The major difference between average people and achieving people is their perspective of and response to failure. In other words, how I see failure going in, how I respond to failure coming out. Now, we want learn three lesson about it!
Lesson no 1
I have also discovered about failure and problems that our perspective changes tremendously if it is someone else's problem with failure, versus my problem for failure. It's the old joke, major surgery, minor surgery. You know minor surgery is when it's on you and major surgery is when it's on me.
My dad loves to tell this joke about two men who were talking.
One guy says, "I lost my job."
The other guy says, "Well, it could be worse."
Perpuluhan: Alkitabiah Tapi Bukan Kekristenan
Wednesday, October 28, 2009 Fay 0 Comments
Sebab kami tidak sama dengan banyak orang lain yang mencari keuntungan dari firman Allah. Sebaliknya dalam Kristus kami berbicara sebagaimana mestinya dengan maksud-maksud murni atas perintah Allah dan di hadapan-Nya.
2 Korintus 2:17
Bolehkah manusia menipu Allah? Namun kamu menipu Aku. Tetapi kamu berkata: "Dengan cara bagaimanakah kami menipu Engkau?" mengenai persembahan persepuluhan dan persembahan khusus! Kamu telah kena kutuk, tetapi kamu masih menipu Aku, ya kamu seluruh bangsa! Bawalah seluruh persembahan persepuluhan itu ke dalam rumah perbendaharaan, supaya ada persediaan makanan di rumah-Ku dan ujilah Aku, firman TUHAN semesta alam, apakah Aku tidak membukakan bagimu tingkap-tingkap langit dan mencurahkan berkat kepadamu sampai berkelimpahan.
Maleakhi 3:8-10
Bagian dari kitab Maleakhi tersebut menjadi teks favorit bagi banyak pendeta, khususnya ketika persembahan dan pemberian di gereja berkurang. Jika kita punya waktu untuk memperhatikan gereja modern maka kita akan mendengar bagian dari kitab Maleakhi tadi sering "bergemuruh" dari mimbar. Pertimbangkan retorika yang sering kita dengar ini: "Allah memerintahkanmu membayar perpuluhan dengan setia. Jika kamu tidak memberi perpuluhan maka kamu sedang merampok Allah dan menempatkanmu di bawah kutuk. Akankah kita ulangi bersama mengucapkan "doktrin perpuluhan?" Perpuluhan milik Tuhan. Di dalam kebenaran kita pelajari, di dalam iman kita percaya, dan di dalam sukacita kita memberikannya. Perpuluhan! Dan persembahanmu diperlukan jika pekerjaan Tuhan ingin jalan terus ("pekerjaan Tuhan di sini tentu artinya adalah gaji staf kependetaan dan pembayaran listrik bulanan gedung gereja"). Apa akibat dari tekanan ini?
Stop trying To Fix People
Monday, October 19, 2009 Fay 0 Comments
We try to fix the people in our life.
Oh, I see it everywhere.
Everywhere I go, I see people complain about the people in their life.
Wives complain about their husbands.
“Bo, please talk to my husband. He eats too much.”
“Bo, can you help me? My husband watches too much TV.”
One frustrated wife told me, “Bo, please advice my husband. He doesn’t have a one romantic bone in his body. Last year, he gave me a bar of soap for Valentines Day. The brand? Mr. Clean.”
But husbands complain about their wives too.
“Bo, please talk to my wife. She’s gastadora.”
“Bo, help me with my wife. My wife is always hysterical and historical. She remembers all my past mistakes, including date, time, and place.”
One husband told me, “My wife is so talkative. If the universe paid 1 centavo for every word she said, I’ll be the richest man in the world today.”
Another man said, “My wife is always angry. When she’s angry, she causes global warming and the melting of the ice caps in the North Pole.”
Are You Malnourished for Love?
Monday, October 19, 2009 Fay 0 Comments
Today, I start a new 7-week series entitled Relationships Reborn.
Here’s why you need to take this series with me: I believe that if you change your relationships, you change your life.
Because if you squeeze out the essence of life, you realize that life is all about relationships. Your happiness, your success, your health, and your dreams depend on relationships. Give me a person with very happy relationships and I’ll show you a very happy person. Give me a person with miserable, dysfunctional relationships and I’ll show you a very miserable person.
I’m going to spill the beans here and tell you the central message of the next seven weeks: Relationships need renewal or they die.
In fact, not only the relationship will die, but a part of us will die. Why? Because you have a Heart Wound that can only be healed by love—a love that can only be found in relationships.
So you want to change your life, keep reading.
Are You Malnourished For Love?
Have you ever seen a malnourished child?
I believe you have—you just didn’t know.
Here’s the problem: When you hear the word “malnourished,” you automatically think of the starving kids in Africa you see in pictures. A child living in a famine-stricken dessert that has absolutely nothing to eat.
But there’s a second type.
The person could be your next door neighbor. He doesn’t look malnourished. He could even be fat. And yet, amazingly, he is malnourished.
Because he’s eating the wrong type of food.
Let me stoke your imagination...
Economic Gap in The Community
Sunday, October 18, 2009 Fay 0 Comments
Tadi pagi tiba-tiba aja kelintas topik ini 'n jadi inget pengalamanku di masa lalu. Beberapa tahun yang lalu pas aku masih kerja di Lippo Cikarang, Jawa Barat, aku kan ikut komunitas salah satu gereja di Jakarta. Gereja ini memang udah keliatan kalo mayoritas (walopun ga semua) jemaat-nya memang kalangan menengah ke atas, banget :p Keliatan dari penampilan pastinya...
Tapi karna emang pengajarannya bagus 'n seimbang, aku tetep ikut berjemaat di sana 'n juga ikut komunitas selnya. Sebenernya siy ga ada masalah yang gimana gitu... cuman lama-lama aku ngerasa aku ga bisa ngikutin lifestyle mereka.
Kadang-kadang tu (walo ga sering juga siy) abis dari gereja hari Minggu tu kita jalan-jalan ke mall, lunch di sana. Nah tau sendiri kan harga lunch-nya brapa hehehe... Blom lagi pernah juga sekali nongkrong di cafe semacem Starbucks yang harganya harga langit itu...
Pernah siy pas makan siang aku ga ikutan makan tapi beli Breadtalk buat aku jadiin lunch, alasanku siy waktu ditanyain bilangnya masih ga seberapa laper jadi makan roti aja, padahal mah ga rela hihihi... abis makanan resto-nya mahal amir hehehe...
Lama-lama yah mungkin
The Essence of Life
Sunday, October 18, 2009 Fay 0 Comments
What do you think of when you are alone in silence?
What do you think you need the most in your life?
That’s the essence of your life…
What do you think you need the most in your life?
That’s the essence of your life…
For me, it’s my family…
Family comes first, and then friends…
And all of my beloved people come into one word:
Family comes first, and then friends…
And all of my beloved people come into one word:
It’s not fame nor wealth
It’s not glamour nor elegance
It’s not even technology…
It’s not glamour nor elegance
It’s not even technology…
LOVE is the essence of our life
It’s what gives us energy to survive and to keep moving on
It’s what comforts us, makes us happy and passionate
It’s what makes us alive instead of just breathing
It’s what gives us energy to survive and to keep moving on
It’s what comforts us, makes us happy and passionate
It’s what makes us alive instead of just breathing
There are many things barging in to our life everyday
Just make sure we make the right priorities…
Just make sure we make the right priorities…
Searching For Something Exciting
Friday, October 16, 2009 Fay 0 Comments
I'm searching for something new, something exciting to do...
I'm not looking for 100% new challenges though...
I just want new and exciting experiences
It's not a secret anymore that I can get easily bored lately...
Not because I'm not grateful...
I'm grateful for everything... for better changes that happens...
I just want to expand my "horizon"
That's one reason why I took vocal lesson and I guess I still want more :p
More exciting new things to learn and to enjoy...
I guess I'm already tired to make my own limits
It's time to be free...
New Post Editor
Friday, October 16, 2009 Fay 0 Comments
Now we can insert jump break when we make a blog post, and a "read more" link will be appear in the published blog post, with a few of modification on the HTML if we use the third party's theme for our blog.
This is great, cause I always love blogger for its simplicity.
But one month ago I start using Wordpress because it has interesting feature like the "read more", while at that time Blogger had not had it yet. So I updated my Wordpress blog more often.
It's just too bad Wordpress doesn't allow us to put any advertising in its blogs...
I thought it would be perfect if Blogger has the "read more" feature... plus "Pages" like Wordpress...
But now I'm so happy with the new post editor on Blogger ^.^
Yea at least I have the "read more" feature to use on my long blog posts...
Although it would be very super duper cool if Blogger has the pages too
Hahaha... ^.^
Ada Kemajuannn ^.^
Friday, October 09, 2009 Fay 0 Comments
Kali ini ga frustasi kayak waktu les pertama kali minggu lalu hahahaha...
soalnya udah bisa nafas diafragma...
Ya udah tau nafas diafragma itu kayak gimana hehehe...
Tinggal harus sering latian biar terbiasa.
Trus tadi diajarin juga pake suara falset, ini juga kudu sering dilatih.
Trus diajarin vokal-nya supaya ga fals pake "aeieaeieaeiea..." dari nada rendah sampe makin tinggi.
Jadi semangat!!! ^o^
Abis ini tiap pulang kantor mau latian ah dari jam 5 sampe jam 6, pas anak-anak kos laen blom pulang ke kos 'n pas karyawan-karyawan kantornya cik Landri udah pulang dari sini hehehe...
Way to go to myself! Hihihihi...
Naksir Nokia E72
Tuesday, October 06, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Kalo liat spesifikasinya, siapa yang ga ngiler??? Kalo baca semua review tentang Nokia E72 siy oke-oke aja, banyak yang ngincer juga. Tapi harganya masih 5 juta bok... (-_-") Ya iyalah ada barang bagus uangnya juga bagus hehehe...
Ini masuk wishlist deh... Nokia E72...
Kalopun ga dapet free, palingan kalo mau beli paling cepet baru bisa taun depan, kalo harganya udah turun... :p
Gapapa nunggu asal dapet hihihihi...
Asli keren... pengen yang warna coklat aja... Topaz brown...
Kalo item udah bosen, warna silver juga ga gitu suka...
Coba ada warna ijo muda lucu tuh hihihi...
It Will Have Been 6 Years...
Tuesday, October 06, 2009 Fay 0 Comments
Aku dah kerja buat orang lain selama 6 tahun pas nyampe akhir tahun ini. Aku kan pertama kali kerja di CBN Lippo Cikarang mulai Januari 2005, waktu itu beberapa bulan awal masih magang plus juga abis itu sempet status kontrak sebelum akhirnya jadi karyawan tetap.
Di Perjanjian Lama kan ada tuh aturan kalo setelah 6 tahun budak harus dibebaskan dari kewajibannya, menjadi orang bebas bukan budak atau hamba orang lain lagi. Ni obrolan pas aku 'n Melisa maen ke rumah ce Iin Minggu lalu. Jadi termotivasi and mikir juga siy...
Sebenernya keinginan buat ga kerja karyawan lagi tu udah ada belakangan, kayaknya mulai tahun ini deh... Pengen kerja sendiri atau joinan bikin usaha apa gitu ama siapa gitu... 'Coz aku ngerasa kayaknya waktu kerja buat orang lain-nya udah cukup...
It's time I learn something new, time to step ahead... walo masih blom tau pasti detailnya bakal kayak gimana. Aku masih doain ini. Yang jelas I want to be a better person, with better character and also skills. I guess I also need new routines....
But until the time has come for those things, I will keep walking forward, trying to do my best in my current position right now and keep a hopeful + grateful heart.
Holy Spirit, guide me along the way...
Les Vokal Perdana
Friday, October 02, 2009 Fay 0 Comments
Waktunya tu pas banget, kan jam 5 semua pegawai kantor cik Landri di bawah udah pulang, sementara anak-anak kos laen baru pada pulang jam 6 ke atas. Jadi rada free deh, paling yang denger latiannya cuman cik landri ama pembantu kos hehehe... Emang kalo dari Tuhan itu serba pas deh hehehe... Thank You Dad ^.^
Huih susahnya tadi latian pake diafragma... maybe blom terbiasa aja kali yah... Makanya kudu sering latian ni...
Planning palingan kalo pulang kantor latian sebelum anak-anak kos laen pulang... ya antara jam 5 - jam 6 an gitu. Tadi sempet kepikir apa tiap jam makan siang pulang buat latian, tapi jadi inget kalo masih ada karyawan kantornya cik Landri... Yaudah kayaknya paling pas latiannya sore deh setelah aku pulang kantor 'n sebelum anak-anak kos laen pulang ke kos.
Aku pengen bisaaaa!!!
Jiayouuuuu!!!! Ganbatte Kudasai!!!!
Holy Spirit help me please... ^.^
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This is a blog by Fay ^.^
A second home in the online world... An expression to share thoughts and feelings... and this is simply a way to know another side of me...
So, just enjoy and happy reading!
Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is a mistery
But TODAY is a gift
That's why it's called PRESENT
A second home in the online world... An expression to share thoughts and feelings... and this is simply a way to know another side of me...
So, just enjoy and happy reading!
Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is a mistery
But TODAY is a gift
That's why it's called PRESENT
Oct 2009
- It's Going To Be Ok. Keep On Going!
- Perpuluhan: Alkitabiah Tapi Bukan Kekristenan
- Stop trying To Fix People
- Are You Malnourished for Love?
- Economic Gap in The Community
- The Essence of Life
- Searching For Something Exciting
- New Post Editor
- Ada Kemajuannn ^.^
- Naksir Nokia E72
- It Will Have Been 6 Years...
- Les Vokal Perdana
Oct 2009
Inspiring Quotes
"A Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
(Lao Tzu)
(Lao Tzu)
"They say: When one door of happiness closes, another opens. But the problem is... we look so long at the closed door that we never notice the open one."
(Dan Miller)
(Dan Miller)
"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."
(Nelson Mandela)
(Nelson Mandela)
"Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way you’re right."
(Henry Ford)
(Henry Ford)
"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere."
(Albert Einstein)
(Albert Einstein)
"The secret of making mistakes isn’t to avoid ever making one again – it’s to recognize that making a mistake is not fatal! They are necessary stepping stones on your path to success."
(Dan Miller)
(Dan Miller)
"My life is a message."
(Mahatma Gandhi)
(Mahatma Gandhi)
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