New Post Editor

Friday, October 16, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Last night I have just found that blogger has a new post editor, an updated one.
Now we can insert jump break when we make a blog post, and a "read more" link will be appear in the published blog post, with a few of modification on the HTML if we use the third party's theme for our blog.

This is great, cause I always love blogger for its simplicity.
But one month ago I start using Wordpress because it has interesting feature like the "read more", while at that time Blogger had not had it yet. So I updated my Wordpress blog more often.
It's just too bad Wordpress doesn't allow us to put any advertising in its blogs...
I thought it would be perfect if Blogger has the "read more" feature... plus "Pages" like Wordpress...

But now I'm so happy with the new post editor on Blogger ^.^
Yea at least I have the "read more" feature to use on my long blog posts...
Although it would be very super duper cool if Blogger has the pages too
Hahaha... ^.^