3 Angels from Surabaya

Monday, June 12, 2006 Fay 0 Comments

Sabtu kemaren aku ketemuan ama ko Lung, ce Iin, and their daughter Abigail yang dateng dari Surabaya. Mereka datengnya mulai tanggal 8 Juni siy, coz minggu kemaren ada sodara sepupu mereka yang merit. So Sabtunya kita janjian ketemuan 'n jalan bareng. Walo ga sempet cerita-cerita banyak 'n lama, tapi tetep those are the most precious time for me...

Waktu jalan ama mereka tu serasa balik ke habitat asliku, felt like home... Coz sejak aku di sini, most of the times aku ngerasa like a stranger in a strange place... Itu perasaan yang bener-bener valuable banget... Just be among them...

Sempet siy cerita-cerita dikit, but not the whole story... Sedikit tentang kantor, tentang komsel di sini, tentang JPCC, and about me Kita lunch bareng (ama cece sepupunya ko Lung 'n sepupu-sepupu yang laen), jadi ga bisa terlalu bebas gitu ceritanya, kan perhatian terbagi-bagi, but it's okay for me, as long as I can be with them, feel the warmth of a real family, my second family...

They are a "place" to be just the way I am, they accept 'n love me the way I am, pokoknya a true family lah... not "perfect" yet but they're perfect for me... I'm very thankful coz He's giving me a chance to meet and be a part of His unity together with them... I saw many good things in them, and I grew with a new perspective becoz I saw the way they lived... so real, not fake 'n absolutely not artificial... Dari mereka aku belajar banyak hal, terutama nilai-nilai kehidupan... And I'm so grateful for their presence in my life...