I've Got The Power!

Friday, May 30, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Bukan, ini bukan lagunya Snap yang jadi salah satu soundtracknya film "Bruce Almighty" itu hihihi... Bukan juga tanda-tanda kesombongan hehehe... Cuman salah satu kesadaran yang mulai memotivasi ;-p

Few minutes ago I was chatting with my friend (you know who you are hehehe... I don't mention the name because the person is already popular in blogosphere and milis-phere hihihi...), talking about one "hot" topic. Wanna know? Just check the relationship article on jawaban.com hehehe... Ternyata artikel yang dia forward ke milisnya itu dapet tanggapan yang seru, mostly from men. Trus kita lanjut ngobrol, masih seputar topik itu 'n sedikit nyerempet ke hal-hal laen...

Nah yang bikin aku jadi nyadar "I've got the power", itu karna ternyata lewat apa yang aku lakuin, aspirasi kebanyakan orang (yang selama ini mereka cuman bisa pendem dalem ati atau palingan cuman diobrolin ama sesama gender) bisa terangkat ke permukaan and hopefully, bisa membuka mata the opposite gender tentang kenyataan ini (this is real... not just a majority hopes or judges from another gender)... This add one more reason that motivates me in doing what I'm doing right now in jawaban.com. Cool... hihihihi...

It's a kind of confirmation about my existence and my role part here. The reason is clear, not absurd. If only I can enlarge my sight and listen more... I've got the power to give people some insights and some truths to inspire them, to value and enhance their life and attitudes... so they can move forward and keep growing... That's really an honour... a great chance... it's cooooooool ;-p

But don't worry, I remember the other side... like it said in Spiderman movie, "From a great power comes great responsibility"... note that... ^.^ There are my accountability partners too hehehe...

Thank you God for reminding me this hehehe...
and thank you to you my friend hehehe... and one more friend yang tadi pagi YM aku ngasitau soal artikel ituh hehehe... you gals my motivators hehehe...

PS: You too, my friend... have the power! So Jiayouuuu!!! Ganbatte!!!


Just Be Grateful

Thursday, May 29, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Lately I realized that it just only takes one simple way to be content... apapun kondisi yang lagi kita jalanin...

Sebosen apapun...
Se-blank apapun...

The word is, "Just be grateful"

Be grateful for who you are, coz you are His beloved child... and you are always in His mind

Be grateful for your existence, coz the fact that you're created means God needs you to make His big puzzle of plan completed.

Be grateful for every little thing... every daily and usual thing (yang biasanya terluput dari kesadaran kita karena kita udah terlalu terbiasa dengan berkat-berkat itu).
a little note for this one... if you know the way people live in another "world" (in a poor country, in a war situation, in areas where there are still no electricity or good watering system, etc), you will know that you are soooo blessed...

Be grateful for people (even if just one) who care enough to smile, say hi to you, encourage you, listen to what you say, ask "how are you", compliment you, and make you laugh...

Learn to be grateful require us to go through another learning process... Learn to pay attention and remember even the smallest thing to be grateful of...
and I'm in that process ^.^

PS: thanx to a friend (you know who you are hehehe... someone yang lagi di perantauan juga ;-p) yang ngingetin satu hal lagi buat disyukurin hehehe... it motivates me each day since... ^.^



Tuesday, May 27, 2008 Fay 1 Comments

Belakangan ini kayaknya berasa banget deh auranya... Ada beberapa temen (di dunia nyata dan di dunia maya hehehe...) yang bilang kalo belakangan mereka lagi jenuh banget, mostly about their job. Beberapa minggu... (or should I say about a month? or maybe more?) terakhir aku juga ngerasa jenuh... ama rutinitas...

Mungkin kalo keluargaku di sini aku bakal bisa bedain aku jenuhnya gara-gara kerjaan doang atau jenuh ama semuanya. Tapi berhubung aku di sini sendirian 'n rutinitasnya sama aja (well okay, not too similar banget siy benernya) for most of the days, months and years (akhir taun ini genep 4 taun sudah aku merantau ke Lippo Cikarang)... hmmm... okay, terutama bulan-bulan terakhir deh... so all that I can say is... maybe aku lagi jenuh ama semuanya aja... Ga ada masalah yang gimana gitu siy.. cuman gara-gara jenuh ini aku juga jadi mikir tentang beberapa hal soal hidupku 'n masa depan... And... slowly but sure, until now, He is making me understand and learn some things... Just like He always do, He never leaves me clueless hehehe...

Today I found an interesting blog of a woman, she shared about her daily life, her faith, her mission, and juga keisengannya hehehe... Lucu sekaligus inspiratif... jadi terinspirasi juga hehehe... So rise up!!!!

So... friends... what are you doing when you feel "jenuh"?


Waiting and the Answer

Friday, May 23, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

We try to trust that God has a plan, but we're secretly afraid that life is passing us by...

Waiting periods may lack glamour, but it's the daily grind that prepares us for life-changing events. Learn to embrace the same opportunities —call them training tools— that we have. Work. People. And a God who gets involved when He's invited.

No matter what arena of life you yearn to enter —marriage, parenthood, a career, a move— no one can prepare you for it like the people in your life today. The stranger who asks for a drink at an awkward moment will teach you to serve. The child who drives you up one wall and down the other will teach you the fine art of patience. The co-worker who dissolves into tears at the slightest provocation will teach you sensitivity and understanding. The socially awkward lady at your church can show you how to reach across barriers to find common ground.

We can't learn servanthood without people to serve. We'll never learn what love is if we don't love the people in our lives today. Humility will elude us until we see ourselves as one thread in this big tapestry called humanity.

Work keeps our hands busy during the meantime; people engage our hearts.

The big events of our life hold great significance for us, but they don't define us. The daily grind, with its hundreds of little decisions, determines who we are—and without it, we would never be ready for those stranger-at-the-well moments. Such a moment may be around the corner for you or me. In the meantime, we'd do well to stop thinking of tomorrow and start living in today.

We have daily annoyances, people who challenge us, a God to talk to, and windows that need washing. It may feel like life has yet to begin. That feeling is wrong. Life is now.

Someday you may meet your own stranger at the well, and life will take a brand new direction. Until then, you have the opportunity to learn the blessings of waiting. Like Rebekah did, you can make the most of the meantime.

Sumber (versi lengkapnya): ungrind - Rachel Starr Thomson

It's really an answer to my swirling thoughts...


I've been Here Before, I Recognize That Tree (Crossroad)

Friday, May 23, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Cross roads. We can never choose more than one turn at a time. The thing about life is that you can plan it way ahead and still make the wrong turn in life.

Hampir dua tahun yang lalu gue bingung gue mau jadi apa. Lamar internal ke mana. Nyari uang buat nikah gimana. Buku kok gak jadi-jadi. On my way I came across many crossroads. And made decisions. 2 years went by.

My 2-year tenureship in Africa is coming to an end.

And I'm on that crossroad again. Well okay, maybe not exactly the same. But, I've been here before. I recognize that tree.

A safe and calm life?

or a make-or-break one?


You need to get there. But once there, scared shitless of turning the wrong way.

I've been here before, I recognize that tree.

Sumber: blognya Adhitya Mulya

Crossroad... a.k.a. persimpangan jalan... Suatu saat dimana kita harus menetapkan pilihan... Kadang 2 pilihan aja udah mumet mikirnya, apalagi lebih dari dua... Aku sendiri ga lagi di persimpangan jalan siy... tapi ada temenku yang lagi di persimpangan jalan... Jadi ikutan mikir juga hehehe...

Postingannya Adhitya Mulya cocok banget ngegambarin crossroad... in a poetic way to express it...


High Expectation

Friday, May 23, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

"Kadang kita marah bukan karena semata-mata perbuatan seseorang, tapi karena apa yang dilakukan orang itu tidak sesuai dengan harapan kita"

"Sometimes we get angry not only because of someone's act, but basicly because what he or she had done doesn't fulfil our expectation."

Barusan aja ada seseorang yang ngomong di depan umum... He was (kinda like) preaching about a topic... and for a few minutes he was making joke about something that actually not a joke's material. Memang tingkat kesensitifan atau kepekaan tiap orang itu beda-beda. Ada hal-hal yang menurut satu orang itu biasa dan menurut orang lain itu sensitif. Tapi aku tau topik yang dia becandain itu adalah topik yang serius buat beberapa orang, dan menurutku itu bukan topik yang pantas buat dijadiin bahan becandaan atau sindiran... but he said it very lightly, seolah-olah itu udah jadi hal yang umum 'n lucu... (yah maybe lucu buat dia, tapi buat orang lain belon tentu).

Jadi inget... Kejadian kayak gini cuman salah satu contoh simple tentang begitu gampangnya kita bisa bete atau maybe kepaitan ama orang lain... terutama kalo kita punya high expectation ama orang itu. Di lingkungan Kristen, sebut aja yang sering terjadi, ada anggota komsel yang kecewa ama ketua komselnya, ada jemaat yang kepaitan 'n kecewa beratttt ama pendetanya, dll...

Memang, keputusan untuk kecewa atau enggak, keputusan untuk kepaitan atau enggak, itu pilihan kita. But think of it this way to make it easier... Tuhan udah mengingatkan kita untuk ga mengandalkan manusia, untuk ga memuja atau mengidolakan manusia... those are for an important reason, to guard our heart. Coz mau pendeta atau ketua komsel atau bos atau orang penting atau artis atau siapapun juga yang sering di sorot 'n jadi pusat perhatian... they are really no different than us, we are all human. Kita semua manusia yang bisa berbuat dosa, coz kita masih punya daging. We still have flaws. We still have a possibility to do sins because we are still have flesh. Ni bukan buat dijadiin alasan supaya kita bisa membela diri 'n membenarkan kesalahan-kesalahan kita. But this is a reality that we have to remember when something happen and it makes us realize that we have too high expectation on someone.

Kesalahan orang-orang yang disorot atau yang jadi pusat perhatian emang keliatan gedeeee banget coz mereka ada di posisi puncak. Plus, mungkin karena dia udah banyak ngelakuin hal-hal yang baik, jadinya kita bikin image dia di otak kita tu udah kayak angel... Kita ga pernah berpikir atau mengira bahwa someday dia bisa ngelakuin suatu kesalahan yang levelnya berat. Padahal dia juga sama kayak kita... we are all no different... Yang bikin perbedaan itu cuma God... Yang satu-satunya bener itu cuman Dia... Kita juga dibenarkan oleh Dia... bukan karena perbuatan kita atau karena siapa kita di mata dunia...

It is really true that when we think about everything until the deepest level, we can only admit that it's not about us at all... It's all about Him...

Kita bisa meneladani karakter-karakter positif yang dimiliki orang lain. Kita udah selayaknya bersyukur kalo kita deket ama orang-orang yang punya karakter atau sifat atau perspektif yang bisa diteladani. But on the other side, we shall guard our own heart... and remember that basic reality... and keep our eyes on Him, yang telah membenarkan kita, dan terus menyempurnakan kita dalam proses-proses yang kita jalani sepanjang hidup kita di dunia yang sementara ini...


Making Right Decissions

Wednesday, May 21, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

How do you know the right decision to make when your choices are not black and white? Do you, like me, find that question one of the toughest to answer?

Sometimes I think it would be much easier if all my decisions were black or white, right or wrong, evil or good. In a sense those are the easy decisions. The hard ones for me are those decisions where I must choose between options that are neither good nor bad, or perhaps they are all good, but I can choose only one. How can I know which choice is the best one, the one God would have me make?

Do you ever wish God would come down and write on your walls to let you know just exactly what you should do? That would seem to make it easy. But actually God has done something better than that. He has given us the capability of knowing His thoughts and having His mind. Here is a passage from 1 Corinthians 2 which tells us this:

The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us...We have the mind of Christ.

Now, what this tells us is pretty exciting, when you stop to think about it. We see in Romans 8:9 that each of us who have been born from above has God's Spirit within us. This passage in 1 Corinthians tells us that because we have God's Spirit within us, we can know God's thoughts because the Spirit of God is the One who knows the thoughts of God. And, just to be certain we didn't miss his point, the Apostle Paul spells it out clearly: We have the mind of Christ.

To me that means that the thoughts which go through my head, my thinking processes and reasoning powers, as they are controlled by the Spirit of God that is within me, can be God's thoughts. Therefore, as I face these tough decisions, I can turn to the mind of Christ that is within me to give me God's thoughts, so that I can make the right decision.

Wow, that's powerful theology! If we Christians really learned to take advantage of this great truth, what a difference we would see in our lives. Just to think we have the capability because of the Spirit of God who is within us to know what God thinks, to actually think His thoughts. And if I can know what God thinks, then decisions don't baffle me any longer because I can turn to His mind which is within me and trust those reasoning processes to lead me to right and good decisions.

Does that mean that when I became a Christian, automatically all my thoughts became God's thoughts? No, because until we reach heaven, we have two natures to deal with. This new nature given to us when we were born from above, gives us the Spirit of God and the mind of Christ. But also we still have our old nature which was born in sin and is still prone to sin. My thoughts will be controlled by one of these two natures, whichever one has the greatest control in my life.

Now, if I really want to have the mind of Christ operating within me so that my thoughts will be God's thoughts, then I have to make certain that I continually allow the new nature indwelled by the Spirit of Christ to control me in ever-increasing measure. How do I do that? By feeding the new nature and starving the old one. It really is just that simple. The one that you nourish is the one that will control you.

Which of your natures do you nourish the most? Do you spend time feeding that new spiritual nature with the Word of God, with good books, with good fellowship and messages? Or do you spend more time feeding the old nature with the world's messages, the world's literature? Do you pursue things that have no eternal value, or are you focused on storing up treasures in heaven?

If you are earnestly and diligently pursuing a knowledge of God, feeding that new nature and starving the old one, then you are more and more allowing the mind of Christ to control your thoughts. Therefore, as you face decisions, you don't need handwriting on the wall; you can trust God to reveal His thoughts to you through the mind of Christ, which is within you.

The difficulty arises as we try to ascertain which thoughts are God's thoughts generated by the Spirit of God and which ones are coming from our old sinful nature, for though we may be starving the old nature, it can get back into the act pretty easily.

I have developed a helpful exercise to help me test my thinking, so that I can have a biblical basis for analyzing my decisions. It's based on James 3:17 which says: But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. This verse gives us a very clear description of God's thoughts; it identifies the characteristics of His wisdom. So, if we hold our thinking and reasoning up to this verse and compare the results, then we have good insight into the origin of our thoughts.

Let me use an example to illustrate how to use James 3:17 in making right decisions. Let's say you have an opportunity to take a new job, but you're not sure if it's the right thing to do or not. Begin by writing down the decision you face: Should I accept this new job? Then write down what your options are. In this case they are fairly simple: Yes or No. Then use James 3:17 to test the results or consequences of each of your options. So, you ask yourself this series of questions concerning each option you have, and make notes as you go. Using our example, this is how that works:

1. The first test is purity.

God's wisdom is always pure. That means the decision would not lead you into any kind of impurity in your lifestyle, would not take you into unnecessary temptation, would not continually subject you to circumstances that would bring you down spiritually. Would this new job have any of these characteristics? What's the environment like? What would be expected of you? Does it pass the purity test? Write down your answer.

2. Peace-loving–or peaceable is the second criteria.

God's wisdom will lead us into a peaceable state of mind. I don't mean we won't know pressure or stress, but we will know an inner peace when we have God's thoughts. I find this one a very important test, for the more my relationship with God is on solid ground, the more I know His peace. And when my spirit within me is not at peace for some reason, then I'm fairly certain I don't yet have the mind of Christ. So you have to ask yourself if you have peace about this new job. And also, would the new job bring unrest and lack of peace into your life?

3. Considerate is the next checkpoint.

Using our example, you would ask yourself, if I take this new job, would it be inconsiderate of someone else to do so? Perhaps it would demand much more of your time and you wouldn't be able to keep other commitments you've made–to your family, your friends, your church, etc. Or perhaps it would free up some of your time and allow you to be more considerate of others.

4. The next thing James tells us about God's wisdom is that it is submissive.

Now here we really have to stop and take some inventory in our lives. Is there some area where we haven't allowed God's Spirit to control us? Is there something we've subconsciously been saying "Hand's off, Lord. Don't touch this." It may not necessarily be some outright sinful practice; perhaps it's not bad in itself, but nonetheless we've retained the control of that thing in our lives and refused to submit it.

If any areas of disobedience are resident in our lives, it will cause a roadblock to knowing the mind of Christ. It may be totally unrelated to the decision at hand, but that lack of submission could be the thing that's keeping us from knowing the right choice to make. In order to have the thoughts of God, the Spirit of God must have total control.

5. Is it full of mercy and good fruit?

God's wisdom will lead us to decisions that develop and encourage mercy toward others and all the good fruits of the Spirit of God within us. Paul tells young Timothy that he should pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness, and to be rich in good deeds. Will this new job be a hindrance to our pursuit of these important eternal things? Key question.

6. Impartial and sincere are our last criteria.

I think these relate to our motives. Which way are we leaning in this decision? Why are we leaning that way? Is it just because we want to make more money? That would be a motive you would have to look at carefully because Jesus told us we can't serve God and Money. Motives are tough to deal with sometimes. I often say to the Lord, "Underneath all this mess, Lord, is a heart that really wants to do your will." Sometimes I feel I can't even decipher my own motives. But God's Spirit within us can do that, and we have to keep coming back to our motivation. Are we leaning one way or another for the right or wrong reasons?

If we take ourselves through James' checkpoints as found in chapter 3, verse 17, we'll have done some pretty deep and serious thinking. I truly believe that this will in most cases give us the assurance of what the mind of Christ is concerning the decision we face.

If you find that you're still troubled and can't know the right choice, then perhaps it's lack of faith on your part. Faith to believe that God really wants to give you His thoughts; faith to believe that you can indeed have the mind of Christ. In the first chapter of James we read that when we ask for wisdom, we must believe and not doubt, because the person who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. To have doubts that God can and will give us His mind is to be double-minded and unstable in all our ways, James says.

Certainly our enemy Satan does not want us to know how to allow the mind of Christ to control us. So, if he can't get us any other way, he'll put doubts in our mind. We go through the process of James 3:17, and make a decision and then start to doubt that God has really spoken to us. At some point we must take our stand on God's Word and say to our enemy: "Look, Satan, God has said He has given me the mind of Christ, and He has promised me His wisdom. I refuse to doubt that I have been given His wisdom; I will not be double-minded. I believe I have the mind of Christ in this matter, so I resist you and order you to leave me alone."

I want to assure you that God did not leave us down here to grope around in the dark, taking our best guesses at the decisions facing us, hoping they'll turn out okay. He left us with all we need to make good decisions. We have the mind of Christ and we can know the thoughts of God. Are you willing to allow the Spirit of God to so control you that your thinking processes and decision making will be guided by the mind of Christ which is within you? If so, you will more and more be confident about making right decisions, because you will more and more have the mind of Christ on the issues you face. That's the secret to making right decisions.

Source: ChristianWorkingWoman


Who Am I

Friday, May 16, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

(Song by Casting Crowns)

Who am I?
That the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt

Who am I?
That the bright and morning star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wondering heart

Not because of who I am
But because of what you've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who you are

I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still you hear me when I'm calling
Lord you catch me when I'm falling
And you told me who I am
I am yours...
I am yours...

Who am I?
That the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love
And watch me rise again

Who am I?
That the voice that calm the sea
Would call out through the rain
And calm the storm in me

Not because of who I am
But because what of you've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who you are

I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still you hear me when I'm calling
Lord you catch me when I'm falling
And you told me who I am
I am yours...

Not because of who I am
But because of what you've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who you are

I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still you hear me when I'm calling
Lord you catch me when I'm falling
You told me who I am
I am yours...
I am yours...

Whom shall I fear?
Whom shall I fear?
'Coz I am yours...
I am yours...


For Just a Moment

Friday, May 16, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

For just a moment
Escaping from all the hectic world
Shutting down all the noisy sounds
and pause the time...

For just a moment
Sense Your gentle touch
Feel surrounded by Your love
and captured by Your beauty...

For just a moment
Drowned in soothing silence
It's just You and me

For just a moment...
All the world can wait...


Botol Yang Pecah

Thursday, May 15, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Dr. Lin Ting Tung adalah orang Taiwan pertama yang menjadi dokter dan
menjadi kristen, Ini terjadi pada akhir abad ke-19. Ia bekerja di rumah sakit kecil yang dirintis oleh Dr. Maxwell, seorang misionaris Inggris. Ketika itu tingkat kesehatan masyarakat di Taiwan sangat rendah dan cara pengobatan masih sangat sederhana.

Pada suatu hari seorang anak datang ke rumah sakit itu dan meminta obat
untuk ibunya yang sedang demam akibat malaria. Anak ini berjalan lebih
dari dua jam dari desanya ke rumah sakit melalui jalan setapak melewati
hutan dan sawah. Ketika nama ibunya dipanggil, anak ini langsung bangkit
dari bangkunya, meraih botol obat dan bergegas pulang.

Sore harinya pukul lima , ketika kamar obat akan ditutup, seorang perawat
tampak bingung dan berbisik, "Dokter Lin, botol obat untuk pasien malaria masih ada disini. Tetapi ada satu botol yang hilang. Isinya disinfektan. Dr. Lin terkejut, diperiksanya botol yang tertinggal, benar isinya obat malaria. Jadi, anak tadi membawa botol yang salah!

Botol-botol dikamar obat itu memang berbentuk sama dan berwarna sama
lagipula, baik obat malaria maupun disinfektan sama-sama cairan. "Celaka
kita. ibu itu bisa mati. Disinfektan itu obat keras pembunuh kuman untuk kamar operasi. Kalau sampai diminum, usus bisa terbakar dan orang itu akan mati" ujar Dr. Lin dengan wajah pucat. Segera mereka melaporkan peristiwa ini kepada Dr. Maxwell. Ia juga terkejut. "Sekarang pukul lima, anak itu pergi dari sini pukul tiga jadi ia sudah hampir tiba. Tidak mungkin kita mengejarnya. Kita tidak tahu jalan ke desa itu," ujar Dr. Maxwell.

Dr. Maxwell termenung. lalu ia berkata, "Mulai hari ini semua obat keras tidak boleh diletakkan diatas meja. sekarang panggil semua karyawan untuk berkumpul. Kita akan berdo'a," Begitulah semua orang yang bekerja di rumah sakit itu berkumpul dan berdo'a. Dr. Maxwell berdo'a, "Tuhan, telah kami membuat kecerobohan. Ampunilah kami. Nyawa seorang ibu sedang terancam. Tolonglah dia, cegahlah dia agar tidak meminum obat yang salah itu......"

Malam harinya Dr. Lin berdinas malam. Ia harus bertanggung jawab atas
kematian ibu ini. Esok harinya, ketika masih subuh pintu diketuk. Ternyata itu anak yang kemarin membawa botol yang keliru. Mukanya pucat ketakutan. Dr. Lin juga takut. Kedua orang itu berdiri saling memandang dengan gugup. Kemudian anak itu berkata, "Ma'af dokter. Kemarin saya bawa botol itu sambil berlari, lalu saya jatuh botol itu pecah dan isinya tumpah."

Dr. Lin yang masih terpaku karena gugup langsung bertanya, "Kapan jatuhnya?" anak itu menjadi makin ketakutan, "Ma'af, dokter. Saya baru datang sekarang. Jatuhnya kemarin sore, menjelang gelap." Dr. Lin langsung ingat: Menjelang gelap... Itu adalah saat ketika semua karyawan rumah sakit berkumpul mendo'akan ibu anak ini! Jiwa ibu anak ini tertolong, isi botol yang salah itu tidak sampai terminum, karena botol itu pecah di tengah jalan.

Kita bisa lihat peristiwa ini dari sudut si anak. Ia pulang membawa botol obat ini sambil berlari. Ia ingin cepat-cepat memberikan obat ini kepada ibunya. Ia ingin menunjukkan baktinya kepada ibunya. Ia ingin ibunya cepat sembuh. Anak ini tidak mengetahui bahwa botol yang sedang dipegangnya berisi racun. Ia tidak bisa membaca tulisan dibotol itu. Ia buta huruf. Anak ini berlari terus. Jalan dari desa ke rumah sakit di kota sangat jauh Perginya dua jam, pulangnya dua jam. Ia letih. Lalu, tiba-tiba ia tersandung. Ia jatuh. Mungkin ia terluka, tetapi yang paling celaka: Botolnya jatuh dan pecah, cairan isinya tumpah ditanah.

Bayangkan bagaimana perasaan anak itu. Ia kecewa, sedih dan takut.
Bagaimana kalau penyakit ibunya makin parah? Bagaimana kalau dokter itu
marah? Anak ini sangat terpukul oleh kejatuhan ini. Saat itu ia belum tahu bahwa justru terjatuhnya dia ini menolong nyawa ibunya. Mungkin orang lain akan tersenyum, "Ah, itu cuma kebetulan," namun orang percaya akan bersaksi, "Tuhan bisa bekerja melalui sebuah kebetulan," itulah juga kesaksian Rasul Paulus di Roma 8:28 "Kita tahu sekarang, bahwa Allah turut bekerja dalam segala sesuatu untuk mendatangkan kebaikan bagi mereka yang mengasihi Dia, yaitu bagi mereka yang terpanggil sesuai dengan rencana Allah."

"SEGALA SESUATU" berarti segala keadaan atau segala kejadian, baik berhasil maupun kejatuhan. Kejatuhan dapat berbentuk musibah, penyakit atau kegagalan. Seringkali kita mengira bahwa Allah hanya hadir dan bekerja dalam keberhasilan. Padahal Allah juga hadir dan bekerja dalam kejatuhan. Apa tujuan Allah bekerja dalam kejatuhan? Paulus menjawab, "... untuk mendatangkan kebaikan..." Jadi Tuhan dapat mendatangkan kebaikan melalui sebuah kejatuhan.


Sumber: gpib-bahteraiman.org


My New Baby

Sunday, May 11, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

I've already got new Casio Exilim EX-Z77 ^o^
My new baby... hehehehe....


Kadang Kenyataan Tidak Se-seram Bayangan

Friday, May 09, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Hehehehe... Tadi kan aku telpon seseorang, orang penting... sebelon nelpon aku dah grogi, udah nyiapin ntar mo ngomong apa aja, apa yang diomongin duluan, semua detail yang terpikir udah dicatet... sesuai dengan beberapa "skenario imajinasi" yang kepikir...

Sebelon telpon kok jadi tegang...
*ngecilin suara mp3*
*mencet nomer sambil tarik napas panjang*
God please help me...
*mengalun nada sambung tiupan saxofone-nya Kenny G*
Harusnya musik Kenny G itu bisa menenangkan... kenapa aku masih ga tenang yah...
tarik napas panjang lagi* => mumpung masih bisa bernapassss

Dengan Pak D*****? Saya Fifi dari jawaban.com ..."
bla bla bla bla...

Klek..." *naruh gagang telpon*
*bengong bentar*

Ternyata singkat bener... orangnya ramah, down to earth (padahal aku tadi ngomongnya rada belepotan gara-gara mikir harusnya pake kata-kata yang rada resmi)... Dia setuju ama tawaranku, 'n setuju buat follow up lewat email... gampang banget yak?
Hihihi... God really helps me ;-p

Tadi padahal udah ngebayangin yang mbulet-mbulet, yang serem-serem... eh ternyata tulisan persiapan yang udah aku catet malah ga perlu aku jelasin sama sekali... Dia juga udah tau kalo ntar cara kerjanya by email aja... Phewwww...

Trus pas cerita ama temen sebelah yang pernah punya pengalaman hampir sama, nelpon orang penting buat ngajuin tawaran kerja sama, dia bilang, "Emang iya, kadang bayangan kita itu lebih serem daripada kenyataannya..."

That's very right hehehe...
Emm.. jadi inget ama satu keinginan yang sekarang masih belon nemu titik terang... Maybe I shall not give in and keep on trying, plus menepiskan pemikiran-pemikiran yang maybe terlalu berlebihan ;-p


You're Never Alone

Friday, May 09, 2008 Fay 1 Comments

(Song by Rick Price)

I've got a picture hanging on the wall
It's hard to believe you were ever that small
Now you've got bigger ideas, greater ambitions
Higher to reach but further to fall
It used to be you needed me
But, now you've grown so tall and strong
Now you're on your own

But when the walls of your world come tumbling down
When your heart starts breaking
And there's no one around
Just look over your shoulder
Wherever you roam
Remember, you're never alone

You can love without limit
From deep in your soul
If you keep a young heart, son
You will never grow old
You can fly to the moon
As high as it seems
But you can crash to the ground
On the wings of your dreams
But you will see there will be
Times when you feel ten feet tall
Times you have it all

But when the walls of your world come tumbling down
When your heart starts breaking
And there's no one around
Just look over your shoulder
Wherever you roam
Remember, you're never alone

I can't stop you from living
I can't blame you for trying
I can't stop you from loving
Can't keep you from crying

But when the walls of your world come tumbling down
When your heart starts breaking
And there's no one around
Just look over your shoulder
Wherever you roam
Remember, you're never alone

PS: This song has a deep meaning... It's like a father telling to his son, reminding him that he is never alone. That even though his father can't always be by his side, he always has God, his Heavenly Father, to turn to...



Thursday, May 08, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Tadi malem ada kejadian yang bikin aku nyadar... Melepaskan sesuatu yang kita pengen banget itu berat... very bery heavy... It takes my faith to surrender "my request of the year" to Him...

Kebanyakan kalo aku lagi pengen ngelakuin sesuatu atau pengen sesuatu, aku ga terlalu sampe yang desperate, biasa aja... dapet sukur, ga dapet ya udah... life's go on 'n it still just fine... Tapi belakangan ini aku lagi pengen ngelakuin sesuatu 'n aku desperado banget... Aku udah ngebayangin sampe detail how it's gonna be 'n I'm very excited for it. Tapi aku baru nyadar kalo aku menggenggam keinginan itu terlalu kuat...

He reminds me that I need to surrender it to Him... to His wisdom and His plan for me... Surrendering something that we really desperate to have is hard... But I believe it's just worth it and somehow I'm sure I will see His greater plan beyond all of this experience.

Baru recovery pas tadi pagi baca bukunya Joel Osteen "Your Best Life Now"... Dia cerita soal Daud. Waktu muda Daud udah diurapin ama Nabi Samuel 'n dibilang kalo dia bakal jadi raja Israel. Abis itu Daud ngalahin Goliat 'n popularitasnya meningkat... Gara-gara ngerasa tersaingi, Saul jadi berubah sikap ama Daud, mau membunuh Daud. Selama berbulan-bulan Daud harus lari dari satu gua ke gua laennya buat menghindar dari kejaran Saul. Maybe there is one day or maybe few days selama pelariannya itu Daud pernah bertanya-tanya... Dulu dia dibilang bakal jadi raja Israel, trus dia menang ngelawan Goliat, trus dia jadi beken, jadi bahan omongan orang di seluruh negeri... seharusnya keadaan kan semakin baek, semakin meningkat sampe akhirnya dia beneran jadi raja... Tapi apa yang sekarang sedang terjadi? Kenapa semua jadi berbalik seperti ini? Dia ga ngelakuin kesalahan apa-apa ama Saul, tapi sekarang Saul mau membunuh dia... dan sekarang dia hidup sebagai seorang pelarian dari satu tempat ke tempat laen... The future... what's gonna happen next? Tapi Daud terus memutuskan untuk melakukan hal yang bener, dia bahkan ga membunuh Saul waktu ada kesempatan. And God reward him, God fulfill the prophecy, Daud finally be the king of Israel.

Trus jadi inget soal Yusuf juga... Dia yang mulai meningkat hidupnya, dari budak sampe jadi kepala pengurus rumah tangganya Potifar... Tapi satu hari, gara-gara dia lari dari bujukan istrinya Potifar, dia masuk penjara... Okay, ada hal baik yang terjadi dalam penjara, kepala penjaranya percaya ama dia. Tapi tetep aja dia ga dibebasin... dia dipenjara untuk kesalahan yang ga pernah dia buat. Pasti hari-hari di penjara itu terasa berat buat dia... sampe dia titip pesen ama juru roti 'n minuman, mereka disuruh inget-inget dia kalo mereka dah keluar dari penjara. Dia berusaha sendiri untuk bisa bebas. Tapi, pada waktu yang tepat, Tuhan sendiri yang promosiin dia... dalam satu hari dia bebas 'n diangkat jadi orang kepercayaan raja.

Sering dalam hal-hal ga enak yang kita alamin itu, kita lagi berada dalam proses, ujian, atau kesempatan. Kesempatan untuk melatih diri kita, untuk belajar taat dan setia, tetap melakukan hal yang bener walopun keadaan dan orang lain ga adil terhadap kita. MataNya melihat setiap kita, Dia mencatat dengan detail setiap rincian kehidupan kita, 'n Dia akan memberikan keadilan... Bagian kita adalah tetap teguh, tetap percaya, tetap melakukan kebenaran dan kebaikan. Itu memang butuh kemauan keras 'n ketekunan, but we have Him on our side... Holy Spirit is in us, to help us... We're gonna get through... and His plan will be happen in our life... All we need to do is just see through the eyes of faith.

I know I'm not alone... You're not alone... setiap kita pasti mengalami saat-saat dimana kita harus menyerahkan "Ishak" kita kepadaNya... He is just wanna see whether our hearts still belong to Him or not... Anyway, He is our Shepherd... we don't need to get lost even in the dark if we keep holding unto Him. So... just believe... just keep holding on ^.^

Jiayou to you and to myself ;-p


Naksir Camdig Ini...

Wednesday, May 07, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Kemaren baru browsing... buat nyiap-nyiapin kali ntar jadi travelling hehehe... dan pilihan jatuh pada... Casio Exilim EX-Z77

Bentuknya slim banget pulak... trus kata beberapa temen siy udah ok... So tinggal wait and see... kalo okeh baru beli deh ^.^


Let Go 'n Embrace

Sunday, May 04, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

No need to turn around
It's time to step ahead
No need to recall old memories 'n play it back in your mind
It's time to hope for a new experience to memorize

Hurt.. Bitterness.. Disappointment..
Let them go.. Let them fall through your fingers
No need to keep holding them tight
God needs your empty hand to receive His blessings

Keys to the closed doors behind you..
Hand it over to Him
Cause He want to give you the new keys for your future doors
And make a new way for you to go through

Drop your heavy burdens
No need to carry your anxiousness.. your worries.. or your fear
Cause He want to give you wings
So you can fly away with Him...

Sail away..
See your next journey through the eyes of faith
Fly away..
Then you will know..

that all you need to do is just let go..
and embrace your new life..


Sehari Tanpa Tekhnologi, Mungkinkah?

Friday, May 02, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Kehidupan saat ini di dominasi oleh teknologi. Dari orang tua hingga anak kecil, setiap sisi kehidupannya selalu ada teknologi yang menyertai. Televisi mungkin saat ini memperoleh porsi yang paling besar mengisi waktu-waktu ketika anak pulang sekolah, selain itu juga ada handphone, game seperti playstation dan juga internet. Tak terasa teknologi sudah menjadi seperti candu. Sekali saja seseorang ketinggalan handphone-nya di rumah, rasanya seperti kehilangan sesuatu yang sangat penting. Hal ini membuat seseorang bernama Denis Bystrov bertanya, “bisakah seseorang hidup satu hari saja tanpa tekhnologi?”

Denis Bystrov adalah seorang programmer komputer yang hidup di Canada. Pertanyaan tentang apakah seseorang bisa hidup satu hari saja tanpa tekhnologi itu muncul pada tahun 2007 lalu. Akhirnya Denis memutuskan untuk memberikan satu hari khusus tanpa tekhnologi dan memberikan waktunya itu untuk keluarganya. Denis menceritakan apa yang akan dilakukannya itu kepada temannya Michael Taylor, dan David Bridle. Respon yang di dapat Denis sungguh diluar dugaan. Mereka menantang Denis, untuk melakukan kampanye mengenai hal ini melalui internet. Akhirnya mereka menamai kampanye itu “Shutdown Day”.

Dengan satu bulan kampanye, website “Shutdownday” menerima lebih dari 1.6 juta pengunjung. Lebih dari 65.000 orang dari seluruh dunia berpartisipasi dalam kampanye ini. Mereka tidak menyalakan komputernya selama 24 jam pada 24 Maret 2007. Selain itu bahkan ada juga yang tidak menggunakan mobil, handphone dan tekhnologi lainnya.

Shutdown Day sendiri memiliki misi untuk mengkampanyekan bahaya penggunaan teknologi yang berlebihan seperti televisi, komputer dan tehnologi lainnya seperti playstation, handphone, music player, dan hal-hal lainnya. Hal tersebut terlalu banyak menyedot waktu yang seharusnya bisa di gunakan untuk berinteraksi dan bersosialisasi dengan komunitas kita, demikian misi yang tertulis dalam website Shutdown Day.

Pada tahun 2008 ini, Shutdown Day ditetapkan pada tanggal 3 Mei. Idenya adalah melakukan hal yang sederhana. Pada hari itu tinggalkan semua tekhnologi dan lakukan aktivitas lain bersama keluarga dan teman Anda. Hal itu bisa berupa aktivitas di luar ruangan, berolahraga bersama, dan apaun yang bisa mengingatkan diri Anda bahwa ada dunia nyata yang menunggu Anda selain di depan layar monitor Anda.

Jadi apakah Anda akan berpartisipasi dalam Shutdown Day ini? Itu adalah pilihan Anda. Paling tidak Anda tahu bahwa masih ada orang-orang yang peduli, akanbahaya tekhnologi, baik karena radiasi yang akan merusak kesehatan Anda, maupunkarena banyaknya waktu yang tersita oleh layar kotak, baik itu televise, Komputer, game maupun handphone Anda.
Sumber: Jawaban.com News
(PS: nyolong ini ceritanya buat dijadiin bahan curhat di blog hihihihi...)

Well... okay... my opinion based on my current condition... kayaknya ga mungkin deh...
Secara aku yang anak rantau ga ada keluarga 'n temen-temen kos sering mudik pas libur di sini. Kalo ada keluarga atau temen-temen di sini mah mau banget ikutan "shutdown day", secara belakangan juga aku dah jenuh (termasuk rada jenuh dengan kehidupan serba maya ini hehehe...) 'n pengen banget travelling ke mana gitu, yang alam-alam, yang ada pantainya... a real life...

Ngebayangin satu hari tanpa online, tanpa buka website, tanpa nyalain kompie (buat nonton DVD atau denger MP3 aja kudu nyalain kompie kan), tanpa nyalain HP (lah kalo ada kabar dari keluarga yang nun jauh di sono gimana coba ga nyalain HP...) Waks...bisa-bisa jadi mummi idup bengong di kos dengan pandangan mata menerawang hihihihi...

Menurut kalian, mungkin ga siy sehari ngejalanin idup tanpa teknologi?