Introspeksi Hakim Jadi-jadian
Tadi pagi lagi iseng ngebongkar tumpukan kertas yang isinya print-an bukti tentang satu hal dari taun lalu. I think it's time to throw them all away... Sempet baca-baca sekilas lagi... 'n tanpa sadar itu jadi bikin aku bete lagi ama orang ini. Aku pikir aku udah memaafkan dia 'n udah melewati paling ga 90% proses pemulihan, tapi ternyata belon.When I was reading those lines, I felt so upset at how it could be happened back then... How I was so naive, or maybe I just have a wrong perspective... well, I don't know for sure, even now. And I just don't wanna keep that confusion, I just have to end it. But a few minutes later, while I was still reading, I judged this person, I said some bad words about this person... It only took few seconds for me to realize that I've been a fake judge... yap, fake, coz the real Judge and the only one Judge is Him...
I'm sorry God... I shouldn't do that...
Aku nyadar kalo orang ini juga ciptaanNya, milikNya, dan juga disayangiNya...
Roh Kudus negur, kalo kita ini juga disebut biji mataNya, then if someone hurts us, it actually means he or she has hurt Him too. In my part, I've hurted Him by being a fake judge and said bad words about His other children (my sibling)...
My part should be forgive this person, and only Him who has the right to judge... and the right to make a decission about the consequences... and also the right to raise up His justice.
Thanx for reminding me God... It's all come back to You...
Your grace and Your mercy is sufficient for me...
Your love and Your power is more than enough...
Thank You...
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