Learn to Embrace the CHANGE
Right now I’m facing a few core changes in my life... A new season... new city, new dormitory, new job, new people to meet and work with, new things to learn and get used to, everything almost new to me. Even though I have lived in Surabaya before, in my high school and college years, but both of them were located near the city centre and their location were also kind of familiar to me. But in my new environment where I’m living now is a whole new place for me...
Yea... change might not always comfortable (sometimes scary =p), most likely for a kind of stable person like me, but like the words I’ve ever heard, “Change is good” hehehe... and honestly, I’m on my way to embrace those changes. As long as The One who never changes is walking with me, I think I’m gonna be just fine =p
I’m gonna re-write (with a bit of editing) an article by Susan Squellat Florence below, she wrote a great insignt about CHANGE:
Life doesn’t always turn out the way we planned. In fact, it almost never does. In work, our relationship, and expectations of how things “should” be... there are changes. We are afraid of change, but it happens anyway. We don’t seek out time of change but it happens anyway. We want to see, know, and understand what is happening to us. We think we can control our life. But ultimately, we can’t.
When we accept that life is full of changes and unknowing times they bring, we move beyond our fear. We will be able to begin a new journey of hope and opennes to what life brings. We grow with change. Times of change help us discover within ourselves a profound strength. We challenge ourselves to become deeper as we learn to live with uncertainty. We become more whole.
Times of change shift our life focus. We will begin to see things as they really are. By being open to new possibilities, we will see more than we’ve ever seen before. We also will see things that are truly important and meaningful to us.
Change is a place of seeing beyond the life you had planned into new possibilities of what life can be.
Change is a way of growing beyond a person you thought you were into a stronger person you will become.
Change is a time of leaving a safe place where “you know” and entering a strange place where “you don’t know”.
Do not be afraid of change. Remember that the most insightful times are times of change. Within change come the seeds of new life. A dry farm land that had been destroyed by the heat of summer, will eventually grow again after the rain. Like the seasons, our life turns over and over again... Sooner or later, you will understand that life is not only full of changes, but life itself is a change...
I’m so inspired... Eummm... but there are two cool changes, I have a new notebook from my dad =p hehehe... and also a new I-pod shuffle from my dear, beloved IT guys... =p Phewww... hehehe... Now I’m waiting for my I-sat Eco to be activated so I can be (soon) online from my dorm... so I can browsing, reading online articles, make some downloads, chatting, and also blogging!!! Boy, how I miss that last one! Hehehe...
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