October 06, 2008 Fay 0 Comments
Siapa yang tau diharapkeun banget buat ngasih info soal kos-kos-an di daerah Kutisari Indah Selatan Surabaya yah... atau yang masih daerah sekitarnya... urgently needed niy...
Libur lebaran kemaren kan mudik... sekalian pas balik nyari kos buat ntar akhir Oktober di Surabaya, tapi pada sepi. Alamat kos yang dikasitau orang kantor baru juga rumahnya lagi kosong... lagi pada liburan kali yah... Makanya sambil cari juga nih... kali ada yang tau...
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This is a blog by Fay ^.^
A second home in the online world... An expression to share thoughts and feelings... and this is simply a way to know another side of me...
So, just enjoy and happy reading!
Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is a mistery
But TODAY is a gift
That's why it's called PRESENT
A second home in the online world... An expression to share thoughts and feelings... and this is simply a way to know another side of me...
So, just enjoy and happy reading!
Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is a mistery
But TODAY is a gift
That's why it's called PRESENT
Inspiring Quotes
"A Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
(Lao Tzu)
(Lao Tzu)
"They say: When one door of happiness closes, another opens. But the problem is... we look so long at the closed door that we never notice the open one."
(Dan Miller)
(Dan Miller)
"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."
(Nelson Mandela)
(Nelson Mandela)
"Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way you’re right."
(Henry Ford)
(Henry Ford)
"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere."
(Albert Einstein)
(Albert Einstein)
"The secret of making mistakes isn’t to avoid ever making one again – it’s to recognize that making a mistake is not fatal! They are necessary stepping stones on your path to success."
(Dan Miller)
(Dan Miller)
"My life is a message."
(Mahatma Gandhi)
(Mahatma Gandhi)
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