My Isat-Eco Is Activated!

Thursday, November 13, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Today I got a phone call from Indosat, she said my indosat-eco (unlimited internet package) was already activated. So later at 12:00 mid noon I'm gonna go to Galeri Indosat (Kayoon street) to buy the modem. 

Thanx to ce Bimbi yang mau nganterin hehehe... a bunch of thanx ce!!!

I think I'm gonna online tonight hehehe... 

PS: news update... belakangan lagi suka mantengin "Heroes" di Trans7 tiap senen-Jumat jam 8 malem... jadi pengen beli DVD serialnya... di Surabaya beli DVD serial gitu dimana yah? Dulu pernah tau di Pasar Atom, cuman gatau sekarang masih ada ga yah? Yang tau helep me yah... hehehe...