Mencegah Account Twitter Anda Di-hack

Sunday, November 29, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Saya sudah menemukan ada beberapa account Twitter yang di-hack dan account-account ini digunakan untuk mengirim DM (Direct Message) spam ke semua follower mereka. 

Kok Bisa Sih Di-Hack?

Ada 2 cara account Twitter Anda bisa di-Hack:

1. Account yang sudah di-hack mengirimkan DM ke account Twitter Anda dan bernada mirip seperti yang di bawah ini:
- Hah, this is you? http://URL
- Wow look at this http://URL
- What's your IQ http://URL
Atau variasi yang lain. Intinya, pesan ini tidak ditujukan secara spesifik kepada Anda.

Pesan yang asli biasanya tidak sependek itu dan seharusnya memuat informasi tambahan atau komentar tertentu dari pemilik account Twitter yang mengirimkan DM tersebut kepada Anda. URL atau link yang ada di dalam DM itu juga agak aneh dan bukan atau tiny.url yang umumnya digunakan oleh 99% pengguna Twitter.

2. Anda diarahkan ke situs yang tampilannya mirip Twitter
Anda bisa diarahkan ke situs yang mirip Twitter lewat link atau URL yang Anda klik dari tweet orang lain atau dari DM. Waktu Anda mengklik link yang Anda pikir mengarah ke gambar atau ke situs informasi tertentu, Anda malah diarahkan ke situs yang tampilannya mirip Twitter.Com. Mungkin Anda langsung mengira itu memang Twitter.Com karena tampilannya benar-benar mirip, tapi jangan gampang terjebak.

Seorang scammer telah membuat duplikat dari situs Twitter yang hostingnya di server mereka, sehingga waktu Anda memasukkan username dan password untuk login, mereka meng-copy username dan password Anda lalu mengarahkan Anda ke situs Twitter yang asli. Dan dengan cara ini account Twitter Anda sudah berhasil dihack.

Jangan Sampai Di-Hack!

Cara yang paling gampang untuk mencegah account Twitter Anda di-hack adalah jangan mengklik link yang ada di dalam DM (Direct Message) yang terlihat aneh atau tidak ditujukan spesifik untuk Anda (kelihatan seperti pesan yang ditujukan untuk umum atau disebar secara massal). Untuk lebih amannya, Anda bisa mengirimkan DM kepada pengirim link itu untuk memastikan apakah memang mereka yang mengirimkan link itu kepada Anda (bukannya si hacker). DM yang perlu dicross-check dan diwaspadai adalah DM yang berasal dari orang yang tidak benar-benar Anda kenal atau yang sudah lama tidak berhubungan dengan Anda. (Nggak semua orang yang Anda follow dan yang jadi follower Anda di Twitter benar-benar Anda kenal di dunia nyata kan? :p)    

Ingat bahwa serangan hacker ini hanya berhasil jika Anda langsung saja mengklik setiap link yang dikirimkan lewat DM kepada Anda tanpa pertimbangan atau pemeriksaan terlebih dulu, atau jika Anda langsung saja memasukkan username dan password pada situs yang mirip Twitter.Com tapi sebenarnya palsu (periksa alamat situsnya). Anda perlu berhati-hati karena kalau account Twitter Anda dihack yang jadi korban bukan cuma Anda tapi juga para follower Anda.

Bagaimana Kalau Account Twitter Saya Sudah Terlanjur Di-Hack?

Kalau misalnya account Twitter Anda sudah di-hack, segera ubah password Anda atau minta reset password lewat Twitter Support Site.

Anda bisa follow saya di @im_twalk atau @im_indonesia untuk tips-tips lainnya tentang internet marketing dan social media (termasuk Twitter dan Facebook).

Anda juga bisa Retweet artikel ini untuk menyebarkannya pada teman-teman Anda lewat link di bawah ini.


Calm Sunday

Sunday, November 29, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

I'm just having my time in my dorm today. I really enjoy a calm day like this... Woke up in the morning, made a cup of coffee + chocolate milk, ate some crackers, took a bath and then write a blog post :p After this maybe I will browsing a little bit more, and make fried rice for my lunch and read Joel Osteen's book... and maybe will take a 2 hours nap :p I haven't taken a nap for a long time :p

With the hectic of learning about internet marketing these lately weeks, I've decided that I must have time to be relax, to enhance self improvements by writing and reading certain books. Actually I wanted to go home this weekend, I miss my family and my cat so bad :p but I postponed it to next weekend so I wouldn't be caught up in the traffic jam (last Friday is a holiday to celebrate Idul Adha - moslem's tradition, long weekend) at the Suramadu bridge.

I realize this week I have learnt more things. I learn about Twitter, Hootsuite, Digsby, and even got a Google Wave invitation from Matt Stenning via Twitter :) I've been hoping to get a Google Wave invitation since months ago because I just want to know what it's like and give it a try, finally :p. Tomorrow I will attend Twalk webinar, hopefully my internet connection won't be troubled anymore. If it does, then I guess I will have to be satisfied by the video (downloaded webinar) version like the 1st webinar...

Hope is one thing that enables us to keep moving forward, and choose not to giving up before we give our best efforts.
It's so much powerful if we put our hope not on something meaningless, but onto Someone up there, who owns our life, and on something that has eternal value...
I keep praying for this... and it comforts me to know that He always listen and never leaves me...

I want to share these quotes today:
"To know something is better than not knowing at all. But it is much much better if you take a step further: Taking action based on that knowledge."
The above quote has the same meaning as "To have faith is better than not having it at all. But it doesn't mean anything if you don't turn your faith into action."

It's comforting to know that you are not the one who fights for a better life right? 
Let's do this together and encourage each other :)

Posted via email from Call Me Fay


God Does Big Things with Small Deeds

Friday, November 13, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

(by Max Lucado)
Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin
(Zech. 4:10 NLT).

Just begin!

What seems small to you might be huge to someone else.

Just ask Bohn Fawkes. During World War II, he piloted a B-17. On one mission he sustained flak from Nazi antiaircraft guns. Even though his gas tanks were hit, the plane did not explode, and Fawkes was able to land the plane.

On the morning following the raid, Fawkes asked his crew chief for the German shell. He wanted to keep a souvenir of his incredible good fortune. The crew chief explained that not just one but eleven shells had been found in the gas tanks, none of which had exploded.

Technicians opened the missiles and found them void of explosive charge. They were clean and harmless and with one exception, empty. The exception contained a carefully rolled piece of paper. On it a message had been scrawled in the Czech language. Translated, the note read: “This is all we can do for you now.”

A courageous assembly-line worker was disarming bombs and scribbled the note. He couldn’t end the war, but he could save one plane. He couldn’t do everything, but he could do something. So he did it.

God does big things with small deeds.

Against a towering giant, a brook pebble seems futile. But God used it to topple Goliath. Compared to the tithes of the wealthy, a widow’s coins seem puny. But Jesus used them to inspire us. And in contrast with sophisticated priests and powerful Roman rulers, a cross-suspended carpenter seemed nothing but a waste of life. Few Jewish leaders mourned his death. Only a handful of friends buried his body. The people turned their attention back to the temple. Why not?

What power does a buried rabbi have? We know the answer. Mustard-seed and leaven-lump power. Power to tear away death rags and push away death rocks. Power to change history.

In the hands of God, small seeds grow into sheltering trees. Tiny leaven expands into nourishing loaves.

Small deeds can change the world. Sow the mustard seed. Bury the leaven lump. Make the call. Write the check. Organize the committee.

A Love Worth Giving

Moses had a staff.
David had a sling.
Samson had a jawbone.
Rahab had a string.
Mary had some ointment.
Aaron had a rod.
Dorcas had a needle.
All were used by God.
What do you have?

God inhabits the tiny seed, empowers the tiny deed.
He cures the common life by giving no common life, by offering no common gifts.

Don’t discount the smallness of your deeds.


Making New Priorities

Friday, November 13, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

To make a change, especially a significant change, we need to change our habits and start making new priorities. Either we realize it or not, we often "automatically" doing our daily activities based on priorities we have in our mind. Those priorities become unconciously stronger because we do it over an over again.

That's why it is very important to stop for a while and assess your memories, write down what you do in daily basis (or weekly) and your habits (or repeated reaction towards certain situations), and how many hours you spend for each activity.

We can know our priorities based on things we do, not based on what we think we should have. For example, an extreme one, if you spend almost a day on your job (exclude sleeping time) and only have 1 hour to communicate with your family, then it is obvious that your job is your number one priority.

This is what I'm doing now... I'm trying to renew my priorities since I want to make a significant change. It is not as easy as it says, but I really need to do this. :-) I'm inspired from Shaun Stenning's blog :-)


Learning Internet Marketing

Thursday, November 12, 2009 Fay 2 Comments

I've finally made up my mind... after attending Global Internet Summit at Kowloon Palace (Surabaya) with the speakers: Tung Desem Waringin, Adam Ginsberg, Shaun Stenning. Jaz Lai, Vince Tan, Fabian Lim, and Ken Shimitzu. I will learn internet marketing to be a full time internet marketer. I really want to be financial free and working because I want to, not because I have to.

There are so many people not pursuing their dreams (the dream job that they want to do - because they have passion and talents in it) just because their dream job don't give them enough money to enjoy their life. So they have to work jobs that they don't really like, just so they can survive. I know because I'm one of them. We want to learn and explore more, but most likely we have to "kill" our passion just because we have to earn money to survive. Surviving is not the same with living the life. 

I really want to succeed in internet marketing because it has great opportunities and unlimited space. Plus, I can get more flexibility in time and place. The bible stated in the old testament that 6 years is enough time for someone to be a servant to another person (means to work for somebody else). 2010 will be my 6th year working as an employee. I really want to be free and work for myself. This is my prayer and what I'm pursuing right now.

That's why I learn in Asian Brain, and that's why I attending the 3 days Global Internet Summit, that's why I bought some products, tutorials, and ebooks about specific topics in internet marketing. One of the most expensive product I have ever bought for my entire life until now is the one I bought from Shaun Stenning   That was really big amount for me... but the system I bought is totally brand new. I've googled it and can't find anything about it, just as Shaun said, it is brand new system. So I want to learn it to step ahead.

It's an insanity if we do the same process but we want to get different result. We have to take action, and that's what I'm doing toward the goal... Please support me in your prayers 

Posted via email from Call Me Fay


Obat Jerawat + Seminar

Sunday, November 08, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Tadi dikasih tahu ce Iin soal obat jerawat yang dulu adiknya pake, dia beli online. Ce Iin pake pas jerawatan belakangan ini keringnya cepet. Ko Lung juga pake 'n cepet sembuh. Akhirnya googling deh, nemu jualannya di Forum Kaskus. Aku telpon ce Iin buat mastiin, ternyata bener adiknya dulu juga beli di Kaskus ama Seller itu. Yaudah langsung deh aku sms, transfer 'n konfirm. Hopefully this is the right (and last) solution to my acne ^.^

Abis baca testi-testi di thread-nya banyak yang tokcer juga. Malah ada yang udah perawatan ke dokter 'n juga facial-facial segala ga ngefek, pake obat ini ngefek. Jadi pengen cepetan pake hehehe... Secara ni udah lama banget ditelateni pake obat jerawat La Tulipe sama bedak dingin kok ga ilang-ilang, padahal makan juga biasa aja ga banyak lemak, plus sejak jerawatan parah juga udah stop minum susu (sebelumnya rutin minum susu tiap hari). Harus Sembuh!!! Harus balik mulus kayak semula!!! Hehehe...

Besok lumayan bisa bangun siangan hehehe... sama sekalian mau olahraga ah dah lama ga olahraga... Aku cuti 3 hari, ikutan seminar GIS. Besok (hari pertama seminar) itu acaranya jam 6 sore sampe 9 malem. Aku sengaja cuti mulai besok biar bisa siap-siap, jadi ntar datengnya lebih awal, secara aku juga blom pernah masuk ke tempat seminar itu. Trus Selasa ama Rabu-nya seminarnya seharian, dari jam 9 pagi sampe jam 5 sore.


What Would You Do If...

Sunday, November 08, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

What would you do if you don't have to worry about money?

That question above I got from Dan Miller's Official Blog. Yup, he is the author of "No More Mondays".

I would answer that if  don't have to worry about money, I want to:
- spend more time with my family (teaching my dad and my mom about computer and how to use internet, traveling with my mom -she likes to go around and see new things, cooking cakes/cookies with my mom, cooking meals with my dad, etc)
- make a website/blog contains motivational + Christianity posts that will encourage people everywhere to be their best and to get intimate with God and also to be confident with themselves (within their uniqueness, quirks, differences)
- try new things and experimenting freely
- doing things that can make other people also be financially free (maybe by having passive income or own a business) so that they can do works that suitable with their passion and talents.

Here's some of related posting in his blog:
- I Stopped Dreaming Long Ago
- Does Everyone Have Passion?
- I'm Not Normal
- Eat, Drink and Be Merry
- Business Plan Guide - This is just for my bookmark (I think I might need it)

I see that a lot of people stop dreaming, they seem don't have many choices except just work to get money. Some of them quite enjoy their job (though at some points they still want to explore and enhance their gifts), some of them don't enjoy their work (just doing it because it's the only way they can get a living), some of them are wondering what is exactly they doing right now at their current place.


Belajar Sabar

Thursday, November 05, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Iya... Gatau kenapa di tempat kerjaku yang baru ini aku kok gampang banget tergoda buat ngomel 'n ngeluh T_T
Kadang hal-hal sepele aja bisa bikin aku langsung bete T_T
Aku juga kadang jadi mikir kenapa aku berubah degradasi kayak gini yah T_T
Why oh Why...

Mungkin karna tempat kerjaku yang lama serba teratur, semua udah ada jalurnya, lebih kompak se-departemen... Masalah 'n tantangan siy ada, cuman mungkin karna sistemnya udah teratur 'n orang-orangnya juga bisa saling kerjasama dengan lumayan enak, jadinya ga ada gangguan emosional hehehe... Dan tempat kerja yang sekarang terasa ga jelas...

Yea I know, I shouldn't comparing...