I've been Here Before, I Recognize That Tree (Crossroad)
Cross roads. We can never choose more than one turn at a time. The thing about life is that you can plan it way ahead and still make the wrong turn in life.Hampir dua tahun yang lalu gue bingung gue mau jadi apa. Lamar internal ke mana. Nyari uang buat nikah gimana. Buku kok gak jadi-jadi. On my way I came across many crossroads. And made decisions. 2 years went by.
My 2-year tenureship in Africa is coming to an end.
And I'm on that crossroad again. Well okay, maybe not exactly the same. But, I've been here before. I recognize that tree.
A safe and calm life?
or a make-or-break one?
You need to get there. But once there, scared shitless of turning the wrong way.
I've been here before, I recognize that tree.
Sumber: blognya Adhitya Mulya
Crossroad... a.k.a. persimpangan jalan... Suatu saat dimana kita harus menetapkan pilihan... Kadang 2 pilihan aja udah mumet mikirnya, apalagi lebih dari dua... Aku sendiri ga lagi di persimpangan jalan siy... tapi ada temenku yang lagi di persimpangan jalan... Jadi ikutan mikir juga hehehe...
Postingannya Adhitya Mulya cocok banget ngegambarin crossroad... in a poetic way to express it...
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