Belajar Sabar

Thursday, November 05, 2009 Fay 0 Comments

Iya... Gatau kenapa di tempat kerjaku yang baru ini aku kok gampang banget tergoda buat ngomel 'n ngeluh T_T
Kadang hal-hal sepele aja bisa bikin aku langsung bete T_T
Aku juga kadang jadi mikir kenapa aku berubah degradasi kayak gini yah T_T
Why oh Why...

Mungkin karna tempat kerjaku yang lama serba teratur, semua udah ada jalurnya, lebih kompak se-departemen... Masalah 'n tantangan siy ada, cuman mungkin karna sistemnya udah teratur 'n orang-orangnya juga bisa saling kerjasama dengan lumayan enak, jadinya ga ada gangguan emosional hehehe... Dan tempat kerja yang sekarang terasa ga jelas...

Yea I know, I shouldn't comparing...
Coz when I start to compare, it just shows that I'm still living in the past, one foot still at the past and one foot in the present... Perasaan yang sama kayak waktu dulu aku awal-awal di Lippo Cikarang (waktu itu ngebanding-bandingin ama Surabaya hehehe...).

I still remember what God said to me at that time... Kalo aku terus ngebanding-bandingin, aku ga bakal bisa sepenuhnya hidup di saat ini. I just have to be ready at any time because life itself is a change... and He is taking me from one change into another...

I have to control myself...
I really need Your help Holy Spirit...
Because patience is one of Your fruits that should be growing in me...
...and give me strength + joy to do everything in obedience to Your Words and Your specific call upon me...