Malang Trip

Sunday, December 28, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

I went to Malang on 26th Dec 2008 with my mom, my dad’s sister, and my cousin. Jarang banget tuh bisa pergi ke luar kota hehehe... Walo perjalanan berangkat ama baliknya kepentok macet di Lapindo, tapi tetep aja perjalanannya menyenangkan hehehe... Kapan lagi getu loh...

Sempet mampir ke Pusat Kerajinan Ken Dedes, itu ada di seberangnya Pasar Singosari (setelah Lawang tapi sebelum Malang). Aku pengen ke sini gara-gara ngeliat beberapa foto di internet. Di sana ada banyak macem barang-barang kerajinan, dari mulai kursi, meja, tempat majalah, rak, bunga ‘n vas penghias ruangan, jam, pigura, tudung saji, cermin, sendal, pernak-pernik souvenir, segala macem deh... bahannya unik-unik, dari kerang-kerang ‘n butiran pasir, daun pembungkus jagung, rotan, de el el... Kemaren pas ke sana siy rada ragu-ragu, soalnya sepi banget. Ternyata lagi ada pameran di hotel Purnama Batu, jadi maybe sebagian barang-barang kerajinan juga kan diboyong ke tempat pameran. Sebenernya sayang loh peminat barang-barang kerajinan masih dikit... padahal unik-unik ‘n bahannya juga ga mahal...  Kalo dipoles ‘n dipromosiin dengan cara yang tepat, itu harusnya bisa jadi salah satu barang beken!

Aku di sana cuman beli semacem barang souvenir (yang ada kerang-kerang ‘n butiran pasirnya), itupun gara-gara sepupuku mo beli juga, kan kalo beli dua harganya murahan dikit hehehe... Jadi ya udah beli juga, cantik siy... cuman belon kepikir mau ditaruh mana, sayang  aja kalo ntar kotor. Sebenernya naksir ama jam ‘n cermin yang dihias ama kerang-kerang ‘n butiran pasir juga, unik banget! Tapi karna harganya mahal (sebenernya ga mahal siy, worth it kalo dibandingin ama barangnya ‘n juga cara pembuatannya yang pasti ga gampang), plus juga ga tau mau dipasang di mana jadinya ga beli deh hehehe... Kalo ngayal siy asik banget kalo punya rumah yang didekor ama barang-barang unik kayak gitu trus juga ada bagian-bagian rumah yang kesannya alami (misalnya, ada bagian dinding yang terbuat dari batu, jadi permukaannya ga rata gitu)... oke sebelon makin ngayal let’s cut the chase hehehe... Ni beberapa foto di Pusat Kerajinan Ken Dedes:

Kita cuman nginep semalem di hotel Tosari Malang –recommended niy buat yang cari penginapan murah ‘n ga terlalu butuh fasilitas hotel. Kamar standar-nya aja yang buat 2 orang (ga ada AC ‘n TV, ga dapet breakfast kalo pagi, cuman dapet teh atau kopi, dapet air minum, kamar mandi di dalem, ada selimut, ga disediain handuk) cuman 90rebu per malem plus tax 10%, jadi 99rebu. Murah kan? Kamarnya bersih kok, pokoknya recommended buat yang cari penginapan murmer cuman buat tidur doang.  Di sana juga disediain kamar buat driver yang kamar mandinya di luar, cuman separuh dari harga kamar standar.

Sabtunya kita sempet ke Taman Safari di Pandaan ^o^ For me this is sooo fun!!! Walo mahal, tiket masuk per orang 40rebu plus mobil bayar 10rebu, tapi ya kapan lagi? Hehehe... This is the first time for me, so it’s fun!!! Di sepanjang jalan bisa ngeliat dari deket semua hewan-hewan... ngasih makan rusa... sepanjang jalan ketawa-ketawa gara-gara mamaku sempet takut kok mulutnya kuda zebra hampir masuk ke jendela mobil pas kita ngasih makan hihihi... trus aku juga foto-foto-in mereka, ngeliat macan yang jalan-jalan dari deket, ngeliat serigala (tapi serigalanya rada aneh... kakinya kurus... kayak kurang makan gitu...), keliling-keliling di tempat rekreasinya, seru deh hehehe...

Yang ga puas niy, foto-foto ama anak-anak macan ‘n anak singa T_T Di sana kita kan bisa foto-foto tuh ama 3 hewan: anak-anak macan, anak singa, ama kera. Per orangnya kalo bawa kamera sendiri beli tiket masuknya 10rebu (mahal yah hehehe... tapi ya itu, demi... abis kapan lagi hehehe...) Rada nyesel c oz sepupuku yang moto-in aku ga biasa pegang kamera, jadi framingnya kacau semua T_T Huaaaa.... ga relaaaaa.... Padahal anak-anak macan itu, they’re so damn cute!!! Blom puas pokoknya... Pengen foto-foto lagi... Eum... rada mikir aja maybe itu anak-anak macan ‘n anak singanya dikasih kayak semacem obat tidur kali yah, soalnya mereka pada teler-teler gitu... ya aslinya kan emang binatang buas... dibikin kayak gitu biar ga bahaya dibuat foto-foto... Kapan yah macan ‘n singa bisa jinak kayak kucing? Hihihihi... ngayal lagi hehehe...

Ni beberapa fotonya, aku cuman pasang yang bagus-bagus aja:

Oiya, oleh-oleh di Malang, yang terkenal itu “Gaya Baru”, jual macem-macem kue basah ‘n kue kering... Spiku-nya enak ‘n legit buangeddd! 

Laen kali pengen ke Malang lagi =p hehehe... Masih pengen ke Sengkaling juga mengenang masa kecil hihihi... soalnya dulu pas masih kecil banget pernah ke sana ama sepupu-sepupu, waktu kita semua masih imut-imut hehehe... Yea hopefully kita bisa ke sana lagi dah... This is the most enjoyable vacation for me ^o^


True Forgiveness

Thursday, December 18, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Recently I’ve been reminded about one unsolved heart’s matter… and it made me realize that for all along I haven’t completely forgiven a person. I thought I did, but it turns out that I haven’t finished the process…

This morning, I imagined about Him… He’s been through something similar, even harder ones…

I imagine He was looking to people, one by one, who raise their hands… shouted His name in great joy, when He entered Jerusalem by a colt…
I imagine He was looking to people who followed Him, who have been healed by Him, who have been fed by Him in a miraculous night, who have been taught by Him… The faces that expressed gratitude, amazement, and loyalty…
(Not to mention His “faithful” diciples…)

But later on, He saw the same faces, this time full of anger and disgust… They shouted His name, this time in hatred, while He was in Pilate’s court… He saw their faces when they picked Barabbas over Him to be set free, when they cursed Him and demanded Him to be crucified…
(Not to mention the fact that His diciples had left Him all alone because of their own fear).

And… don’t forget about Peter’s denial, in spite of what he had said just before (Luke 22:33). Imagine that moment when Jesus saw Peter straight in the eye (Luke 22:61)…

I just speechless about what was on His mind and His heart at that time… either towards Peter or other people…

He, who is blameless and sinless, can forgive us…
While we, the same sinful people, tend to keep other’s faults and find it hard to forgive them…
It’s kinda ironic, don’t you think?

Forgiving is forgiving. End of sentence.

There’s no “but” or “even though” or “only if”…
Because a true forgiveness arises from a broken heart that has been completely restored by His unconditional love…

He said that to love Him is to obey Him (1John 5:3) and He wants us to forgive others (1 John 2:9, 1John 3:15, Luke 6:37, and Col 3:13)

For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.”

(John 13:15)


Being Real is a Real Problem

Monday, December 15, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

(By Gregory Spencer)
Source: Boundless

When I was a boy, I spent many afternoons with my legs straddling a wide white branch of a walnut tree. I fingered the dials and wheels of the plywood instrument panel I knew would one day take my brother and me to Mars.

During dreamy summer days, we might pose any number of profound questions to each other, but our favorite was, "If you had to choose, would you rather go blind or deaf?" The answer could not have been more obvious to me then. I would rather go deaf, sight being too precious to lose. For the sighted, seeing is usually the most defining sense.

How much more so in an image-saturated culture. Unfortunately, in our times, we have come to believe that seeing is all that is necessary for experiencing. This is what I call the Gospel of Sight: What the eye values is the most important truth; the image — our image — is what matters most.

Though I don't dislike the media (I love movies. I watch TV), I take what I have assumed to be G.K. Chesterton's observation to heart: "The thinking person always resists the most dominant thing in his culture because the most dominant thing is always too dominant." I see "the most dominant thing" as the way images have influenced the way we think and behave. In light of our longing for and our need to develop authenticity (a virtue I define as "the courage to love with a rigorous inside-out consistency"), two consequences seem especially important.

The Gospel of Sight teaches us that appearances are all-in-all. We are image-driven, image-obsessed, image-conscious to a fault. The obvious needs to be asserted: We have defined "being attractive" in visual terms. Most commercials tell us that all that matters is being as beautiful and young and thin and fit and ripped as possible. That and being rich.

How can we be deeply authentic if we think that "how we look" is top priority? Of course, caring about our appearance is not unimportant or "beneath us." God made us to notice beauty and appreciate style. We each have our own personal "way of being," our God-given uniqueness, much of which is related to our image. Everything has a kind of style: dresses, cars, sermons, governments. If we wish to communicate well, we must attend to what sounds pleasing to others and to what our body "says." But our culture has grossly overstated the role of the image. As exercise guru Jack LaLanne says: "I can't die. It would ruin my image."

We are outside-in focused, instead of inside-out. Parents have said for years that it's what's on the inside that counts, but their voices get drowned out by the thousands of voices we hear every day to the contrary. We need better skin, brighter teeth, more glowing hair. We hear that everything in our future rests on our attractiveness. A woman admiring herself in an ad for Avia shoes wants it both ways: "She knows true beauty comes from the inside — but she doesn't mind finding it in the mirror."

Inevitably, this outside-in orientation makes our sense of self dependent on external forces. We need to be noticed, to be praised for our image — and we conspire to get that attention. Over a century ago, Henry Ward Beecher got it right: "Clothes do not make the man, but once he is made, they greatly improve his appearance."

We suffer a perfectionism exacerbated by the manipulation of pixels. Every commercial photo of a face or body is altered, enhanced, made more visually stunning. Yet the more perfect the image, the greater the distance from our imperfect lives. This disparity discourages and corrupts us, especially women. I have watched my three daughters struggle with these issues. It's hard enough to live up to a good friend's beauty; but how does one compare to a digitalized "perfection" that even the supermodel doesn't possess?

And analysis is not enough. Though I know the supermodel's skin is not impeccably unblemished, that her original image might have a pimple or tired eyes, I still say, "Wow, she's beautiful." Perfectionistic words are also associated with the images: "For flawless looks, spotless skin," etc. We cannot measure up so we bury ourselves in the guilt of starvation diets and persistent self-deprecation.

We may be paying a higher price as well. Recently I asked one of my classes why so many of their generation were committing suicide. Their responses surprised me. They said that because so many resources were at their disposal, they had no good reason not to make the world better. And they should be able to make themselves better as well — perfect even — and they couldn't bear the weight.

The resonance in the classroom seemed profound to me. Yes, the world's problems overwhelm them. But the depressing tipping point is that they feel they should be dramatically other than they are. They have no excuse not to live up to the consistent messages that they ought to be perfect.

The Gospel of Sight presents "illusion" as preferable to the authentic. When my family is on vacation, someone often says, "Ooh, look at the scenery! That would make such a good picture." My typical response is, "Yes, but isn't it a good landscape? I mean, isn't it worthy without being a photograph?" It's not that I dislike photographs or images — really. It's just that they have changed the way we experience the world, and we ought to do our best to understand these ways.

The illusion becomes the standard. This last Christmas, my wife and younger daughters and I visited my eldest daughter who, at that time, was living in St. Petersburg, Russia. After getting robbed in the Metro and negotiating the somewhat uninviting city for eight days, I was delighted to spend the next five days in London before returning home to California. I said, "Ah, London is wonderful; it's like Disneyland." Ouch. Shouldn't I have said that Disneyland was like London? For shame! Somehow, the faux-reality of Disneyland has burrowed into my head as the higher standard of excellence.

This "standard of illusion" can be seen in every day life. If the norms for the speed of romance are adopted from film, we may think our own plodding efforts ought to be pumped up. And nature television has become the norm for nature. Real nature just doesn't measure up. It is not populated with enough "cute" or "fierce" beasts, nor do the wild things perform for us as they should.

Perhaps our declining participation in authentic experiences makes being authentic more difficult. We're uncomfortable in the wilderness of genuineness. We tend to be either too blunt or too evasive. At any rate, inexorably, the standard of illusion leads to my next point.

We prefer illusion. As a freshman in college, I had on my wall a newspaper photo of my girlfriend as she was receiving her crown as Homecoming princess. To this day, I am convinced that I broke up with her because she failed to live up to the photograph. You may think me shallow but I had constructed my fantasy and I was sticking with it. When we were together, she didn't look as idyllically beautiful, nor did she treat me as I imagined she should: with that radiant smile, those perfect eyes, that facial expression that let me know I was the center of her life. In person, she was, well, a person, and I preferred my image of her.

Journalist Kiku Adatto says this choice makes a curious kind of sense: "In a media-conscious environment, authenticity means becoming the master of your own artificiality." Why would a fake authenticity become preferable? Charles Williams' cautionary thriller Descent into Hell provides some insight. He tells the story of middle-aged Lawrence Wentworth who has a romantic crush on a much younger woman, Adela. In Williams' supernatural scheme, Wentworth's desire for Adela is so strong that, once Adela rejects him, he "creates" an illusion of Adela who caters to his every desire. Once, during a torrential rain, the real Adela shows up at his door and asks to be let in. Wentworth looks at the phantom Adela in his room and then out at the real one, wet and needy. Williams' says, "He recognized well enough that the real Adela might have given him considerable trouble to lift, but his whole damnation was that he would not choose the trouble to lift the real Adela."

I have been haunted by this line for years. What and who are the "real Adelas" in our lives that we refuse to lift? When do we dwell in our imagined ideal and ignore the plain truth in front of us — or inside of us? In order to live a rigorous inside-out consistency, we have to be willing to face, among other things, tragic realities. If we pretend that we don't have problems or that the world is "just fine," we will be more deeply shaken when tragedy comes our way.

Perhaps this explains some troubled marriages and divorces. Newlyweds can be shocked when they discover the darker sides of their spouse.

At my college, I sometimes hear students say (after the revelation of some terrible event on campus), "I can't believe that could happen at Westmont." I think, "Why? Do you not know that Westmont is inhabited by people?" Many of us prefer the illusion that followers of Jesus lead outwardly better lives, that they always have superior marriages, more fulfilling jobs, less tragedy. We would be better off telling the truth about our humanity, even the difficult, tragic truths. Jesus says that "the truth will set you free" (John 8:32).

As we grow increasingly comfortable with illusion, we may find that we are more concerned with creating ourselves than with knowing ourselves. We alter our outer selves incessantly: our hair color, facial features, body shapes — anything to keep looking young. And we also alter our inner selves. We affirm a version of "the Good Life" that keeps our souls in a gated community, safe from the need to deal with uncomfortable realities. We may also distance ourselves from friends who tell us disagreeable truths, especially truths about ourselves. And since we know how far we are from the image we present, we know others are distant also and so, ironically, we don't trust them.

Living in the age of the image is often thrilling and pleasing. But when its qualities dominate all others — when the Gospel of Sight reigns supreme — authenticity is threatened. The loud and flashy world shouts down this quiet virtue. A sincere effort will be required of us if we hope to be more genuine.


Faceless Generation - Story from Papua

Saturday, December 13, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

(Sumber: Renungan Harian BOOM edisi Oktober 2008)

Oktovianus Pogau 
Masih SMA tapi jadi "guru" di pemerintahan.

Zaman sekarang ini, dunia nggak terlalu luas untuk dijelajahi, karna teknologi informasi makin canggih. Meski tekno udah berkembang pesat, ada juga orang yang belon bisa menikmati dan memahami tekno canggih tersebut. Salah satunya internet... Bayangin, di Papua sono, main internet ke warnet aja 1 jamnya bayar 10rebu loh! Puji Tuhan, lagi-lagi ada satu sosok pemuda yang dibangkitkan Tuhan untuk melihat keadaan ini.

Oktavianus Pogau, salah satu teman kita dari Papua yang udah terjun di bidang jurnalistik 'n pernah belajar internet sendiri, punya kerinduan untuk mengajar internet. Meski Okto yatim piatu, namun semangatnya tinggi untuk membangkitkan Papua dari ketertinggalan. Remaja yang duduk di kelas 2 SMA Kristen Anak Panah, Nabire-Papua ini sempat bikin website dan blog untuk pemerintah sekaligus jadi guru di sana. Penasaran ama pengalamannya? Simak obrolan kita bareng Okto!

Sejak kapan kamu tertarik dunia tulis menulis dan media internet?
Aku suka menulis sejak SMP kelas 2, sekitar tahun 2005. Saat itu di sekolah, guru bahasa indonesiaku menunjukkan sebuah berita tentang lumpur lapindo di Porong, Sidoarjo. Beliau meminta murid-murid untuk memberikan tanggapan melalui tulisan. Entah kenapa, waktu itu aku punya banyak gambaran dan pendapat tentang kasus ini. Akhirnya apa yang aku pikirkan aku tuangkan dalam tulisan. Saat guruku baca, dia langsung bilang kalo tulisanku bagus. Sejak itu, aku termotivasi untuk menulis. Kebetulan waktu itu juga, warnet di Nabire baru ada. Nah, begitu denger ada warnet, aku jadi penasaran 'n jadi lebih sering ke sana.

Kabarnya di Nabire, warnet jarang ditemukan. Apa yang bikin kamu terdorong untuk terus belajar internet meskipun sulit?
Sejam main internet, aku harus bayar 10ribu. Padahal, kalo aku main internet bisa berjam-jam. Demi ke warnet, aku sisihkan uang saku. Di Nabire warnet cuma ada satu. Tantangan lain yang aku dapatkan adalah budaya. Banyak orang pelit untuk membagikan ilmu baru, apalagi yang punya gelar. Makanya ilmu pengetahuan di Papua itu mahal. Nggak heran kalo Papua dianggap tertinggal. Dari sinilah muncul motivasiku untuk belajar keras tentang internet, komputer, dan dunia jurnalis. Aku ingin berbagi ilmu membangun Papua untuk lebih maju dan bebas dari ketertinggalan.

Siapa sih yang memotivasi kamu untuk nggak menyerah?
Tuhan Yesus, Pribadi pertama yang sangat memotivasi aku. Yang kedua, diriku sendiri, lalu orang-orang terdekatku. Tiap menghadapi tantangan, aku selalu ngobrol ama Tuhan, supaya Dia tunjukkan apa yang harus aku lakukan. Saat Teduh adalah waktu yang tepat untuk terus minta motivasi dan kehendakNya. Merenungkan FirTu tuh wajib hukumnya. Saat orang lain nggak dukung, aku belajar untuk gak dengerin hal-hal negatif yang bisa melemahkanku. Aku belajar untuk selalu bisa memotivasi diriku sendiri setiap saat.

Siapa sih yang kamu ajari?
Banyak banget! Semua teman-teman yang aku kenal di Nabire, termasuk orang-orang yang lebih tua dariku. Dari mahasiswa sampai pejabat di pemerintahanpun aku ajari main internet dan aku buatkan blog. Selain itu, teman-teman di sekolah dan siapapun yang datang minta tolong, pasti aku ajarin tanpa dipungut biaya. Aku akan ngajarin mereka sampai paham benar, jadi nggak ketinggalan.

Kabarnya kamu juga pernah nulis dan jadi wartawan, juga kolumnis muda beberapa media cetak. Gimana bagi waktu dengan sekolah?
Wah kalo diceritakan satu-satu bisa jadi satu buku ^_^. Aku pernah bikin web untuk ajang kebudayaan Papua secara otodidak. Emang sih sederhana... Puji Tuhan dapat penghargaan dari banyak kalangan termasuk pemerintah Papua. Sampai saat ini, aku aktif memberikan tulisan dan liputan di Papua Pos, Kabar Papua. Aku juga sempat dipercaya jadi editor yang punya kuasa untuk mengijinkan sebuah berita dimuat atau enggak. Puji Tuhan, sekolah nggak terganggu, lancar-lancar aja. Kuncinya, aku bisa atur waktu. Sampe-sampe, 24 jam itu terasa kurang buat aku bekerja, hehehe... Ini semua anugerah Tuhan, sehingga hasil kerja keras itu bisa memberkati banyak orang.

Pesannya buat teman-teman muda se-Indonesia apa nih?
Jangan terpengaruh dengan keadaan dan keterbatasan. Dalam berkarya, nggak harus punya fasilitas lengkap, supaya terlaksana. Yang penting harus punya kemauan keras, tekad, dan selalu ngobrol sama Tuhan. Jadikan keterbatasan sebagai kunci sukses kita! (*/Bb)


Bunga Dalam Pot Retak

Saturday, December 13, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Rumah kami langsung berseberangan dengan pintu masuk RS John Hopkins di Baltimore. Kami tinggal dilantai dasar dan menyewakan kamar-kamar lantai atas pada para pasien yang ke klinik itu.

Suatu petang dimusim panas, ketika aku sedang menyiapkan makan malam, ada orang mengetuk pintu. Saat kubuka, yang kutatap ialah seorang pria dengan wajah yang benar buruk sekali rupanya. "Lho, dia ini juga hampir cuma setinggi anakku yang berusia 8 tahun," pikirku ketika aku mengamati tubuh yang bungkuk dan sudah serba keriput ini. Tapi yang mengerikan ialah wajahnya, begitu miring besar sebelah akibat bengkak, merah dan seperti daging mentah., hiiiihh...!

Tapi suaranya begitu lembut menyenangkan ketika ia berkata, "Selamat malam. Saya ini kemari untuk melihat apakah anda punya kamar hanya buat semalam saja. Saya datang berobat dan tiba dari pantai Timur, dan ternyata tidak ada bis lagi sampai esok pagi." Ia bilang sudah mencoba mencari kamar sejak tadi siang tanpa hasil, tidak ada seorangpun tampaknya yang punya kamar.

"Aku rasa mungkin karena wajahku .. Saya tahu kelihatannya memang mengerikan, tapi dokterku bilang dengan beberapa kali pengobatan lagi..."

Untuk sesaat aku mulai ragu2, tapi kemudian kata-kata selanjutnya menenteramkan dan meyakinkanku: "Oh aku bisa kok tidur dikursi goyang diluar sini, di beranda samping ini. Toh bis ku esok pagi-pagi juga sudah berangkat." Aku katakan kepadanya bahwa kami akan mencarikan ranjang buat dia, untuk beristirahat di beranda.

Aku masuk kedalam menyelesaikan makan malam. Setelah rampung, aku mengundang pria tua itu, kalau-kalau ia mau ikut makan. "Wah, terima kasih, tapi saya sudah bawa cukup banyak makanan." Dan ia menunjukkan sebuah kantung kertas coklat. Selesai dengan mencuci piring, aku keluar mengobrol dengannya beberapa menit. Tak butuh waktu lama untuk melihat bahwa orang tua ini memiliki sebuah hati yang terlampau besar untuk dijejalkan ketubuhnya yang kecil ini.

Dia bercerita ia menangkap ikan untuk menunjang putrinya, kelima anak-anaknya, dan istrinya, yang tanpa daya telah lumpuh selamanya akibat luka di tulang punggung. Ia bercerita itu bukan dengan berkeluh kesah dan mengadu, malah sesungguhnya, setiap kalimat selalu didahului dengan ucapan syukur pada Allah untuk suatu berkat! Ia berterima kasih bahwa tidak ada rasa sakit yang menyertai penyakitnya, yang rupa-rupanya adalah semacam kanker kulit. Ia bersyukur pada Allah yang memberinya kekuatan untuk bisa terus maju dan bertahan.

Saatnya tidur, kami bukakan ranjang lipat kain berkemah untuknya dikamar anak-anak. Esoknya waktu aku bangun, seprei dan selimut sudah rapi terlipat dan pria tua itu sudah berada di beranda. Ia menolak makan pagi, tapi sesaat sebelum ia berangkat naik bis, ia berhenti sebentar, seakan meminta suatu bantuan besar, ia berkata, "Permisi, bolehkah aku datang dan tinggal disini lagi lain kali bila aku harus kembali berobat? Saya sungguh tidak akan merepotkan anda sedikitpun. Saya bisa kok tidur enak dikursi."Ia berhenti sejenak dan lalu menambahkan, "Anak-anak Anda membuatku begitu merasa kerasan seperti di rumah sendiri. Orang dewasa rasanya terganggu oleh rupa buruknya wajahku, tetapi anak-anak tampaknya tidak terganggu."

Aku katakan silahkan datang kembali setiap saat. Ketika ia datang lagi, ia tiba pagi-pagi jam tujuh lewat sedikit. Sebagai oleh-oleh, ia bawakan seekor ikan besar dan satu liter kerang oyster terbesar yang pernah kulihat. Ia bilang, pagi sebelum berangkat, semuanya ia kuliti supaya tetap bagus dan segar. Aku tahu bisnya berangkat jam 4.00 pagi, entah jam berapa ia sudah harus bangun untuk mengerjakan semuanya ini bagi kami. Selama tahun-tahun ia datang dan tinggal bersama kami, tidak pernah sekalipun ia datang tanpa membawakan kami ikan atau kerang oyster atau sayur mayur dari kebunnya. Beberapa kali kami terima kiriman lewat pos, selalu lewat kilat khusus, ikan dan oyster terbungkus dalam sebuah kotak penuh daun bayam atau sejenis kol, setiap helai tercuci bersih. Mengetahui bahwa ia harus berjalan sekitar 5 km untuk mengirimkan semua itu, dan sadar betapa sedikit penghasilannya, kiriman-kiriman dia menjadi makin bernilai.

Ketika aku menerima kiriman oleh-oleh itu, sering aku teringat kepada komentar tetangga kami pada hari ia pulang ketika pertama kali datang. "Ehhh, kau terima dia bermalam ya, orang yang luar biasa jelek menjijikkan mukanya itu? Tadi malam ia kutolak. Waduhh, celaka dehh.., kita kan bakal kehilangan langganan kalau nerima orang macam gitu!" Oh ya, memang boleh jadi kita kehilangan satu dua tamu. Tapi seandainya mereka sempat mengenalnya,mungkin penyakit mereka bakal jadi akan lebih mudah untuk dipikul. Aku tahu kami sekeluarga akan selalu bersyukur, sempat dan telah mengenalnya; dari dia kami belajar apa artinya menerima yang buruk tanpa mengeluh, dan yang baik dengan bersyukur kepada Allah.

Baru-baru ini aku mengunjungi seorang teman yang punya rumah kaca. Ketika ia menunjukkan tanaman bunganya, kami sampai pada satu tanaman krisan [timum] yang paling cantik dari semuanya, lebat penuh tertutup bunga berwarna kuning emas. Tapi aku jadi heran sekali, melihat ia tertanam dalam sebuah ember tua, sudah penyok berkarat pula. Dalam hati aku berkata, "Kalau ini tanamanku, pastilah sudah akan kutanam didalam bejana terindah yang kumiliki."

Tapi temanku merubah cara pikirku. "Ahh, aku sedang kekurangan pot saat itu," ia coba terangkan, "Dan tahu ini bakal cantik sekali, aku pikir tidak apalah sementara aku pakai ember loak ini. Toh cuma buat sebentar saja, sampai aku bisa menanamnya ditaman."

Ia pastilah terheran-heran sendiri melihat aku tertawa begitu gembira, tapi aku membayangkan kejadian dan skenario seperti itu disurga. "Hah, yang ini luar biasa bagusnya," mungkin begitulah kata Allah saat Ia sampai pada jiwa nelayan tua baik hati itu." Ia pastilah tidak akan keberatan memulai dulu didalam badan kecil ini." Semua ini sudah lama terjadi, dulu dan kini, didalam taman Allah, betapa tinggi mestinya berdirinya jiwa manis baik ini.

"Bukan yang dilihat manusia yang dilihat Allah; manusia melihat apa yang didepan mata, tetapi Tuhan melihat hati." (1 Samuel 16:7b).

Sumber: Jawaban.Com


It's a Matter of Personal "Standard"

Friday, December 12, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Last night, my elderly brother, his wife, and his daughter (Abigail, 4 years old) picked me up to go to SW. Yap, we just have our Thursday fellowship, as usual hehehe...

In the middle of our way, Abigail talked in english to his mom. She asked, "Mommy, What is a shark? Is it like a whale?" Hearing that, I was just so amazed... she's just 4 years old! I imagined back then, at the same age, I couldn't speak nor understand English yet... Yea I know, Abi's school uses English as their primary language, so no wonder if the students naturally get used to speak in English...

Another insight, the same message, I got today... My colleague who didn't familiar with online forums, has just registered on our web's forum. When my other colleague told her to open her mail first to verify her new account, she said, "Ow... why is it so complicated?"

Suddenly I realized that it's just a matter of personal "standard"... If we think something is difficult, then it becomes difficult for us... Vice versa.

In Abigail's case, she identify English as her usual language... In her brain, English is just an alternative language to Indonesian (or Javanese hehehe...), but it doesnt sound more complicated... because she's used to speak English everyday. It's just a normal thing for her.

In my colleague's case, the normal (and usual) forum's registration procedure sounds so complicated, because this is her first time to join an online forum. But to me, the procedure is just a normal thing, because I've registered to many forums and they have the same procedure.

These cases are natural though... When you do something new for the first time (or being the one who do something while another people haven't done it yet), it feels more complicated, more difficult, or maybe more challenging. But the important thing to remember is... don't ever restrict your personal "standard". When you think something is possible, then it is possible for you. But if you think something is impossible for you to get, then it is impossible for you.

Being in charge of our thoughts and manage our mindset is not an easy task... I know... but we just have to do it again and again. Why? Because His truth is our manual guide to live as His beloved sons and daughters... It's a natural thing for us to live in it...

So... come on rise up!


Kinda Feeling Numb...

Friday, December 12, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

I don't know what is happening to me... Last night my elderly sister asked me how I feel and I said to her, I didn't feel anything, just flat... It's like just walking through day by day without any precious meaning... and unfortunately, I don't know why...

Maybe my heart is getting cold... just maybe... coz somehow I feel that I don't care much about anyone or anything... It's not that I hate everything... I just feel flat... I guess there are few reasons for this... But I still have to figure them out... by pray and digging into myself...

Probably it's because I have some heart matters that haven't been solved yet... and they have piled up or became more complicated, so I just have to untangle the twisted knots one by one...

Hmm... I have to do it soon... before I get more "numb"...
Please pray for me...
Thanx friends... ^.^


Husbands: Here's How to Have a Great Wife!

Tuesday, December 09, 2008 Fay 1 Comments

(Andrew Tallman)

He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord,” and he who nourishes a wife preserves a good thing and maintains the favor of the Lord.

God allowed you to find your wife because He believed you would take good care of His precious daughter. This is why you obtain the dual blessings of having her and pleasing Him. But what happens when you don’t take good care of your wife? A man who neglects his wife makes her miserable and then she makes him miserable. As the saying goes, “When mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” But she isn’t the only unhappy one. I believe you also anger God by betraying His confidence in trusting you with her. After all, what father is happy when his son-in-law fails to keep his darling content?

I’ve been to many weddings, and I have yet to see a woman stand at the altar promising to “love, honor, and obey so long as you both shall live” while thinking to herself, “I despise this man, and I expect this marriage to make me miserable.” Not likely. She stands there with hope, anticipation, love, admiration, and the expectation of great joy in her heart. Unfortunately, if you fail to meet her needs and fulfill her hopes, she will not stay that way. The best way to ruin a good woman is to marry her and then fail to give her what she expected to receive.

Oh, sure, perhaps she exerts a tremendous effort and manages to stay sweet and wonderful in spite of you neglecting her. Even the Bible teaches her to love you into being a better man. But to expect or demand this from her is naively optimistic and, quite frankly, unfair. There is a much better way: the Biblical way.

When we quote Ephesians 5, men often emphasize the wife’s duty to submit. Okay, fine. But the husband’s duty is to love his wife as Christ loved the Church, His Bride. In thinking about the relationship between Christ and the Church, who has the greater challenge? Who does more? Who is primarily responsible for the ultimate success of the relationship? Your obligation to represent the love of Jesus in your marriage is a monumentally greater task than your wife’s obligation to represent the submission of the Church.

So, what does it take to have a great wife? Simple. Be a great lord. And what does it take to be a great lord? Equally simple. Know the needs and desires of your wife and meet them. If you don’t, she will become just the sort of wife you don’t want: nagging, withholding, bitter, and frustrated. God gave you a beautiful flower. He does not expect a dead thorn bush in return. You’d have done better to remain single than to so ruin the beautiful human rose He entrusted to you. 

That’s the simple part. It may be unpleasant to ponder, but it’s simple. Your job is to nurture, cherish, love, honor, serve, provide for, lead, impress, and protect your wife. And if you never stop doing this, the chance that she will be a great wife is very good. Yes, she retains free will and may fail on her part, but, when you do your part, it becomes much easier for her to do hers.

So how is this to be accomplished? This is where things get dicey. Willard Harley wrote a very helpful book called “His Needs, Her Needs,” in which he outlines the top needs of women. They include affection, conversation, honesty and openness, financial support, and family commitment. This is all true. Gary Chapman wrote another helpful book called “The Five Love Languages,” in which he talks about giving love through gifts, quality time, words of encouragement, physical touch, and acts of service. This is also true. Gary Smalley has written books. James Dobson has written books. Ellen Kreidman has written books. And all the books in the world are helpful and at the same time not. Here’s why.

Women aren’t a formula.

Every woman is different. Every woman is complex. Every woman is mysterious. And just about the worst thing you can do is think that she can be solved like some math equation. Men, by contrast, are not all that complex. This is why men and women don’t understand each other. Women often refuse to believe men are so simple. Men often can’t grasp that women are so complicated.

Yet God is represented in both of these. He is at once both absurdly simple and astoundingly complex. He is straightforward and mysterious. In other words, God made it so that women could learn about Him by understanding men and that men could learn about Him by understanding women. That’s why marriage is such a rich theological gift.

And your part, husbands, is the harder one. Though the task is simple (to make her feel loved and precious beyond comparison), the method is not simple. Although I can confidently tell her what to do in general to make you happy (see my previous article), I cannot tell you the same about your wife. You have to figure that out for yourself, and, even if you figure her out today, it may be a new puzzle tomorrow or the next day.

That’s okay. That’s one side of God’s nature you’re experiencing. If it frustrates you, you’re really just admitting you’re frustrated with God. But if you take it as the greatest challenge with the neatest reward, then you’ve suddenly discovered something far more interesting than fantasy football ever can be.

But if I can’t give you a formula, why did I bother writing this? Because if I can merely get you to recognize the nature of the challenge and stop thinking that there is a four-step plan you can follow to nurture a great wife, I’ve already helped you immensely.

Let me conclude with a personal example. Most women like surprises. My wife hates them. Most women like to be given sweets such as chocolate. My wife likes it once but then gets angry because she worries it will make her fat. Most women like to be given lavish gifts that show their value. My wife considers that a waste of our carefully managed budget. Most women like to celebrate anniversaries. My wife couldn’t care less. So what do I do?

Well, I could ignore everything I know about her by surprising her with an expensive chocolate extravaganza on our anniversary. Then I could pride myself for having followed a set of rules that would apply for most women as I sit back to enjoy the fruits of my stupidity. Or I could let her purchase season 10 of Little House on the Prairie on DVD for herself at Target on sale two months before our anniversary. Guess which one I did? And she was quite satisfied with that. We must give our wives what they truly want, not what we think they want … just like God.

So, what’s the lesson? Learn what YOUR wife needs from you to feel loved, and then give it to her. Pay attention. Really pay attention. Try some experiments, and see how it turns out. If you find something that works, try it some more. Never stop trying to impress her with the things you will do to make her feel loved. But also never forget that she’s a woman, not a formula… just like God.

And if you follow this simple (and completely unsimple) advice, I suspect you’ll find yourself married to a great wife. At the very least, she’ll appreciate you trying so hard to understand and satisfy her … just like God.

Source: Crosswalk


Ternyata oh Ternyata...

Saturday, December 06, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Tentang 3 hal yang aku temukan hari ini... yang salah satunya ada sangkut pautnya ama pencantuman sumber tulisan...

Barusan aku kan cek FS... ternyata ada yang liat itu dari profile FS-nya salah satu forum (yang jelas bukan forum Jawaban.Com hehehe). Trus aku akhirnya jadi buka forum itu 'n iseng join jadi membernya.

Pas masuk ke salah satu thread... ada yang judulnya "Arti Pacaran"... Karna itu judul artikel yang sama kayak yang pernah aku tulis buat Jawaban.Com dulu... aku buka... 'n ternyata emang bener itu artikelku T_T Yap... lagi-lagi tanpa sumber...

Sebelon ini pernah juga nemu tulisan yang sama di salah satu blog, cuman penulisnya udah nyantumin sumbernya (ya Jawaban.Com coz haknya kan udah jadi punya Jawaban.Com hehehe...) setelah aku kasitau... Yang ini aku rada malu seh hihihi... soalnya langsung bete begitu tau ada yang copy paste tanpa nyantumin sumber... jadi aku negurnya emang nunjukin bete gitu... 

Tapi kali ini enggak... coz aku ga sepenuhnya bete siy... tapi separuh seneng coz ternyata banyak juga yang ngerasa diberkatin dari artikel itu plus separuhnya lagi bete... jadi fifty2 gitu lah hehehe... (Enjie, I'm sure you too are definitely know how I feel hihihi...) Kali ini, secara aku udah jadi member forum itu, aku posting nanya, "...itu nulis sendiri atau copy paste yah? Kok aku pernah baca di Jawaban.Com... emang artikel lama siy..." hihihi... kita liat aja responnya...

Itu hal pertama yang aku temuin... Hal kedua... ternyata yang posting artikel itu juga member forum Jawaban.Com... aku tau setelah aku buka profile dia... Emang kita ga saling mengenal, tapi aku tau orangnya... Trus... hal ketiga... pas aku liat gallery photo, ternyata ada juga member forum Jawaban.Com yang ikutan kopdar Surabaya di forum itu hehehe...

Hal pertama ini kayaknya yang bakal aku ikutin hihihi... ga rela bok hehehe... Yah kan wajar aja dalam etika tulis menulis... kalo dapet dari sumber laen a.k.a ga nulis sendiri, it's a normal thing buat nyantumin sumbernya. Kalopun gatau penulis aslinya siapa, paling ga nyantumin lah dia dapet dari mana... Kalo dari email ya tulis dari forward-an email atau milis... Kalo dari blog orang ya cantumin alamat blognya... Kalo dari website ya cantumin nama websitenya... It's a normal ethics in writing...

Hmmm... Yah... we'll see hehehe.... 


"Just Do It"

Wednesday, December 03, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Hehehehe... I'm not writing as much as before, yap that's the fact... I don't know why, maybe it's because here I've got people whom I can talk to, or probably it's an effect of change itself =p different habitat caused different habits... something like that...

Whatever it is, at a point I think it's better for me... coz I don't wanna be just a writer, but more and foremost, a doer. Like Nike's popular line, "Just Do It"

I don't wanna be someone who writes or talks about how to do certain thing in the right way, only to be found out later by other people that he/she himself/herself doesn't do things properly like he/she has said before. That kind of reality has made many people suffered from bitterness...

Though "walk the talk" is a good quote, but who can guarantee that? Sometimes we still can slip, as a human... So it might be better to be a living example... Like what I've been learning from my elderly brother, the way he lives, the way he acts... I see that his reality and his words are justifying towards each other. That is so powerful and has affected my life ever since... I remember once he said this to me, "I always try to do the truth first, live in it first, before I preach or say it to others..."

So, I just enjoy this change... that's why lately I seldom updating my blog =p Anyway, I will share a bit of my recent activities... In my new office, I'm learning phpBB 3.0.3 forum, as a part of our website launching preparation... and I'm still communicating with the programmer from Kairos Multimedia too... There are so many things to prepare with some people...

My daily activities, hmm... just as usual... after work sometimes if I need to buy food or snacks I go to Indomaret, but if not, I usually just stay in my room at my dorm, enjoying unlimited internet connection for a while to browse few things and also playing with my virtual pet on Facebook hehehe... or reading book (though not as much as I used to) or watching DVD or watching TV (but usually just for 1 hour or so). Once a week in work days I meet my community in my elderly brother's place and have a fellowship together...

Yap, just that hehehe... There are still many things to learn and to gain... yet there are also many things to be thankful of... "Just keep swimming!" like Dori said in "Finding Nemo" hehehe...


Fay Has a Better Social Life Here ^.^

Friday, November 28, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

That's the status I wrote on Friendster, Facebook, and also Hi5 hehehe... The fact is... this is a new season for me. There are many changes and also adjustments that I need to cope with... yah meskipun perubahannya ga segede yang aku alamin waktu 4 taun lalu pindah dari Surabaya ke Lippo Cikarang hehehe...

Beberapa hari lalu aku sempat cerita tentang ini ke seseorang. Aku mengira ('n berharap) dia juga bisa ikutan seneng... Tapi ternyata responnya ga kayak yang aku harapkan... "Jangan terlalu cepat menilai...," katanya.

Hmmm... I don't think I'm too fast to judge... Jadi inget cerita ini:

Once there was an old man who lived in a tiny village. Although poor, he was envied by all, because he owned a beautiful white horse. People offered fabulous prices for the horse, but the old man always refused. “This horse is a friend, not a possession,” he would respond.

One morning the horse was not in the stable. All the villagers said, “You old fool. We told you someone would steal that beautiful horse. You could at least have gotten the money. Now the horse is gone, and you’ve been cursed with misfortune.”

The old man responded, “Perhaps. All I know is that my horse is gone; the rest I do not know. Whether it be a curse or a blessing, I can’t say.”

After fifteen days the horse returned. He hadn’t been stolen; he had run away into the forest. Not only had he returned, he had brought a dozen wild horses back with him. Once again the village people gathered around the old man and said, “You were right – what we thought was a curse was a blessing. Please forgive us.” The old man responded, “Perhaps. Once again you’ve gone too far. How do you know if this is a blessing or a curse? Unless you can see the whole story, how can you judge?” But the people could only see the obvious. The old man now had twelve additional horses that could be broken and sold for a great deal of money.

The old man had a son, an only son. He began to break the wild horses. Unfortunately, after just a few days, he fell from a horse and broke both his legs. Once again the villagers gathered around the old man and said, “You were right. The wild horses were not a blessing; they were a curse. Your only son has broken his legs and now in your old age you have no one to help you. You are poorer than ever.” But the old man said, “Perhaps. Don’t go so far. Say only that my son broke his legs. We have only a fragment of the whole story.”

It so happened that a few weeks later the country went to war with a neighboring country. All the young men of the village were required to join the army. Only the son of the old man was excluded, because he had two broken legs. Once again the people gathered around, crying because there was little chance their sons would return. “You were right, old man. Your son’s accident was a blessing. Our sons are gone forever.”

The old man spoke again. “You people are always quick to jump to conclusions. Only God knows the final story.”

We have only a fragment of the whole story. Only God knows the final story.

*copied from ----------- end of story --------------

My status is simply an expression of my happy and grateful mind... it doesn't mean that I'm not grateful for my previous season in Lippo Cikarang and being over-glorify my current condition... However, we just have to learn to have a grateful heart in everything, right?

I just simply grateful for my current season... In the previous season He had separated me from everything and everyone I knew so I could learn to trust Him much more than before. This season, He had brought me back to Surabaya, to my community, close to my extended families, and close to my friends... Is it wrong to be excited and happy? Of course not... =p

Lagian, Dia emang tau waktu yang tepat kok hehehe... Kalo aku lebih lama lagi sendirian di sana... bisa-bisa aku tambah terbiasa sendirian 'n asik sendiri... secara aku orangnya kan lebih task-oriented ketimbang people-oriented hehehe... Padahal kan harus seimbang =p So I guess now is a season to connect with people more than before... ^.^


New Season Has Come

Wednesday, November 26, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

It's time to let go
When all you see is changes
It's time to turn your eyes from past
When things moving away without your ability to hold them

It's time to let go
When your friends have changed their priority
It's time to bless them and move forward
When a new season come at your sight

It's time to let go
When each of us walking toward different paths
It's time to embrace the future
When God leads your step into a new door

It's time to let go
...and to let loose
For everything is His possession
It's time to look ahead and prepare

For a new season has come...


Going Out with Aaltje

Saturday, November 22, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Iya, ejaannya emang Aaltje hehehe... Tapi manggilnya Alce. Dia ini temen SMAku, kita sekelas pas kelas 3. Kalo diliat ke belakang, kenanganku ama dia tu yang paling lucu ini: pernah 1 hari, waktu itu pelajaran matematika 'n gurunya lagi ngejelasin di papan tulis. Na kita kan duduk sebangku... aku lagi bosen tuh, jadi aku isengin dia, kan dia orangnya geli-an. Jadi aku geser-geserin kakiku ke kakinya. Dia spontan noleh ke aku sambil ngomong, "Fifi!" Aku cuman nyengir-nyengir sambil nahan ketawa. Walo maksud hati Alce berbisik tapi rupanya si guru denger, cuman waktu itu beliau ga komen apa-apa.

Besok paginya pas aku mau duduk di bangku kita, Alce tiba-tiba ngomel ke aku. 
Dia bilang, "Fi, tau ga tadi aku dipanggil pak ABC -aku lupa nama gurunya hehehe-" 
"Lah kenapa? Dia ngomong apa?"
"Iya, soal kemaren itu. Dia malah nyuruh aku jangan gangguin kamu, soalnya kamu itu serius mau belajar..." dia cerita sambil cemberut.
Aku langsung ketawa hihihihi... padahal yang iseng kan aku hihihihi... Cuman berhubung aku dah terkenal anak alim, jadinya Alce yang jadi korban deh hihihi...
Sebenernya banyak siy kejadian yang kita alamin... Aku juga pernah beberapa kali diajak nginep rumah dia, ngobrol sampe pagi, dibecandain ama mamanya... hehehe...

Tadi sekitar jam 13:30an, setelah aku 'n Alce sama-sama pulang kerja, dia jemput aku trus kita jalan ke pasar Atom. Ini pertemuan pertama kita setelah 4 tahun ga pernah ketemu (yah secara aku di Lippo Cikarang 'n kalo mudik juga pasti langsung pulang ke rumah sendiri). Begitu aku naek mobilnya dia langsung ngoceh segala macem hehehe... aku bisa nyante aja ama dia, dia anaknya rame 'n enak, kalo saling negur pun juga kedengerannya enak, sambil ketawa-ketawa hehehe...

Niat hati seh ke Atom aku mau beli DVD serial Heroes. Cuman tadi ga bisa gara-gara penjual DVDnya pada "siaga satu"... Yah, ya sudah hehehe... laen kali aja, Alce juga masih ga puas keliling-keliling di Atom. Jadinya tadi aku nemenin Alce doang, dia beli kalung 'n anting-anting buat pesta merit yang bakal dia hadirin besok. Like usual, aku jadi fashion (or acessories?) stylistnya dia hehehe... dari dulu tuh ya, kalo dia mo beli baju atau celana atau aksesoris, pasti nanya pendapatku, dia bilang soalnya selalu pas hihihihi... Trus biasalah, keliling-keliling liat baju-baju, liat pernak-pernik... Trus makan di Food Court, tapi Alce doang yang makan soalnya dia belon makan siang, aku cuman makan es krim hihihi... Tapi beneran ga puas tuh di Atom. Kita baru sampe sana jam 3 kurang soalnya, kan jam 4 banyak yang udah tutup tuh...

Abis dari Atom kita ke Sutos... Aku blom pernah ke sana, ya baru pertama kali tadi itu. Mirip-mirip ama interiornya Senayan City di Jakarta siy, cuman ada bagian eksteriornya yang lebih keren siy hehehe... Tapi cuman 2 lantai gituh... banyakan juga makanan dibanding barang laennya. Minusnya satu, masa siy ga ada toko bukunya?!? Hehehehe... itu mall getu loh, masa ga ada 1 biji aja toko bukunya? Apa kata dunia hehehehe... Kayaknya yang komplain cuman aku doang yah hihihi...

Ga lama abis muter-muter di sana, pegang sini pegang situ, liat-liat 'n nyoba-nyoba aksesoris, ngomentarin segala macem... akhirnya Alce nganterin aku balik ke kos. Kita janjian lagi 2 minggu depan hehehe.... I miss time like this hehehe... It's so great! ^.^ Thank you God!!! 


Behind the Mask

Saturday, November 22, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

(by George Halitzka)

I had a best friend once. It was kindergarten and he lived next door and we played every day in the front yard, except for afternoons when he tried to get his own way by crowing, "I ain't gonna be your friend no more" because I wouldn't let him use my cool magnifying glass. Of course, I got wise to that: I knew he'd be back the next day knocking at my door. So I crossed my stubborn arms and let him stomp away.

Yes, Luke had his flaws, but he was a good pal; a made-to-order companion for a 5-year-old. Unfortunately, he moved across town after first grade.

I didn't see him again until junior high. By then, I'd turned into a brainy geek while he'd become a slacker too cool to be alive. He occasionally visited my lunch table with new buds, but only because he found me a convenient target for trash-talk.

I had another best friend in third grade. Jeremy walked a few blocks to my house every day after school; we pretended we were the heroes in a make-believe world and talked about how cool computers were.

Then one day something happened — I don't remember what — and we got in a fight in my backyard. With a distinct lack of weapons available, we threatened each other with pieces of rope. (Welts are a big deal in third grade, OK?) There was a prolonged standoff. Finally, we finally made a truce — Jeremy and I would lay down our ropes at the same time.

I put mine on the ground. But instead of complying with the terms, he picked both of them up and chased me across the driveway. So I played the only card I had left: I threw him off our property with threats of hollering for my mother.

After that, Jeremy didn't come over to play anymore.

All of us would love to find some real friends, an authentic community — a place to know and be known. Even as adults we're longing for folks to call us by name. But we discovered in grade school that life hurts, and grown-ups can do far worse than pick up your welting-rope.

Take a third-grader's word for it: If you trust people, you're a dummy-pants.

Knowing and Being Known

Knowing another person is a fearsome proposition. When I meet someone new, he's already been living for years on a screwed-up planet. What bruises has he picked up along the way? I've formed the beginning of relationships only to discover people were clingy addicts or incorrigible gossips ... and I had no idea at first. It's enough to make me afraid to shake hands after church.

Being known means revealing your own scars from 20-odd years of wading through life. You're opening yourself up to rejection on a deeper level than those junior high insults when people said your Mama dressed you funny. The eighth-grade clowns could only pick on your looks. If a person knows you, he has power to stomp your dreams.

So most of us crave intimacy at the same time we're running from it, and who can blame us? We've tried to be more open and gotten ignored in return. We figured church might to be a safe place to build relationships, then found out most "Life Groups" should be called "Pretending-I've-Got-My-Life-Together Groups." If you share your real prayer requests, you'll earn three super-spiritual lectures and a rumor that you're a prideful doubter.

Yet we instinctively realize there's something greater than surface conversations! There must be hope for penetrating the platitudes.

Personally, I've found three major keys to building community, whether it's with one friend or an entire group: forgiveness, integrity, and humility. If you're longing for depth, try them at church. Try them with your friends or family or fiancé. They can bring intimacy that you've never experienced before!

But getting there is a rocky road, because you'll have to adopt a new approach to life. Your profound openness is liable to get your heart run over before you encounter the community you're longing for.


It was April Fool's Day 2002, and I hadn't pulled a decent pranks since college. So I decided it was time to go toilet papering. I stopped at Walgreen's for 20 rolls, then headed for church, where my friend Kevin was the tech director.

I already knew Kevin's "studio" would be the perfect place for my redecorating project. It was best described as a starship control room masquerading as a sanitary landfill. Filled with everything from high-end computers to mountains of scrap paper to dismantled sound gear, Kevin's hangout was the perfect environment for hanging Charmin.

When I arrived, the office was wide open — and empty. It was almost like Kevin was expecting me. I kept wishing I had a camera. The TP went in and out of filing cabinets, over and around audio equipment. It was one of the best indoor jobs I've ever seen.

Unfortunately, when Kevin got back to his office, he was not amused. He'd been stressed all week and couldn't believe he was facing this enormous mess. He wasn't sure about the guilty party, but was so mad he went to his boss, who suspected the youth pastor.

The next day, I got a terse e-mail: "George, are you the one who messed up my office? I need to know."

I was in trouble.

It had been really juvenile to do that at someone's workplace — Kevin had every right to be ticked. I apologized to him, because he was my bud, but I figured we were through. I'd embarrassed us both, caused him extra work, and screwed up his whole week.

But Kevin modeled a little bit of God's forgiveness for me when he demonstrated — not in words or a single moment, but in actions — that he accepted my apology. We could move on, continuing to thread the treacherous road of friendship-building.

Forgiveness may be the hardest part of community. Some of us have gotten hurt so many times the smallest slight makes us look for the door. Yet canceling a debt is the first key to taking your relationship beneath the surface.

Without grace, no friendship can last a month.


An anonymous writer penned these words in an essay called "Please Hear What I'm Not Saying":

Don't be fooled by me. Don't be fooled by the mask I wear. For I wear a mask. I wear a thousand masks — masks that I am afraid to take off, and none of them are me. Pretending is an art that's second nature to me. But don't be fooled, for God's sake, don't be fooled! I give you the impression that I'm secure, that all is sunny and unruffled with me, within as well as without, that confidence is my name and coolness is my game, that the water is calm and I'm in command, and that I need no one. But don't believe me. Please.

When we think about integrity, we usually figure that means we don't lie or cheat. And hopefully, we'll dare to confront a friend when he's screwing up his life. But there's one more dimension to integrity that's far rarer: the courage to be yourself.

Pretending you're invulnerable is easy; we spend most of our lives convincing people we're more intelligent and attractive than we really are. But we're also dying to be known the whole time. Our masks prevent people from ever calling us by name.

I was a skilled mask artist in my younger days. I corresponded with a cute friend during college, and one day she wrote, "George, your letters are funny, but I don't see any part of you in them. They're like a string of one-liners."

She was right. I couldn't tell people what I was really feeling 300 miles away from Mom, or the doubts about my faith that were scaring me. I was sure people would think I was a freak and a lousy Christian.

Vulnerability is still hard for me. It's easy to sit on a pedestal as the Bible College Graduate in Ministry. It's hard to admit sins and how little I understand about life with God. Vulnerability is an invitation for rejection.

If you're the first one in your relationship to share a secret joy, you might be rewarded with blank stares and derision. Your integrity may be someone's excuse to turn you into their personal target. Yet until you take off the mask, you'll never get past the surface to build an authentic community.

The anonymous writer said it best: "Don't be fooled by the mask I wear. Don't believe me ... please."


Six or eight years ago I signed up for an accountability group, and got paired with two random guys from church. When I met one of them — I'll call him "Bill" — my first thought was, "I never believed I would so stoop so low."

Oh, Bill's a nice guy, but he's a maintenance man. Never went to college, a recovering alcoholic. He's 40-something with a long scraggly beard and a pot belly. Bill doesn't talk a lot until you get to know him, so — if you're judgmental like me — you figure it's because he's not bright enough to say much.

When I met him, I knew we had nothing in common. Why should we bother building a friendship?

Uh ... maybe because I was wrong.

Bill and I actually share a lot. We both love Jesus poorly, but long to do better. We struggle with lust about every day and are prone to depression. Bill and I love telling bad jokes — but his are usually about somebody walking into a bar, proving that I'm more spiritual. He's a phenomenal listener; Bill has endured my venting for almost our entire weekly meeting sometimes. He may seem "simple" on the surface, but then he unexpectedly spouts wisdom from the school of hard knocks.

One week something extraordinary happened. At the end of our meeting, we were having such an interesting conversation that he invited me to ride along while he picked up his daughter for volleyball practice. Now, I'm sure he was embarrassed to have a friend in his work van. I sat on a wooden bench covered in dirty shag carpet, the best seating he could offer. But as he drove, we talked ... about our shared faith; about ideas that, in my arrogance, I had thought were over Bill's head. I saw a new part of his world for the first time while we rattled and bumped along.

It was one of those defining moments in a friendship where you recognize, only in the aftermath, that you've been invited deeper into someone's world than you've ever been before. I knew then I was proud to be called Bill's friend. Of course, I almost missed the opportunity ... because I was far too good for him.

If you're too good for someone in your life, guess who deserves the blame for your lack of community?

Love and Loss

So if you want to know and be known, try practicing forgiveness, integrity, and humility. Your friendships are guaranteed to reach a deeper level.

But remember that without one more quality — love — community is still an empty word. Friendships can't hurt nearly so bad ... and they also won't mean a thing.

Grandpa was one of my heroes. He was always well-spoken and well-dressed; the respectable gentleman who wore a suit to church every Sunday. Practically everyone we met knew and loved the guy behind the counter at his corner store. Fred's Food and Variety was an old-fashioned place where the owner was usually present; where you could run a tab if you were behind that month; where you might even find an anonymous bag of groceries on your porch while you were between jobs.

When we went to his house, where the driveway seemed as long as a city block, he had bicycles standing by that we could ride up and down the blacktop. Sometimes he took me and my brother into the backyard to play football. Sure, he had to throw underhand because of his back, but that was OK — we were more likely to catch it anyway.

Well into retirement, Grandpa rented a booth at the flea market and designed custom-made trophies in his wood shop. I tried to keep up by opening a stationery store in my bedroom and publishing my monthly newspaper, The Halitzka Journal, in grade school. Without ever realizing it, he got me started as a freelancer.

Few people embodied forgiveness, integrity, and humility in my life like Fred Holfelder. I remember looking forward to the day when we could relate as adults; when Grandpa could be proud of me for making my way in the world. But unfortunately, when I was a sophomore in college, Grandpa had one more lesson for me about living in community, and it was the hardest one:


Every relationship has an ending. That's why community is so rare — and so painful. We hire undertakers to handle our dead so we don't have to face mortality. If you dare to form intimate friendships, those people will move out of state someday. If you don't break up with your boyfriend, you'll marry him. Then years hence, when you love him far more than you do now, he'll die.

I remember standing up at Grandpa's funeral with my voice breaking and sharing memories. I loved him too much not to cry. Today, I still wish he was here to see how I've followed in his footsteps and maybe become a man he could be proud of. I hope he's looking down from heaven to enjoy the view.

Unfortunately, building a community, with one person or one hundred, is difficult. It calls us to bravely face loss; not running from grief but passing through the Valley of the Shadow. Knowing and being known will wound you so badly you'll never completely heal. Yet if friendships are to be worth having, and life worth living, you need to care anyway. A daring love called agape is the essence of authentic community.

Grandpa probably didn't know the Greek word for God's love; he never went to college. But from a lifetime of experience, he definitely knew what agape was about.

Source: boundless


A Self Evolution?

Friday, November 21, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

I just wonder... Am I in the middle of a self-evolution? Bu zhi dao hehehe... It’s just kinda strange because I feel my addiction to blogging or other online activities has decreased since I got to Surabaya...

I don't know whether it's just a part of jetlag or an evolution hehehe... But over all, I enjoy everything here... My social life, I mean in the real world (not in online social networks =p) has been improved hehehe... 

Last Thursday me and my community met in Sri Wedari (on the second floor) and we shared few important things (women only! hehehe... while the men were also gathered on the first floor) in marriage world (because my community consist of singles and also married couple). Last Sunday me and my friends sang at NAV karaoke. Yesterday my mom came to Surabaya and I accompanied my mom to her doctor, buy things in Sinar Supermarket, and we also had dinner together. This Saturday I'll meet my high school friend (she will pick me up with her car) and go to (maybe) Pasar Atom... hehehe... 

Hmmm... I just wanna enjoy every second of these moments... ^.^ 
Thank You God...


The Meaning of Struggle

Tuesday, November 18, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Struggle is a sign of life

A dead body can only float along the sea level
But a living man is swimming to his destination

Just like Dori in "Finding Nemo" said, "Just keep swimming!" 


Minta Slip Biru Kalo Ditilang Polantas

Monday, November 17, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Dari Millis Tetangga: 
ada info begini: 

Guys... Sekedar info nih. Kalau kena tilang, langsung minta aja Slip Biru. Polisi Lalulintas itu punya 2 slip. Slip Merah dan Slip Biru. Kalau Slip Merah, berarti kita menyangkal kalau melanggar aturan dan mau membela diri secara hukum. Kalau kita dapat Slip Merah, berarti kita akan disidang. Dan SIM kita harus kita ambil di pengadilan setempat. Tapi ngerti sendiri kan prosesnya? Nguantri yg panjang bgt. Belom lagi calo2 yang bejibun. 

Tetapi kalau Slip Biru kita mengakui kesalahan kita dan bersedia membayar denda. kita tinggal transfer dana ke nomer rekening tertentu (BNI kalo ga salah). Abis gitu kita tinggal bawa bukti transfer untuk di tukar dengan SIM kita di kapolsek terdekat dimana kita ditilang. Misalnya, kita ditilang di Perempatan Mampang-Kuningan, kita tinggal ambil SIM kita di Polsek Mampang. Dan denda yang tercantum dalam KUHP Pengguna Jalan Raya itu tidak melebihi Rp. 50.000,- dan dananya Resmi, masuk ke Kas Negara. Jadi, kalau ada Polantas yang sampe minta undertable Rp. 75.000,- atau Rp. 100.000,- pasti masuk kantong sendiri. 

Trust me guys, I've been doing this before. Waktu kena tilang di Bundaran Kebayoran (Ratu Plaza). Saya memotong garis marka. Karena dari arah senopati sebelumnya saya berfikir untuk ke arah Senayan, tetapi di tengah jalan saya berubah pikiran untuk lewat sudirman saja. Dan saya memotong jalan. Saya berhenti di lampu merah arah sudirman. Dan tiba-tiba Seorang polisi menghampiri dan mengetok kaca mobil. Dia tanya, apa saya tau kesalahan saya? Ya saya bilang nggak tau. Trus dia bilang kalau saya memotong Garis Marka (atau apalah namanya, garis yang bukan garis putus-putus) . Saya cuman bilang, masa sih pak? saya nggak liat. Maafin deh pak. Tapi dia ngotot meminta SIM saya. Alhasil saya harus berhenti sejenak untuk bernegosiasi. Dia meminta Rp. 70.000,-. Dengan alasan, kawasan itu adalah Kawasan Tertib Lalulintas. "Nyetir sambil nelfon aja ditilang mbak!". Dia bilang gitu. Saya kembali ke mobil, dan berbicara sama teman saya yang kebetulan menemani perjalanan saya. 

Teman saya bilang, "Udah kasih aja Rp. 20.000,- kalo ga mau loe minta Slip Biru aja". Dengan masih belum tau apa itu Slip Biru, saya kembali menghampiri pak polisi sambil membawa uang pecahan Rp. 20.000,-. "Pak, saya cuman ada segini." Si polisi dengan arogannya berkata, "Yaahh.. segitu doang sih buat beli kacang juga kurang mbak". Sambil tertawa melecehkan dengan teman2nya sesama `Polisi Penjaga`. "Ya udah deh pak, kalo gitu tilang aja. Tapi saya minta Slip yang warna Biru ya pak!". 

Seketika saya melihat raut wajah ketiga polisi itu berubah. Dan dengan nada pelan salah satu temannya itu membisikkan, tapi saya masih mendengar karna waktu itu saya berada di dalam pos. "Ya udah, coba negoin lagi, kalo ga bisa ga papalah. Penglaris, Mangsa Pertama. Hahahaha..." . Sambil terus mencoba ber-nego. Akhirnya saya yang menjadi pemenang dalam adu nego tersebut. Dan mereka menerima pecahan Rp. 20.000,- yang saya tawarkan dan mengembalikan SIM saya. Dalam 
perjalanan, teman saya baru menjelaskan apa itu Slip Biru. 

So, kalo ditilang, minta Slip Biru aja ya! Kita bisa membayangkan dong, bagaimana wajah sang polantas begitu kita bilang, "Saya tilang aja deh pak, saya mengaku salah telah menerobos lampu merah. Tolong Slip Biru yah!". Pasti yang ada dalam benak sang polisi "Yaahh... ngga jadi panen deh gue..." 

*Di copy-paste dari forum ini


He Had Prepared Everything...

Saturday, November 15, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Beberapa hari kemaren aku sempet baca-baca halaman diary sebelum aku pindahan dari Lippo Cikarang ke Surabaya. Trus barusan ini, mumpung pas lagi online dari kos (hidup isat-eco! walau kadang dirimu ga stabil, tapi ya sudahlah aku kan tipe yang nrimo hihihi...), aku baca postingan-postingan blogku soal yang panik mau pindahan itu: di sini...

Pas sekarang udah ngejalanin, baru ngeh beneran kalo emang ternyata Dia udah siapin semuanya dari awal... Tapi pas waktu itu aku keburu panik coz aku masih belon bisa ngeliat apa yang udah Dia siapin di belakang layar =p

You know what? Semua kriteria kos yang aku pengen (aku tulis di diary) itu ada di kosku yang sekarang... plus ada beberapa tambahan hehehe... Aku kan pengennya kos itu yang deket ama kantor biar kalo bisa siy jalan kaki aja, kamarnya yang rada gedean, sirkulasi udaranya sehat (ga pengap), deket ama paling ga minimarket atau orang-orang yang jual makanan biar ga susah cari makan (soalnya itu kan daerah perumahan, jauh dari pusat kota)... Semuanya terpenuhi... kamar kosku yang sekarang lebih gedean dari kamar kos di Lippo Cikarang, ke kantor tinggal jalan kaki 5 menit-10 menit, deket ama Indomaret 'n orang-orang jual makanan (waktu aku survei pertama kali itu kan pas libur lebaran, pantesan jalanan sepi 'n ga ada yang jual makanan hihihi... aku dah panik, aku kira beneran ga ada orang-orang yang jual makanan di daerah situ), dapet nasi sepuasnya, bisa pake kompor gas kalo mau masak, 'n juga bisa ambil aer dari aqua galon di dapurnya! 

Kamarku di lantai 2, jendelanya ada kawat khas gitu jadi sirkulasi udaranya sehat banget hehehe... Trus di tengah-tengah rumah itu ada halaman 'n beberapa taneman 'n pohon... jadi sejuk hawanya... Plus, ada sepeda pancal yang bisa aku pinjem (sejauh ini cuman aku siy yang pinjem hihihi...) buat kalo mau ke Indomaret atau ke orang-orang yang jual makanan ituh (soalnya kalo jalan kaki lumayan siy hehehe...). Trus ada ruang TV-nya, jadi tiap Senen -Jumat aku sekarang bisa nonton "Heroes" hehehe... Dan tau gak... kos ini itu adalah kos yang pertama kali disaranin ama orang kantorku yang sekarang (yang dulu aku telpon-telpon tapi ga ada yang angkat ituh, sampe akhirnya aku panik 'n minta bantuan cari kos-kosan, baek lewat cara online maupun offline hihihi...). Lah ternyata kalo tau gini kan ga perlu panik-panik 'n ngerepotin orang yah hehehe... 

Ceritanya waktu aku masih di Lippo Cikarang itu, ternyata mamaku ada jadwal ke dokter di Surabaya. Jadi dia sekalian bisa survei beberapa alamat kos yang disaranin temen-temen, termasuk dia ngecek juga itu alamat kos pertama yang telponnya ga bisa aku hubungin (dan ketemuan ama yang punya kos). Ternyata setelah dia survei siy emang dari semua aspek itu yang paling cocok ya kos ini, paling deket ama kantor, suasananya enak, fasilitas juga oke... tinggal nunggu aku aja pas dateng buat ngeliat sendiri. Ya emang bener, pas aku ngeliat kos ini berasa sreg aja... hehehe... Jadi sori yah temen-temen yang ikutan repot pas aku minta bantuan cari kos di Surabaya hehehe... I really appreciate your help ^.^ 

Eum... apa yah... jadi ngerenung aja... Dia itu sebenernya udah nyiapin semuanya 'n aku seharusnya tenang aja ga perlu panik, just like He said before... tapi karna aku masih belon bisa ngeliat semuanya dengan jelas, aku jadi panik 'n ga percaya ama Dia, yang bikin aku akhirnya buang-buang energi 'n pikiran sendiri =p Aku baru bisa liat semuanya dengan jelas itu sekarang hehehe... Waw, I'm just so amazed with You God...


Will Be Busy

Saturday, November 15, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Start from next week I will be busy working on the web... Well, not the programming things, but I have to prepare my office's web....

Belakangan lagi ga minat nulis... entah kenapa hehehe... Ya well... pokoknya mo fokus ini dulu dah... daripada kebanyakan fokus jadi hang hehehe.... Tapi kalo buka multiply masih lah... hehehe... 


My Isat-Eco Is Activated!

Thursday, November 13, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Today I got a phone call from Indosat, she said my indosat-eco (unlimited internet package) was already activated. So later at 12:00 mid noon I'm gonna go to Galeri Indosat (Kayoon street) to buy the modem. 

Thanx to ce Bimbi yang mau nganterin hehehe... a bunch of thanx ce!!!

I think I'm gonna online tonight hehehe... 

PS: news update... belakangan lagi suka mantengin "Heroes" di Trans7 tiap senen-Jumat jam 8 malem... jadi pengen beli DVD serialnya... di Surabaya beli DVD serial gitu dimana yah? Dulu pernah tau di Pasar Atom, cuman gatau sekarang masih ada ga yah? Yang tau helep me yah... hehehe...


Godaan 'n Renewing Our Mind

Tuesday, November 11, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Selama beberapa hari lalu otakku sempet "hang"... Sampe kalo diinget-inget sekarang aku juga jadi heran kenapa yah aku bisa sampe mikir se-complicated itu hehehe...

Pas lagi "hang" itu aku sempet sms ke beberapa temen tentang beberapa topik yang occupied my mind. Thanx to Ms. D yang sincere, simple and to the point hehehe... She made me realized that what I was going through this time is just a matter of seduction... iya, godaan...

When I was in my previous place, one thing that I worried about was my family. But now, when I'm close to my family, there's another worry coming in. I guess it's true... Manusia emang ga ada puasnya hehehe... Udah disuruh bersyukur dan menikmati, tapi malah mencari-cari hal untuk dikeluhkan... Udah disuruh hidup di hari ini, tapi malah mikir yang mbulet-mbulet jauh ke depan padahal besok ada kejadian apa aja kita masih blom tau... hehehe... pijei toh yo...

Abis gitu sempet baca diary, ternyata oh ternyata... Dia udah ngasih bekal buat ngadepin apa yang aku lagi rasain itu sebelum aku napak di Surabaya... Like that's not enough, pas aku baca-baca halaman-halaman sebelumnya lagi, jadi nyadar kalo He had poured His blessings upon me so much more than I had imagined and more than what I had asked before... WAW...

So abis itu repent dah hehehe... Emang yang namanya renewing our mind itu kudu jalan setiap hari... kalo ga gitu otak jadi complicated hehehe... Thank You God... You really are my Guardian... 

...and thanx to Ms. D for the simple but nonjok words hehehe... and also for your friendship   


I'm Back on Track...

Monday, November 10, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Recently I have many self centered thoughts... I also have many worries because I was thinking too far =p

Yet He is faithful...
He reminded me of my past experiences with Him that I wrote in my diary...
He revealed to me how it feels to be in a person's position -who I had been trying hard to understand and forgive- which I has just experienced myself... until I really get it...
He reminded me of His promises and His words...

So... I repent and I'm back on track...  


Are Our Troubles a Blessing or a Curse?

Wednesday, November 05, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

(by Dan Miller)

Like most of you, I have been hearing a lot of personal examples of “disaster” this week. No gas, no job, no retirement fund, worthless stock, cancelled vacations, and general uncertainty. Rather than trying to create something profound I’d like to share this old story.
Once there was an old man who lived in a tiny village. Although poor, he was envied by all, because he owned a beautiful white horse. People offered fabulous prices for the horse, but the old man always refused. “This horse is a friend, not a possession,” he would respond.

One morning the horse was not in the stable. All the villagers said, “You old fool. We told you someone would steal that beautiful horse. You could at least have gotten the money. Now the horse is gone, and you’ve been cursed with misfortune.”

The old man responded, “Perhaps. All I know is that my horse is gone; the rest I do not know. Whether it be a curse or a blessing, I can’t say.”

After fifteen days the horse returned. He hadn’t been stolen; he had run away into the forest. Not only had he returned, he had brought a dozen wild horses back with him. Once again the village people gathered around the old man and said, “You were right – what we thought was a curse was a blessing. Please forgive us.” The old man responded, “Perhaps. Once again you’ve gone too far. How do you know if this is a blessing or a curse? Unless you can see the whole story, how can you judge?” But the people could only see the obvious. The old man now had twelve additional horses that could be broken and sold for a great deal of money.

The old man had a son, an only son. He began to break the wild horses. Unfortunately, after just a few days, he fell from a horse and broke both his legs. Once again the villagers gathered around the old man and said, “You were right. The wild horses were not a blessing; they were a curse. Your only son has broken his legs and now in your old age you have no one to help you. You are poorer than ever.” But the old man said, “Perhaps. Don’t go so far. Say only that my son broke his legs. We have only a fragment of the whole story.”

It so happened that a few weeks later the country went to war with a neighboring country. All the young men of the village were required to join the army. Only the son of the old man was excluded, because he had two broken legs. Once again the people gathered around, crying because there was little chance their sons would return. “You were right, old man. Your son’s accident was a blessing. Our sons are gone forever.”

The old man spoke again. “You people are always quick to jump to conclusions. Only God knows the final story.”

And so it is with our lives. What we see as a blessing or a curse may simply be part of God's preparation for what lies ahead. Be careful in seeing “disaster” in any change. Just recognize it as change – which opens the door for good as well as bad – for gain as well as possible loss.

I’ve spent 20 years seeing people go through unexpected and unwelcome change – and have enjoyed seeing most move on to more opportunity, freedom, fulfillment and income.

Source: crosswalk


Early Days @ My New Office

Monday, November 03, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Phewww... It's been ages! Finally I can get online! ^.^ Yea well at least that's how I feel hehehe... I haven't been online for about 2 weeks but since I'm an onliner, it feels like a decade! hehehe... a little dramatic =p

Actually I want to post a poem and an article before today, but I can't upload them because there were errors in my USB. So I will try to upload them again tomorrow.

Anyway, I have been staying in Surabaya since last Tuesday (28 October), I stayed early on purpose so I can get used to the new environment. I borrowed a bicycle from my dorm owner and I went over nearby roads, but so far, the nearest shopping place I can reached by myself is only Indomaret hehehe... I'm still trying to find any friends or ways so I can explore (and memorize!) the routes and public vehicles to get to places at the city centre, such as TP and Pasar Atom hehehe... 

I also have aplied for Isat-eco so I can get online from my dorm with my notebook. But I haven't given the last document they needed for approval. So just wait hehehe...

My work? I guess I won't be too busy, most likely these early days, because the website haven't been launched yet... The programmers are still working on it. Meanwhile on Wednesday the chief editor and me will go to the programmers (outsource) to check how far it's going.

The sad thing is... I still can't get enough sleeping time at night T_T I really need bolster (guling) T_T So here I am waiting desperately for a bolster from home that my mom will bring to me 2 weeks and 3 days more to come T_T I need you dear bolster... desperately need you...   


Jeda Dalam Hening

Friday, October 31, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Hening datang mendahului pagi
Kadang dia menyapa dan menitipkan temaram di hati
Kadang dia tinggal sejenak dan sodorkan tanya
... tentang dunia di balik kata “setelah itu”

Hening datang tanpa diduga
Serupa dengan wajah sunyi yang menggantung
Dia hanya duduk di sana...
Membiarkan nyanyiannya mengalun sepanjang malam

Hening datang membawa jeda
Jeda antara masa lalu dan masa depan
Satu masa yang terlindung dari detik-detik yang memburu
Sisipkan nafas baru pada jiwa yang lelah berjalan

Hening datang dalam bayang misteri
Dia seolah-olah bisa membuat kita merasa waktu terhenti
...sejenak... hanya dirinya yang terlihat...
Walau sebenarnya dia tak pernah sendirian

Dengarlah... jangan biarkan matamu terpejam
Ada Seseorang berdiri di balik hening
Seseorang yang menantimu untuk bangkit
Memanggilmu mendekat dan memulai perjalanan yang baru


Hening sepertinya datang tanpa makna
Tapi dia bukan kekosongan
Jika saja kita memandangnya dengan jeli
...dan membiarkan dia berlalu saat jeda itu usai...


Learn to Embrace the CHANGE

Wednesday, October 29, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

Right now I’m facing a few core changes in my life... A new season... new city, new dormitory, new job, new people to meet and work with, new things to learn and get used to, everything almost new to me. Even though I have lived in Surabaya before, in my high school and college years, but both of them were located near the city centre and their location were also kind of familiar to me. But in my new environment where I’m living now is a whole new place for me...

Yea... change might not always comfortable (sometimes scary =p), most likely for a kind of stable person like me, but like the words I’ve ever heard, “Change is good” hehehe... and honestly, I’m on my way to embrace those changes. As long as The One who never changes is walking with me, I think I’m gonna be just fine =p

I’m gonna re-write (with a bit of editing) an article by Susan Squellat Florence below, she wrote a great insignt about CHANGE:

Life doesn’t always turn out the way we planned. In fact, it almost never does. In work, our relationship, and expectations of how things “should” be... there are changes. We are afraid of change, but it happens anyway. We don’t seek out time of change but it happens anyway. We want to see, know, and understand what is happening to us. We think we can control our life. But ultimately, we can’t.

When we accept that life is full of changes and unknowing times they bring, we move beyond our fear. We will be able to begin a new journey of hope and opennes to what life brings. We grow with change. Times of change help us discover within ourselves a profound strength. We challenge ourselves to become deeper as we learn to live with uncertainty. We become more whole.

Times of change shift our life focus. We will begin to see things as they really are. By being open to new possibilities, we will see more than we’ve ever seen before. We also will see things that are truly important and meaningful to us. 

Change is a place of seeing beyond the life you had planned into new possibilities of what life can be.
Change is a way of growing beyond a person you thought you were into a stronger person you will become.
Change is a time of leaving a safe place where “you know” and entering a strange place where “you don’t know”.

Do not be afraid of change. Remember that the most insightful times are times of change. Within change come the seeds of new life. A dry farm land that had been destroyed by the heat of summer, will eventually grow again after the rain. Like the seasons, our life turns over and over again... Sooner or later, you will understand that life is not only full of changes, but life itself is a change...    
I’m so inspired... Eummm... but there are two cool changes, I have a new notebook from my dad =p hehehe... and also a new I-pod shuffle from my dear, beloved IT guys... =p Phewww... hehehe... Now I’m waiting for my I-sat Eco to be activated so I can be (soon) online from my dorm... so I can browsing, reading online articles, make some downloads, chatting, and also blogging!!! Boy, how I miss that last one! Hehehe...


Temporarily Offline

Thursday, October 23, 2008 Fay 0 Comments

I might not have a chance to be online for a while, due to my moving to Surabaya. 2 hari perjalanan di mobil, survei kos-kosan baru, melajarin rute jalan, mudik dulu bentar, ke Surabaya lagi, mulai kerja... phew... a lot of changes and I think I need time to adjust myself and learn new rules and habits. So I still don't know my possibility to get online. But I will be online as soon as I can =p 

However, I have a plan to get online from my new dorm at Surabaya. So I might need your recomendation for the best and the most economic unlimited internet connection =p Which one do you think is best? I have information about IM2 unlimited, but it needs credit card for its payment, I need more practical payment method, if there's another option... Do you have one?